Saison 1

26 épisodes

(21 h 40 min)



Saison 1


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My Late Lamented Friend and Partner

S1 E1 My Late Lamented Friend and Partner

When private investigator Jeff Randall goes out of town after collecting evidence for a woman about her cheating husband, partner Marty Hopkirk takes his place to settle the account. While waiting to see the woman, she dies in the bathtub, supposedly of a heart attack, but Marty thinks otherwise. Before he can convey his feelings about the woman's death to Jeff, he dies. When Marty's death is dismissed as a hit-and-run, his ghost returns, visible only to Jeff, to tell him it was murder.

Première diffusion : 21 septembre 1969

A Disturbing Case

S1 E2 A Disturbing Case

Jean and sister Jenny arrive at the office to find Jeff in the middle of a knock-down, drag-out argument with Marty over the use of Jean's car (which Marty, although dead, still considers his). The combination of lack of work, impending bills and Jeff's car stolen and used in a robbery that the police suspect him in lead Jean and Jenny to think that Jeff has snapped. They plant a tape recorder in the office to gather evidence, which they present to a psychiatrist who is behind a crime spree. The psychiatrist must reprogram Jeff to forget about Marty in order to prevent Marty from relaying information about the crime spree.

Première diffusion : 28 septembre 1969

All Work and No Pay

S1 E3 All Work and No Pay

When things start flying around her apartment, Jean comes to the conclusion that her late husband Marty is trying to contact her. She has fallen for the trap set by the Foster brothers, who claim to be ""scientific spiritualists"" and approach Jean with a job offer: she will have introduce them to people who are interested in contacting ""the other side"". What she doesn't know is their ""scientific approach"" involves murder.

Première diffusion : 5 octobre 1969

Never Trust a Ghost

S1 E4 Never Trust a Ghost

A government employee, James Howarth, is murdered in his home. ""There were no witnesses"", the murderer boasts. But there WAS a witness: Marty Hopkirk. Trouble arises when Marty convinces Jeff to investigate. He finds the ""murdered"" man very much alive -- and upset. Marty stays on the case, but every time he convinces Jeff that something is wrong Jeff finds things completely different than the way Marty described him. Jeff can only conclude that Marty is hallucinating -- if that's possible for a ghost.

Première diffusion : 12 octobre 1969

That's How Murder Snowballs

S1 E5 That's How Murder Snowballs

The highlight of the mindreading act of Fernandez and Abel is a blank cartridge placed in a revolver, then the correct chamber containing the cartidge predicted. This time, the cartridge isn't blank, it's real--and Abel fatally shoots his partner. Jeff, who was in attendance at the fatal show, gets a job as a solo mind-reader (thanks to his ghostly partner) to try to find out who was responsible for putting the real bullet in Abel's gun.

Première diffusion : 19 octobre 1969

Just for the Record

S1 E6 Just for the Record

Jeff and Jean are hired to be escorts for various contestants in the Miss World beauty competition. Jeff draws the assignment of escorting Miss London, who is working with a man to steal some documents from the Hall of Records that will prove he is the rightful heir to the throne.

Première diffusion : 26 octobre 1969

Murder Ain't What It Used to Be!

S1 E7 Murder Ain't What It Used to Be!

Paul Kirstner, a long-time underworld figure, arrives in London from America with a good deal of baggage in tow, including the ghost of his one-time partner, Bugsy Spanio. Kirstner, responsible for Bugsy's death 35 years earlier, hires Jeff to look after his daughter. Bugsy, meanwhile, tries to force Marty into getting Jeff to kill Kirstner in retaliation for what Kirstner did to Bugsy.

Première diffusion : 2 novembre 1969

Whoever Heard of a Ghost Dying?

S1 E8 Whoever Heard of a Ghost Dying?

A criminal gang is feeding Marty false information (which he gives to Jeff, who in turn tells the police) to keep the cops away from real burglary targets. Once Marty has served his purpose, he will be exorcised by a clairvoyant gang member, who has been working on Jean's emotions to make her an unwitting participant in the plan to dispose of Marty.

Première diffusion : 9 novembre 1969

The House on Haunted Hill

S1 E9 The House on Haunted Hill

For once, business is booming at the Randall and Hopkirk office. An insurance company hires Jeff to investigate the disappearance of a shipment of diamonds. At the same time a real estate agent hires Jeff to sort out rumors about Merston Manor, a house scheduled to go on the real estate market, being haunted.

Première diffusion : 16 novembre 1969

When Did You Start to Stop Seeing Things?

S1 E10 When Did You Start to Stop Seeing Things?

Marty, in a particularly good mood, materializes on Jeff's desk one Monday morning. Jeff, however, fails to respond to Marty's voice. He doesn't even look at Marty. What's worse, he acts as though he could care less about the sudden disappearance of his ghostly partner. Jeff seems to have two things on his mind: his new case involving the leaking of stock market information at the Towler Corporation, and Jean's figure. Marty becomes more alarmed when he witnesses Jeff kill a Towler Corporation executive.

Première diffusion : 23 novembre 1969

The Ghost Who Saved the Bank at Monte Carlo

S1 E11 The Ghost Who Saved the Bank at Monte Carlo

Marty's aunt Clara has spent five years perfecting a ""system"" that guarantees a win at roulette. She hires Jeff and Jean to escort her to Monte Carlo as ""bodyguards"". They have plenty of work to do: three different groups of people seem to be after Aunt Clara and her ""system"".

Première diffusion : 30 novembre 1969

For the Girl Who Has Everything

S1 E12 For the Girl Who Has Everything

Self-proclaimed ""ghost hunter"" James McAllister offers Jeff half the money he's making from millionaire Kim Wentworth to prove that her home, Crake Castle, is not haunted, even though McAllister claims to have seen the ghost. After Jeff and Marty join the case, McAllister turns up murdered.

Première diffusion : 7 décembre 1969

But What a Sweet Little Room

S1 E13 But What a Sweet Little Room

Julia Fenwick asks Jeff to find her missing aunt. The aunt stayed to herself, only going out once a week to seances. Jeff asks Jean to pose as a wealthy widow trying to contact her departed husband ""John"" to see what connection there is between the seances and a financial consultant who was the last person to see Julia's aunt.

Première diffusion : 14 décembre 1969

Who Killed Cock Robin?

S1 E14 Who Killed Cock Robin?

Bird lover Mrs. Wentworth Howe left her estate in trust, stipulating in her will that the money would not be distributed among any relatives as long as a bird remained alive in the aviary at the Howe mansion. When one of the birds is shot dead, estate trust attorney Laverick hires Jeff to investigate. When Jeff shows up at the mansion, the list of possible suspects grows shorter and shorter as the relatives are murdered one by one.

Première diffusion : 21 décembre 1969

The Man From Nowhere

S1 E15 The Man From Nowhere

In the bathroom, fresh from her shower, Jean Hopkirk hears a male voice call her name. She finds a strange man lying on the sofa, newspaper in one hand and drink in the other, making himself very much at home. The strange man has an even stranger claim: he is Marty Hopkirk, reincarnated.

Première diffusion : 28 décembre 1969

When the Spirit Moves You

S1 E16 When the Spirit Moves You

Calvin P. Bream is a cocky con artist, until his boast of an unlimited number of bearer bonds puts him in contact with a ruthless criminal by the name of Miklos Corri. Desperate to save his own neck, Bream says he's only the ""middle man"". Bream finds the name of a detective agency in the classifieds and heads there to throw Corri off his own trail. The agency he picks is Randall and Hopkirk.

Première diffusion : 2 janvier 1970

Somebody Just Walked Over My Grave

S1 E17 Somebody Just Walked Over My Grave

Marty's headstone is knocked over, and Jeff is knocked out by a man dressed in 18th century attire when he goes to investigate. What does it have to do with a wealthy man and his agoraphobic son who live in a mansion next to the cemetery?

Première diffusion : 9 janvier 1970

Could You Recognise the Man Again?

S1 E18 Could You Recognise the Man Again?

Jeff and Jean see a man leave their car after a party. The man left a body in the back seat. The case is open-and-shut, with both Jeff and Jean identifying the man in a police line-up, but the day before they are to testify Jean is kidnapped by the man's mother. Marty tries to find her, but every time he concentrates on Jean's location he ends up at their apartment.

Première diffusion : 16 janvier 1970

A Sentimental Journey

S1 E19 A Sentimental Journey

Jeff is hired -- much against his will -- by two rival criminals. The task seems simple: go to Glasgow, pick up an item worth £10,000, and bring it back to London. Things become complicated when the ""item"" turns out to be the girlfriend of one of the criminals -- and she promptly takes off, leaving Jeff to take the blame for a double-cross.

Première diffusion : 23 janvier 1970

Money to Burn

S1 E20 Money to Burn

Just at a time when Jeff could use some money an old friend shows up with a money-making proposition. Not so much money ""making"" as money ""taking"": he suggests to Jeff that they steal old notes that are en route to the incinerator. Jeff watches from a distance to see if his friend shows up and ends up in jail charged with the crime when the police prove he was in the vicinity and his alibi falls through.

Première diffusion : 30 janvier 1970

The Ghost Talks

S1 E21 The Ghost Talks

Thanks to a broken leg, Jeff is a captive audience (in a hospital bed) while Marty recounts the greatest case the Randall and Hopkirk office ever handled, involving MI5, spies, and a list of British agents Marty was tricked into stealing from a defense minister's home.

Première diffusion : 6 février 1970

It's Supposed to be Thicker Than Water

S1 E22 It's Supposed to be Thicker Than Water

Joshua Crackan is having a birthday party, gathering his relatives from various parts of the world. The assignment for Jeff is easy: he has to make certain that only those with invitations enter Crackan's property. Before the party Jeff and Marty have an argument and Jeff asks Marty to leave him alone. Now that the party guests are dying, Jeff is having second thoughts about handling the case without his ghostly partner.

Première diffusion : 13 février 1970

The Trouble with Women

S1 E23 The Trouble with Women

Jeff is on a ""cheating husband"" stake-out, his least favorite thing. A man is shot outside a club near where he is parked. After Jeff finishes talking to the police he returns to his office, where he meets a woman waiting to hire him. She claims the murdered man was mistaken for her husband. Jeff takes the case, then finds himself accused of murder when the woman's husband is found dead.

Première diffusion : 20 février 1970

Vendetta for a Dead Man

S1 E24 Vendetta for a Dead Man

Eric Jansen breaks out of the psychiatric unit of prison shortly before the anniversary of his arrest with vengeance on his mind. One problem, though: the man responsible for putting him behind bars, Marty Hopkirk, is already dead. Jansen decides that someone named ""Hopkirk"" is going to pay, so he sets his sights on killing Marty's widow, Jean.

Première diffusion : 27 février 1970

You Can Always Find a Fall Guy

S1 E25 You Can Always Find a Fall Guy

Jeff is charged with a break-in at an electronics company. He's obviously been set up, given that the first thing he saw when he walked into his apartment after an all-nighter was a nun telling him the electronics company was a convent. Everything has been made to look totally unbelievable, which is why Jeff has difficulty trying to convince the police to give him time to prove he has been framed.

Première diffusion : 6 mars 1970

The Smile Behind the Veil

S1 E26 The Smile Behind the Veil

Marty sees a funeral near his grave. Based on what he overhears he's certain that his ""new neighbor"" suffered the same fate he did: a murder made to look like an accident. Jeff has an appointment with a prospective client and is unwilling to do something for Marty for free, so Marty must trick him into looking into the death.

Première diffusion : 13 mars 1970