23 épisodes
(11 h 30 min)
Saison 3
Saison 7
Saison 8
Saison 9
Saison 10
Saison 11
Saison 12
Saison 14
Saison 15
Saison 16
Saison 19
S8 E1 • Conversations with Colonel Corso with Paola Harris
In 1998, Paola Harris sat down with Colonel Phillip Corso, author of the famed book, “The Day After Roswell.” 20 years later, she finally released details of what she learned from that fateful meeting. We learn that much of the technology which we take for granted came from studying the wreckage of Roswell and other crashes. More importantly, we learn of the technology still being withheld, due to the psychological and economic implication for the whole planet. As history progresses, humanity must change and with our sociological progress, dialog with extraterrestrials will finally be open for the whole of humanity.
Première diffusion : 16 août 2017
S8 E2 • Remote Viewing: The Mind Beyond Time with Major Ed Dames
Major Ed Dames expands our awareness of Remote Viewing beyond just an information gathering tool for psychic spy programs. Since the days of the Cold War, Remote Viewing has been a secret staple of U.S. Intelligence operations, but it can be so much more than that. It is a set of protocols that anyone can use to tap into patterns of information which surround us. As more people learn to access the fifth dimension of mind beyond time, the information gathering capabilities of Remote Viewing are beginning to find new fields of use.
Première diffusion : 23 août 2017
S8 E3 • The Nazca Mummies: Following the Evidence with Jaime Maussan
Standing at the forefront of the discovery of anomalous humanoid mummies in Nazca, Peru, Jaime Maussan remains firm in his commitment to report the truth of this historic finding. Throughout his career as an investigative journalist, he has never shied away from controversial subjects and this one is no different. In his pursuit to inform the public, he leaves no stone unturned in bringing to light the most recent results, addressing the concerns of the critics and openly baring outstanding questions just begging to be answered.
Première diffusion : 30 août 2017
S8 E4 • The UFO Highway with Anthony Sanchez
Anthony Sanchez brings to light secret underground testing facilities, in China and Dulce, New Mexico, where government agencies collude with extraterrestrial beings to reverse engineer technology from alien civilizations. In the past decades, this technology has found its way into multiple technological sectors raging from defense to information systems. But why are these secret facilities located in these particular places and who are the strange beings helping the scientists? The answer stretches back to the beginning of time with the Annunaki and a race of created beings called, the Igigi.
Première diffusion : 6 septembre 2017
S8 E5 • Helping the Dead Move On with Marla Frees
Psychic medium Marla Frees uses her gifts to make healing and transformative connections between the deceased and those they leave behind. The ties that bind, which she describes as “hyper-optic filaments of love,” strive to mend broken hearts and enhance the lives of the living. Learn how Marla uses her abilities to help law enforcement, her explorations of consciousness through the Monroe Institute, her training in remote viewing, and much more.
Première diffusion : 13 septembre 2017
S8 E6 • In Pursuit of the Truth with Stephen Bassett
Stephen Bassett explains that many drips of disclosure have already been released to the public through mainstream media. All we have to do is know what we are looking for in order to find it. For many years, he has pressured government agencies to disclose information concerning the extraterrestrial presence on Earth. His efforts have been met with feet dragging and harassment of whistleblowers. Despite the slow trickle of information, with enough people pursuing the truth, one day we will get the answers we have all been seeking.
Première diffusion : 20 septembre 2107
S8 E7 • Validating the Whistleblowers with Dr. Robert Wood
Dr. Robert Wood leaves no stone unturned, from eyewitness testimonies to documents from technological companies and MJ-12, in his dauntless search to uncover the truth. As more information about secret space programs and extraterrestrial contact is released, the truth of these phenomena get lost in disinformation tactics and deceitful attention seekers. To determine what is really going on, Dr. Wood has undertaken the great responsibility of authenticating documents concerning strange encounters and alien technology. To him, alien crash retrievals have led to more successful reverse engineering of alien craft than many people realize.
Première diffusion : 27 septembre 2017
S8 E8 • Accessing Spiritual Realms with Eben Alexander
From his own personal experience, Dr. Eben Alexander has found that life goes on beyond the moment of death. His adventure to the other side not only helped him to heal himself, but brought him a deep understanding of the connection between emotional and spiritual health. Now, he uses vibration and frequency, through special music, to help others access states of consciousness where their minds access the many layers of the spiritual realms, without an NDE. This leads to the realization that we co-create the universe with the great infinite creator. The more aligned we are to that, the more we can escape the boundaries of self and the woes of our world.
Première diffusion : 4 octobre 2017
S8 E9 • Giants: A World-Wide Phenomena with Brad Olsen
Habitable life on this planet is far older than scientific credit is given and the research of Brad Olsen reveals that hominid life is far more diverse than anyone could have ever imagined. Legends of peoples great and small permeate every culture throughout the world. Teams of archeologists and anthropologists have made amazing finds which substantiate the truth to such legends. But to protect the accepted narrative of mainstream science, these findings have been quickly swept away and kept out of the inquisitive eye of the public. With the stirrings in Antarctica becoming more well-known, these secrets may not remain hidden for much longer.
Première diffusion : 11 octobre 2017
S8 E10 • Rise of the Technocracy with Patrick Wood
Behold, the rise of the technocracy. Imagine a one-world government where politicians no longer have power and the wealthy can no longer exert influence over world events. Patrick Wood sounds the clarion call announcing the shift of power from the hands of the elite into a new world run by technology. It is a world where paradigms of efficiency are enforced by a new ruling class of scientists and engineers who use technology to wield power. As the march of progress continues, step by step, the technically adept are beginning to wrest control from the power-elite.
Première diffusion : 18 octobre 2017
S8 E11 • Tales of an X-Files Agent with John Desouza
A former FBI special agent, John Desouza, may have been the real X-Files guy. He comes forward to reveal results from his investigations into paranormal phenomena, including UFO sightings and encounters with strange beings. Even though he pushed to get to the heart of these happenings, he was met with an ever-strengthening shroud of secrecy, obscuring his work and discrediting witnesses. He explains key tactics used as part of this cover-up operation, which are used in mainstream and social media whenever news of unusual events leak to the public.
Première diffusion : 25 octobre 2017
S8 E12 • A Phantasmagoria of the Paranormal with Joshua P. Warren
Welcome to a phantasmagoria of bizarre events which form a big paranormal circle of psychic phenomena. Joshua Warren, a paranormal investigator, has discovered a connection between ghosts, UFOs and cryptids. We explore organic UFOs of the Bermuda triangle, telepathic connections used to contact UFOs around the world, the use of abstract symbols to focus the mind for manifestation and the strange case of Robert the haunted doll.
Première diffusion : 1 novembre 2017
S8 E13 • Resolving the Star Child Mystery with Chase Kloetzke & Kerry McClure
The Star Child investigation, as once led by the late Lloyd Pye, may finally be resolved as new information is brought forward by Chase Kloetzke and Kerry McClure. Lloyd Pye gave much of his life diligently pursuing the truth behind the Star Child skull, attempting to discover what it was and where it came from. Results of new tests are in and we finally have some answers as to its origin. The continuing efforts of investigators, have raised the bar for evidence required to meet the burden of proof. This means that hoaxes, false reports and public ridicule can no longer stand up to level of scrutiny being applied to such investigations.
Première diffusion : 8 novembre 2017
S8 E14 • Secret Messages in Movies with Jay Dyer & Jay Weidner
Jay Weidner and Jay Dyer, of Hollywood Decoded, expound upon their understanding of esoteric symbolism to show us the secret messages embedded within blockbusters such as the Matrix, 2001, X-Files and Avatar. Controversy and conspiracy are familiar companions to filmmakers such as Kubrick, Scott and Cameron, as they intricately weave subtle hints of secret machinations throughout their movies. More than clandestine revelations, what we see in these movies are predictions of future events and technology.
Première diffusion : 15 novembre 2017
S8 E15 • Clues of the Sun's Twin with Jason Martell
Something massive is tugging on the planets of our solar system, and astrophysicists tell us, it is getting closer. Jason Martell deciphers clues left by ancient cultures which reveal that the sun is but one star in a binary system. As the ages pass, the precession of the equinox, considered the indicator of a coming golden age, may also foretell the return of our sun’s mysterious companion. Perhaps monuments on Mars reflect this ancient wisdom and prove that the seeds of life can be found throughout the cosmos.
Première diffusion : 22 novembre 2017
S8 E16 • The Seeker's Journey with Jordan Sather
Jordan Sather is a seeker who avidly works to tie together the many threads woven throughout the truth seeker’s journey. Like others who seek the truths hidden from the public eye, he has quickly found himself set upon a multifaceted journey fraught with conspiracy, suppressed sciences and conscious ascension. He brings forward his insights on suppressed health sciences, deep truths of the secret space program, suppressed technology and cosmic changes affecting planet and consciousness.
Première diffusion : 29 novembre 2017
S8 E17 • Göbekli Tepe: Portal to the Universe with Andrew Collins
Andrew Collins explores the alignment of Göbekli Tepe, the oldest archeological site yet discovered, with the constellation of Cygnus, as a means of determining why this ancient megalithic site was built. When the first fragments of this sacred site were unearthed, questions were raised about who the builders were and when they lived. With every answer, new questions and controversies were raised. As we examine the stone spires, we see that they are aligned with the stars of Cygnus, opening the possibility of this site connecting Earth with celestial realms.
Première diffusion : 6 décembre 2017
S8 E18 • Evidence of Nuclear War on Mars with John Brandenburg
The research of John Brandenburg suggests that Mars was once teeming with life, cut short by the detonation of two massive nuclear weapons. As a nuclear scientist, he is keenly aware of the effects of nuclear explosions and has discovered such tell-tale signs on Mars. As the eons have passed and the radiation dispersed, the red planet is once again safe for habitation. He suggests that the greatest memorial we can erect for the lost Martian civilizations is to resurrect the biosphere and bring life back to Mars.
Première diffusion : 13 décembre 2017
S8 E19 • The Life and Trials of Jordan Maxwell
Jordan Maxwell has studied the enigma of esoteric symbols and has caught the attention of some very powerful people because of his willingness to reveal the secrets behind these cyphers. Esoteric symbolism has been used by the power elite for centuries to convey secret information and to demonstrate clandestine affiliations between prominent organizations. His determination to reveal these secrets has led to life of trial and tribulation.
Première diffusion : 20 décembre 2017
S8 E20 • Nephilim: The Ashes of Angels with Andrew Collins
Andrew Collins explores the possibility that the Nephilim and the Watchers from the Old Testament were celestial beings that became the progenitors of a dominating species of human. He suggests that the books of Genesis and Enoch tell of otherworldly beings comingling with primitive human-like creatures to form a race of giants that became the power elite of the ancient world. With the discovery of the Denisovan hominin, an extinct species of human, comes the very real possibly that these fallen angels were indeed flesh and blood beings, genetically and politically influencing the course of human history.
Première diffusion : 27 décembre 2017
S8 E21 • Inside Bilderberg with Daniel Estulin
Once a year, the most powerful people on the planet gather, behind closed doors, to discuss the economic and political future of humanity. Daniel Estulin exposes the philosophy and motivations of an organization, which may be the biggest power behind the scenes, known as the Bilderberg Group. His research highlights the conflicts that arise within these clandestine conferences and how they affect vast swaths of the planet’s populace. He explains that this is not about conflicts between countries, rather various global projects that are competing for survival and dominance in a game where only the world’s elite are allowed to play.
Première diffusion : 3 janvier 2018
S8 E22 • Knights Templar Nation with Freddy Silva
The Knights Templar quest was not for financial gain, but to uncover the greatest spiritual treasure of all time – the lost art of resurrection — which spurred them to their greatest and least known achievement. Freddy Silva presents his provocative research on how the original eleven Templars, two of whom were Portuguese, founded Europe’s first independent nation-state, Portugal, his native country. Supported by the Order of Sion and the Cistercian Order, the original Templars established a new paradise amid the ravages of Europe and a corrupt Church, disseminating 6000-year old esoteric teachings concerning the evolution of the soul.
Première diffusion : 10 janvier 2018
S8 E23 • Ancient Tales of Death and Resurrection with Freddy Silva
Researching the lost art of resurrection, Freddy Silva has uncovered the spiritual truths buried in sacred texts concerning the true meaning of rebirth. Across the ancient world, temples and secret chambers were built where initiates endured great ordeals so they could experience living resurrection. And they returned to tell the tale. Over the eons, stories of these rites have been obscured and woven into the fabric of mainstream religion and occult practice, but what they profess is opposite to their real meaning. Truths that were once held only for the initiated few are now being brought forth for all to experience the spiritual evolution of the soul — while you are on Earth.
Première diffusion : 17 janvier 2018