Activité sur Maomao
Les dernières actions
épisode S1 E1 de Les Carnets De L Apothicaire
Synopsis : After being kidnapped and forced to work as a servant in the rear palace, former apothecary Maomao inadvertently draws the attention of the higher ranks when she investigates what's causing the emperor's infant heirs to fall mysteriously ill. Source: crunchyroll
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
2023 • Anime (mangas) NTV
Synopsis : À tout juste 17 ans, Mao Mao mène une vie bien compliquée… Formée depuis sa plus tendre enfance au métier d’apothicaire par un ancien du quartier des plaisirs, elle est enlevée et vendue comme servante dans le quartier des femmes du palais impérial. Pour survivre dans cette prison luxueuse, la jeune femme fait de son mieux pour cacher ses talents et se fondre dans la masse. Toutefois, lorsque les princes nouveau-nés meurent de façon suspecte les uns après les autres, son attirance envers le poison reprend le dessus. Armée de ses simples connaissances, elle observe, enquête, et trouve une solution qui lui vaut d’être repérée par Jinshi : un haut fonctionnaire de la cour qui décide de la promouvoir en tant que goûteuse personnelle de l’une des favorites de l’empereur. En plein cœur d’un véritable nid de serpents, le moindre faux pas peut lui être fatal…
épisode S1 E10 de Les Carnets De L Apothicaire
Synopsis : A tea party hosted by Lady Gyokuyou puts the politics of the rear palace at the forefront, and Maomao learns something new about Lady Lishu. His true intentions unclear, Jinshi sends Maomao to work for Lady Ah-Duo. Source: crunchyroll
épisode S1 E8 de Les Carnets De L Apothicaire
Synopsis : Maomao's peaceful morning at home is interrupted when she's called in to investigate an apparent double suicide at one of the local brothels. Source: crunchyroll
épisode S1 E7 de Les Carnets De L Apothicaire
Synopsis : Gaoshun goes to Maomao to get her help in resolving the events of the garden party. Later, Xiaolan explains the purpose of the hairpins Maomao was gifted, and Maomao makes a deal with Lihaku in order to finally visit home. Source: crunchyroll
épisode S1 E6 de Les Carnets De L Apothicaire
Synopsis : Maomao does her best to navigate the complex social situations at the garden party, including meeting the other Upper First rank concubines. But once she settles down to do her work as a food-taster, she discovers a surprise in a bowl of soup. Source: crunchyroll
épisode S1 E5 de Les Carnets De L Apothicaire
Synopsis : A eunuch stricken by a curse comes begging for aid. Meanwhile, the rear palace buzzes with excitement as everyone prepares for the upcoming garden party, and Gyokuyou's ladies-in-waiting aren't about to let Maomao get away without dressing her up. Source: crunchyroll
épisode S1 E4 de Les Carnets De L Apothicaire
Synopsis : Under direct orders from the emperor himself, Maomao tries to care for an ailing Concubine Lihua, but finds her work impeded by Lihua's own ladies-in-waiting. Source: crunchyroll
Yuurei Soudou
épisode S1 E3 de Les Carnets De L Apothicaire
Synopsis : Tasked with investigating a ghostly woman dancing nightly on the palace walls, Maomao finds a sleepwalking Concubine Fuyou. But with no medicinal cure for sleepwalking, she's forced to dig deeper to find the real reason behind Fuyou's affliction. Source: crunchyroll
Buaisou na Kusushi
épisode S1 E2 de Les Carnets De L Apothicaire
Synopsis : Maomao tries to settle into her promotion to lady-in-waiting and food taster, but struggles to fend off both boredom and the overly-familiar Jinshi. That is, until she gets an assignment of her dreams: to concoct an aphrodisiac. Source: crunchyroll
épisode S1 E1 de Les Carnets De L Apothicaire
Synopsis : After being kidnapped and forced to work as a servant in the rear palace, former apothecary Maomao inadvertently draws the attention of the higher ranks when she investigates what's causing the emperor's infant heirs to fall mysteriously ill. Source: crunchyroll