
Activité sur The Break Up

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Simo Tazi

a attribué 9/10 à l'épisode


de la série

The Break Up

The Break Up

épisode S1 E6 de How Not To Live Your Life

Synopsis : Things don’t go as planned when Don goes out on the pull with Eddie. Don finds out that Abby is single again when he returns home and he ends up upsetting the girl he met whilst out.

Simo Tazi

a attribué 9/10 à l'épisode


de la série

Don Dates a Cougar

Don Dates a Cougar

épisode S2 E2 de How Not To Live Your Life

Synopsis : Don starts dating an older woman but can't handle the grown up world she lives in. Sam has befriended a male friend from university who Don catches rifling through her underwear drawer.

Simo Tazi

a attribué 9/10 à l'épisode


de la série

Don's New Flatmate

Don's New Flatmate

épisode S2 E1 de How Not To Live Your Life

Synopsis : With Abby having been gone for about six months, Don and Eddie both want different women to move into the spare room.