
Saison 1


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The Puppet is Alive!

S1 E1 The Puppet is Alive!

An Oak tree loses one of its branches during a storm, which is found by an elderly woodcarver named Geppetto who carves it into a marionette, made in the image of the child he always wanted, and names the puppet Pinocchio. Later that night the fairy guardian of the tree appears in Geppetto's workshop and gives Pinocchio life (though she cannot make him human until he has earnt it), much to the delight of the woodcarver who buys Pinocchio clothing and school books the next morning as well as arranging a birthday party for the puppet (during which it is revealed that Pinocchio has no sense of smell and cannot feel pain). The next day Pinocchio is sent to school, but is tempted skip classes to see a traveling puppet show by his schoolmate Franko and, against the advice of the ghost of the Cricket who lived in the branch he was carved from (the Cricket's accidental death is removed from the English dub), goes to sell his book for a ticket, only to be sold to the puppeteer by Franko.

Première diffusion : 4 janvier 1972

I Don't Want to be a Puppet

S1 E2 I Don't Want to be a Puppet

Following the events of the first episode, the puppeteer Sneeroff forces Pinocchio to perform in his puppet show without pay and under constant fear of being burnt as the worn out puppets are, which the other puppets explain is the way humans typically treat them. After the Cricket appears to him Pinocchio resolves to work hard to earn the money to repay his father for his clothes and books, but Sneeroff initially refuses to pay him as Cricket predicted, only to seemingly change his mind. However, when Pinocchio goes to collect his share of the money so he can return home Sneeroff admits he had no intention of paying him or letting him go and threatens to burn him. After this the puppet feels increasingly hopeless until he sees Sneeroff has fallen asleep at the table, giving him a chance to take the key from his pocket and escape, though Pinocchio refuses to leave without getting the money to repay his father and rescuing the other puppets. Unfortunately his plan is complicated when one of the puppets catches on a table, waking Sneeroff, who chases Pinocchio until the other puppets sacrifice themselves by tangling Sneeroff's legs; although even that is not enough to prevent him from catching Pinocchio he manages to escape when the ice they were standing on breaks. After escaping Pinocchio is still sad that he won't be able to buy a coat for his father and about his treatment as a puppet and wishes he could be human, the Oak Fairy then appears and tells him that he can become a human if he learns to be honest and compassionate, but first he should return home. Pinocchio and his father share a tearful reunion and the next day the young puppet heads out for school, though is slightly distracted by a girl mentioning that she plans to go somewhere fun.

Première diffusion : 11 janvier 1972

Mind Your Father!

S1 E3 Mind Your Father!

Spring is beginning and Geppetto warns Pinocchio not to go near the river during this time as there's a greater risk of him falling in the river and being swept over the waterfall, meanwhile Charlie the mouse is becoming jealous of the attention Pinocchio is getting. The Cricket appears to Pinocchio and tells him that he's promised to help keep him on the strait and narrow, though the puppet has no interest in his advice; later when he's praised again for the good marks he got at school Charlie resolves to be rid of him. The next day Charlie goes to see Jack the Fox & Willie the Weasel and entices them with the promise of the deviled egg sandwiches he knows are going to be packed in Pinocchio's lunch that day before suggesting they lure the puppet to the river and push him in to get the lunch package away from him, though Jack and Willie initially think Charlie's suggestion is a bit drastic they eventually agree. When Pinocchio shows up the three animals lure him away to the river claiming that they're going to watch the spring mole wrestling tournament, despite the efforts of Cricket to keep him on the path to school, and once they arrive there Jack takes his lunch box and Charlie pushes him in the river. Pinocchio manages to save himself from going over the waterfall with the help of Cricket and the Oak fairy and makes his way home, but ends up collapsing from exhaustion, Geppetto soon finds him and takes him home to treat his fever; meanwhile Charlie begins to worry about his plan being found out when Pinocchio wakes up, when Geppetto leaves to gather medicinal herbs the mouse attempts to cut the puppet's head off, only for his attempts to be thwarted by Cricket. Unfortunately he eventually manages to throw Cricket out of the way and decides to bite through the puppet's neck.

Première diffusion : 18 janvier 1972

Who Can I Trust?

S1 E4 Who Can I Trust?

Charlie's last attempt to kill Pinocchio is thwarted when he moves out of the way and begins to wake up, unable to remember the events of the past few days. A few days later he's fully recovered and able to return to school, though as he's getting ready Tommy the bird shows up and tells him and Geppetto that his and Tilly's eggs have hatched and promises to introduce them to the chicks soon. Meanwhile Charlie is still jealous of Pinocchio and conspires with Jack & Willie, who are already planning to steal the puppet's lunch, when Cricket prevents him from being tricked out of it the three animals simply steal it and Pinocchio chases after them, falling into a ravine in the process. After waking up he begins to make his way home and runs into Charlie who claims that everything he did the past few days were a misunderstanding and tells him that he should dry off in a nearby cabin before returning home, while there they hear chicks from what turns out to be Tommy and Tilly's nest and while Pinocchio goes to see it in the rafters Charlie pushes the ladder away and sets the cabin on fire with the help of Jack & Willie (though Charlie begins to have second thoughts about the plan). While attempting to escape the burning cabin Pinocchio finds Tommy and Tilly, who ask him to help save their chicks, who are too small to fly, and the group manages to escape the cabin before it collapses, though Pinocchio loses a foot in the process; meanwhile several adults from town have noticed the blaze and show up, assuming the puppet caused the fire. Fortunately Geppetto intervenes and persuades the crowd to let him off with a warning, once they're alone Geppetto admonishes his son for skipping school but quickly forgives him and carries him home to repair his foot.

Première diffusion : 25 janvier 1972

What is a Heart?

S1 E5 What is a Heart?

Pinocchio meets Johnny, a boy in his class who is under pressure from both his parents who have different plans for him: his mother wishes for him to study to become a doctor, while his father wants him to take over the family business and become a chimneysweep. Johnny himself feels he can achieve neither of these things and wants to choose his own path, though he has no idea what he wants from life and envies Pinocchio not having to face any of the pressures he does. Meanwhile, a stray cat named Nora convinces Pinocchio that he can become human if he acquires a human heart and after overhearing Johnny talking about how much he hates his life is convinced that he should take Johnny's, not understanding the implications of doing to or that Nora has a vendetta against Johnny for accidentally killing her kitten (the scene is removed from the English dub and is changed to him having once thrown a rock at her). That night Pinocchio sneaks into Johnny's house and steals a toy elephant, thinking it was a heart because it was carefully wrapped up, upon learning what a heart really is he returns with one of his father's chisels and wakes Johnny when he attempts to cut his heart out, the resulting ruckus wakes his parents who try to kill Pinocchio for his actions. Johnny intervenes and explains how unhappy he's been allowing both the family and the two children to reconcile and Johnny decides to take over the family business after hearing of why his great grandfather started it, meanwhile Pinocchio is disappointed he wasn't able to become human, the Oak Fairy then appears and explains to the puppet why his actions were wrong.

Première diffusion : 1 février 1972

Field of Witches Part 1

S1 E6 Field of Witches Part 1

On the night of the full moon Geppetto tells Pinocchio not to go outside as a witch is rumoured to wander the town and abduct children for a vampire on such nights. The next day when he and his classmates are on their way to school Pinocchio is teased by Franco for believing the story and challenged to go to Devil Forest to prove he isn't afraid, ignoring Cricket's advice and the objections of the girls he follows the boys into the woods and gets separated from them. Meanwhile the girls have told the adults what happened and a search party is organised, though Geppetto is not allowed to join, the search party finds the three boys being attacked by wolves though only Franco is successfully rescued while the other two are carried off by the wolves. Pinocchio, however, is still lost in the forest and is attacked by bats who are frightened away when Wretchel the witch appears, though she assures the puppet that she's simply a beggar and takes him to a castle in the woods where she introduces him to the beautiful Countess Leonard who offers to be his adoptive Mother. While touring the castle the countess reveals to Pinocchio that she is over 500 years old and that night she sheds her facade and attempts to bite the puppet's neck as he sleeps, only to realise that he is made of wood and has no blood for her to drink, the next day she suggests that he invite his classmates to play as an alternative to the mute dwarves living in the castle, activating the mind control spell in her bite as he leaves.

Première diffusion : 8 février 1972

Field of Witches Part 2

S1 E7 Field of Witches Part 2

Following the events of the previous episode Pinocchio returns home to Geppetto, much to his Father's relief, but has no energy. The next day he seems back to normal and asks the girls to accompany him to the castle, though Anna is initially reluctant to go she and the others agree after hearing that Pinocchio had promised to bring them there, however he begins acting strangely as they come closer to the castle and asks the girls to removes their crosses before venturing into the forest. Back in town the mothers of the three girls tell Geppetto what has happened and warn him he will be held responsible for any harm that comes to them and he heads into the woods in search of the children; meanwhile the countess welcomes the girls to the castle but neglects Pinocchio, the Oak Fairy appears and warns him of the true nature of the countess & Wrechel (as well as making his nose grow when he lies about not having any responsibility for what happened), but assures him that he has the courage needed to set things right. The countess then tells the girls that she will use them to maintain herself, turning Rosie & Sophia into dwarves and taking Anna with her, Pinocchio becomes depressed by the mess he's caused but the spell won't allow him to help. Just then Geppetto arrives and the dwarves touch the cross he brought with him which restores them to normal and allows them to use it to save Pinocchio, Wretchel then arrives to drain everyone's blood but after being told vampires are afraid of fire Pinocchio lights his hand on fire (as matches couldn't stay lit) and defeats Wretchel, after rescuing the girls the group then goes to defeat the countess which lifts the curse on the land surrounding the castle and allows everyone to return home.

Première diffusion : 15 février 1972