6 épisodes
(4 h 30 min)
S1996 E2 • The Iran-Contra Scandal
This documentary, part of the 20th Century With Mike Wallace series from CBS News and the History Channel, delves into the Iran-Contra scandal that almost ruined President Ronald Reagan's second term in the White House. Narrated by series host and CBS News correspondent Mike Wallace, this episode spans from the heyday of President Reagan's popularity to the first uncovering of the plot of funding freedom fighters in Nicaragua with moneys from illegally sold weapons to staunch-enemy Iran. 20th Century With Mike Wallace includes CBS News footage of the Iran-Contra Congressional investigation and a variety of different governmental employees and reporters talking about the impact of the scandal on the Reagan administration and on the entire nation. There are also interviews with some key players in politics and in the scandal, including Oliver North, George Schultz, and John Poindexter
S1996 E3 • Democracy Crushed: The Story of Tiananmen Square
This report recalls the 1989 uprising by Chinese students and the changes in Chinese society that followed Mao's death in 1976. Interviewed: sinologists Ross Terrill and Andrew Nathan.
S1996 E4 • Diplomacy and Conspiracy - President Nixon's Trip to China and Watergate
Mike Wallace recalls how "diplomacy and conspiracy---the two sides of Richard Nixon's Presidency"---converged in 1972, when Nixon visited China and became embroiled in Watergate. Included: CBS coverage of the February trip ("a week that changed the world," says Wallace). Interviewed: Watergate operative Howard Hunt; journalist Bob Woodward.
S1996 E5 • Ronald Reagan and the Rise of the Right
A review of Ronald Reagan's political career examines the 40th President's role in the growth of American conservatism. Interviewed: Reagan aides Peggy Noonan and Michael Deaver; commentator Kevin Phillips.
S1996 E6 • Washington Scandals: Sex, Money and Power
A look at "Washington Scandals" includes former Presidential candidate Gary Hart, Nixon Vice President Spiro Agnew, and former Congressmen Wilbur Mills and Wayne Hays. Also: the ABSCAM sting operation.
S1996 E8 • Portraits of Courage: Air War in Vietnam and the Prisoner of War
By the early 1970's, North Vietnam held nearly 600 prisoners of war, mostly aviators shot down in the bombing campaign. Considered criminals by their captors, they persevered through torture and became a bargaining chip int the quest for peace.