Saison 1

81 épisodes

(13 h 30 min)



Saison 1


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Humf's Painting

S1 E1 Humf's Painting

Humf paints his red Dad and his blue Mum, but the colours run together and Humf ends up with a purple blob. He's not happy until he realises that purple is the same colour as he is.

Loon's New Handbag

S1 E2 Loon's New Handbag

Loon has a new pink handbag. Humf has a cow-shaped rucksack. They both take their bags with them when they go to the supermarket and the bank with Humf's Dad.

Wallace Pretends Too Much

S1 E3 Wallace Pretends Too Much

Humf and Wallace like pretending to be elephants together, but when Wallace decides to pretend to be a lion Humf doesn't like it very much.

Loon's Pushchair

S1 E4 Loon's Pushchair

Loon is pushing her pushchair and doesn't want to give Humf a turn. She tells him he has to say `please' or people won't like him. So Humf says `please' and Loon gives him a turn. The, she contradicts herself when she doesn't say 'please' later. She says it is okay to sometimes forget.

Humf Goes Very High

S1 E5 Humf Goes Very High

Wallace's Quiet Game

S1 E6 Wallace's Quiet Game

Humf and Loon go to Wallace's flat to play, but Wallace is over excited. When they play cars he crashes them and when they build blocks he knocks them down.

Humf's Red Mittens

S1 E7 Humf's Red Mittens

One day it is snowing. Humf's Mum and Dad take Humf to the park and he wears his new red mittens. Humf likes the snow, and his Mum and Dad have fun building a snow furry thing.

Humf Climbs A Mountain

S1 E8 Humf Climbs A Mountain

When Humf's friends Wallace and Loon come round, they don't play Humf's game, called 'Far away', the way he wants. So Humf puts all his toys away and doesn't want to play at all.

Uncle Hairy's Restaurant

S1 E9 Uncle Hairy's Restaurant

Uncle Hairy takes Humf out to a restaurant and Humf orders his favourite, spaghetti, but when the waitress brings it, it doesn't look like the spaghetti Humf has at home.

Uncle Hairy's Cinema

S1 E10 Uncle Hairy's Cinema

Uncle Hairy and his girlfriend Flora take Humf, Wallace and Loon to the cinema. Wallace is the only one who has been to the cinema before and he remembers that you get popcorn.

Humf And The Fluffy Thing

S1 E11 Humf And The Fluffy Thing

Humf goes to the park and discovers a Fluffy Thing in the sandpit that he's never seen before. Humf avoids her at first, but soon ends up making a new friend after all.

Mum And Dad's Party

S1 E12 Mum And Dad's Party

Humf's Mum and Dad have a party and Wallace comes to stay the night with Humf. Wallace says he is going to stay up all night, and quickly falls fast asleep, but Humf can't sleep.

Humf's Shadow

S1 E13 Humf's Shadow

Humf saw the sun behind the clouds 6 times in total.

Humf Hangs Up The Laundry

S1 E14 Humf Hangs Up The Laundry

Humf is Hiding

S1 E15 Humf is Hiding

Humf likes playing hide and seek with his mum and his dad. He always hides under the bed.

Humf And The Scary Thing

S1 E16 Humf And The Scary Thing

Humf's Special Stick

S1 E17 Humf's Special Stick

The Hole in the Park

S1 E18 The Hole in the Park

Humf discovers a hole under a tree in the park. He and Wallace find some treasure to put in it.

Humf And The Balloons

S1 E19 Humf And The Balloons

Uncle Hairy brings some balloons for Humf and his friends to play with. Humf likes balloons, until one of them pops and then he is not so sure.

Humf's Special Cup

S1 E20 Humf's Special Cup

Humf's Ball

S1 E21 Humf's Ball

The Tickle Monster

S1 E22 The Tickle Monster

Sometimes Humf's dad turns into the Tickle Monster! Humf likes being tickled and Wallace does too. But when Loon comes round to play they discover that she doesn't like tickles at all.

Humf And The Moon

S1 E23 Humf And The Moon

Humf And All The Stars

S1 E24 Humf And All The Stars

Uncle Hairy's Band

S1 E25 Uncle Hairy's Band

Humf Goes Fast

S1 E26 Humf Goes Fast

Humf learns to do a somersault like Loon but Wallace can't do a somersault at all, so he decides to show off how fast he can run.

Première diffusion : 17 novembre 2013

Humf's New Word

S1 E27 Humf's New Word

Humf is curious about the words on the screen of the computer and in magazines, but when he asks his mum and dad what they say, they don't seem very interesting.

Première diffusion : 18 novembre 2013

Humf Gets Lost

S1 E28 Humf Gets Lost

When Loon's mum takes Humf and Loon to the supermarket, Humf gets distracted by all the new things there are to see.

Première diffusion : 19 novembre 2013

Humf Bakes Biscuits

S1 E29 Humf Bakes Biscuits

One day Humf bakes some cheesey biscuits with his mum and then Loon comes over. Loon likes cheesey biscuits and is determined to look at them while they are cooling off.

Première diffusion : 20 novembre 2013

Humf In The Fog

S1 E30 Humf In The Fog

One day Humf wakes up and everything outside is gone. Uncle Hairy takes him out to find the park in the fog.

Première diffusion : 21 novembre 2013

Slow Down, Wallace

S1 E31 Slow Down, Wallace

Wallace is wearing a cape and being his favourite superhero - Super Tiger.

Première diffusion : 22 novembre 2013

Humf's Big Boots

S1 E32 Humf's Big Boots

Humf's mum buys Humf some new boots for the rain, but he doesn't want to take them off. He wears them to Loon's house and Loon puts on her boots too and gets her umbrella.

Première diffusion : 23 novembre 2013

Wallace's Bath

S1 E33 Wallace's Bath

Humf likes to have a bath, but Wallace doesn't. After they both get muddy in the park, Humf can hear Wallace running around upstairs. And then it starts raining in the bathroom!

Première diffusion : 24 novembre 2013

Humf and The Ants

S1 E34 Humf and The Ants

Humf and Loon discover some ants in the park, but Loon doesn't like ants.

Humf's Friends

S1 E35 Humf's Friends

Humf Is A Furry Thing

S1 E36 Humf Is A Furry Thing

Humf's Favourite Book

S1 E37 Humf's Favourite Book

Humf Wakes Up Early

S1 E38 Humf Wakes Up Early

Humf wakes up so early that his mum and dad are still asleep. Humf doesn't mind. He climbs into bed with them.

Humf's Picnic

S1 E39 Humf's Picnic

Humf's mum packs a picnic in Humf's rucksack to take to the park. Humf proudly carries it, but it isn't easy.

Loon's Best Friend

S1 E40 Loon's Best Friend

Wallace's Favourite Toy

S1 E41 Wallace's Favourite Toy

Everyone Wants To Sit Next To Uncle Hairy

S1 E42 Everyone Wants To Sit Next To Uncle Hairy

Loon's Ballet Lesson

S1 E43 Loon's Ballet Lesson

Humf's Surprise

S1 E44 Humf's Surprise

Humf and the Bedbugs

S1 E45 Humf and the Bedbugs

Humf and Wallace Fall Down

S1 E46 Humf and Wallace Fall Down

Humf Changes His Mind

S1 E47 Humf Changes His Mind

Humf's Dad Goes on an Aeroplane

S1 E48 Humf's Dad Goes on an Aeroplane

Crispy Cakehead is Sad

S1 E49 Crispy Cakehead is Sad

Loon's House

S1 E50 Loon's House