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Saison 1995

Saison 1996

Saison 1997

Saison 1998

Saison 1999

Saison 2000


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JFK: A New Look

S1999 E1 JFK: A New Look

A review of John F. Kennedy's Presidency (from 1961-1963).

Première diffusion : 26 juillet 1999

Enemy Within: Drugs in America and the War to Stop Them

S1999 E4 Enemy Within: Drugs in America and the War to Stop Them

A report on the increase in the abuse of illegal drugs, such as heroin, marijuana, hallucinogens and cocaine, since 1960 also examines the ongoing war between law-enforcement officers and suppliers.

Première diffusion : 11 août 1999


S1999 E6 Kidnapped

A focus on past kidnappings in America, starting with the Lindbergh baby and including the Polly Klaas and Patty Hearst cases. Included: the laws designed to prevent them.

Première diffusion : 16 août 1999

Assassination and Chaos: RFK and the '68 Democratic Convention

S1999 E8 Assassination and Chaos: RFK and the '68 Democratic Convention

Two devastating historical events from 1968 are chronicled: the assassination of Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, and the Chicago riots during the Democratic Convention.

Première diffusion : 26 août 1999

Sizzling Planet

S1999 E12 Sizzling Planet

Examining the effect of burning fossil fuels on the environment, which is commonly known as global warming. Scientists discuss ways to reverse the damage that has been done to the atmosphere.

Première diffusion : 14 septembre 1999

Terror in the Sky

S1999 E13 Terror in the Sky

Chronciling two notorious airplane crashes, including the Korean Airlines jet shot down by a Soviet fighter; and the Pan Am jet destroyed by a terrorist bomb over Lockerbie, Scotland.

Première diffusion : 22 septembre 1999

Hispanics in America

S1999 E15 Hispanics in America

The growing social, economic and political power of Hispanics is examined. Included: interviews with Ruben Rambaut of Michigan State University and author Roberto Suro.

Première diffusion : 12 octobre 1999

Failed Promise of UN Peacekeeping

S1999 E16 Failed Promise of UN Peacekeeping

Examining the successes---and failures---of United Nations peace-keeping missions, and how the missions have changed with the end of the Cold War. Included: missions in El Salvador, Somalia, Cambodia and Bosnia.

Première diffusion : 29 octobre 1999