7 épisodes
(2 h 55 min)
S4 E1 • Night of the Memotronic
Le Shoc starts to ignore Furry's presence in the castle.
S4 E2 • Dark Night of the Ejaculatron
Furry tries to win tickets to a radio show and challenges a demon to duel his soul.
S4 E3 • There's a Hell in Von Bucket
Hannibal starts to torment the station employees.
S4 E4 • Return of the Living Night Shifts
The late night shifters rage war, Furry pens a script, and Dwayne gets a mysterious package.
S4 E5 • Night of the Thingy
Le Shoc's new direction for the station goes horribly wrong.
S4 E6 • The Transylvania Television Real Meanin' of Halloween Special Show
Furry and Batfink search for the true meaning of Halloween under the castle.
S4 E7 • Star Wars Holiday Special Opening Revisited
The TVTV crew does another intro for The Star Wars Holiday Special, this time with Hannibal as the host.