10 épisodes
(4 h 10 min)
S3 E1 • Train Park
When a flood causes Strathroy-Caradoc to relocate its miniature railroad, Giver lays down the track for a brand new train themed playground to go along with it.
Première diffusion : 13 avril 2015
S3 E2 • Firefighter Park
The firefighters in Victoria Harbour in the Township of Tay come to the rescue to help build a brand new fire truck themed playground next to their station.
Première diffusion : 20 avril 2015
S3 E3 • Carnival Park
The Cambridge Giver Team works to build a carnival themed playground that kids and seniors will enjoy together.
Première diffusion : 27 avril 2015
S3 E4 • Treehouse Park
Giver travels to Algonquin Highlands to build a tree house themed playground to match all the trees surrounding this lake front park.
Première diffusion : 4 mai 2015
S3 E5 • Cheese Park
The community of Ingersoll gets cheesy when tasked with the challenge of building a cheese themed playground to celebrate the history of cheese in their town.
Première diffusion : 11 mai 2015
S3 E6 • T-Rex Park
Giver teams up with the community of Rexdale in Toronto to make an epic T-Rex themed playground.
Première diffusion : 18 mai 2015
S3 E7 • Alphabet Park
The community of Emsdale teams up with Giver to create a new alphabet themed playground next to the library.
Première diffusion : 25 mai 2015
S3 E8 • Sports Park
The community of Amherstburg works together to create an inclusive sports themed playground at the local recreation centre that will be fun for all.
Première diffusion : 1 juin 2015
S3 E9 • Pizza Park
Giver heads to Leamington and works with the community to create a massive pizza playground.
Première diffusion : 8 juin 2015
S3 E10 • Hammer Park
The community of Hamilton gets out their hammers to build a hammer-themed playground, celebrating their city's nickname.
Première diffusion : 15 juin 2015