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Saison 1

10 épisodes

(8 h 20 min)



Saison 1


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La légende de la Kimaïra

S1 E1 La légende de la Kimaïra

Lured to a cursed island, Black Jack is curious to see what sort of disease is worth a three million dollar fee. When he gets there, however, he discovers a century-old virus that causes the victim to suffer painful spasms as all the water drains from his body – leaving the victim dead from dehydration. But when a frightened mob decides to take matters into their own hands, it’ll take all of Black Jack’s skill to keep his patient alive. Source: tezukainenglish.com

Première diffusion : 21 décembre 1993

Procession funèbre

S1 E2 Procession funèbre

Fate brought Black Jack into the lives of four teenage girls when they most needed his help. Now, six months later, fate has reunited them. But this time, the prognosis is not good. Two of the girls have already died. One of the girls is alive, but mentally unstable. The last girl is lying on a hospital bed, but her chances are slim. Her only hope is immediate brain surgery. Black Jack must perform the complicated surgical procedure and discover what happened in his absence. Source: tezukainenglish.com

Première diffusion : 21 décembre 1993

Les médailles de Maria

S1 E3 Les médailles de Maria

Two victims thrash in agony, scarred by war. Once again, renegade doctor Black Jack is caught in the crossfire. With Death breathing down his neck, he braves bullets and deadly biohazards to save the afflicted. Will the detective doctor prevail once more? Or will he pay the ultimate price for his mercenary ways? Source: tezukainenglish.com

Première diffusion : 21 décembre 1993

Une étrange anorexie

S1 E4 Une étrange anorexie

An infamous actress is suddenly stricken gravely ill. While she’s visibly undernourished and weak, she doesn’t seem to be able to eat. He has run every conceivable test, yet nothing appears to be wrong with her. Unable to hold her food down, the young star has become desperate. Considering suicide to end her torment, she has found a special doctor to help her die. Black Jack must race against time to save her – his only lead: the girl’s past and a deadly secret from World War I. It is a perplexing question of faith when Black Jack is hired to keep her from dying. Source: tezukainenglish.com

Première diffusion : 21 mars 1995

Le hibou de San Merida

S1 E5 Le hibou de San Merida

While on vacation, Black Jack comes across a young man haunted by the vision of a woman who beckons him to return to a town he’s never visited. He also has visions of being shot in a battle in which he was too young to have possibly fought! Bullet wounds mysteriously appear on his body, bleed, and disappear. Is the young man insane? Could it have anything to do with an operation performed on the young man many years before? Or are there other forces at work? It’s up to Black Jack. Source: tezukainenglish.com

Première diffusion : 20 mai 1995

La princesse maudite

S1 E6 La princesse maudite

In the middle of a strange blizzard, Black Jack finds himself trying to rescue a dying princess. Taking poison to avoid a loveless marriage, she would prefer death to a life where she was forever denied the arms of the man she truly loves. Now, Black Jack is forced to question what is real when he opens up the girl and finds a demon waiting inside. Source: tezukainenglish.com

Première diffusion : 21 mai 1996

Un serviteur de Dieu

S1 E7 Un serviteur de Dieu

In a war zone devastated by minefields and strife, a dying child is missing. She fights a foe more deadly than any terrorist. Her heart is a time bomb that will kill her even as the explosions annihilate her home. Can renegade doctor Black Jack recover his patient before both their lives are claimed by war? Source: tezukainenglish.com

Première diffusion : 21 août 1998

Le protecteur

S1 E8 Le protecteur

A sinister tree lurks over a village, sheltering the inhabitants for a terrible price. Victims are plagued by voices, then driven to madness and death. When renegade surgeon Black Jack operates on the latest casualty, he discovers a horrifying parasitic plant. Does the tree’s spirit seek to possess a human host? Now the doctor who plays at being god must defy and ancient fury of nature! Source: tezukainenglish.com

Première diffusion : 25 octobre 1999

Une tumeur à visage humain

S1 E9 Une tumeur à visage humain

A desperate man is plagued by a tumor shaped like a human face. When the tumor begins to talk and think, renegade surgeon Black Jack is the one man who can free the victim from its grotesque tyranny. Meanwhile, a serial murderer is on the prowl, a criminal beset by an identical deformity. Black Jack must decipher the connection before the hideous mutation devours its host, body and soul! Source: tezukainenglish.com

Première diffusion : 25 février 2000

La sirène

S1 E10 La sirène

A young woman experiences a startling transformation after being exposed to toxic. Terrified by the changes her body is going through, the frightened young woman implores Black Jack to operate and attempt to reverse the transformation. When Black Jack discovers that the young woman is evolving fish-like properties, he begins to suspect that she may in fact be turning into a mermaid. Source: tezukainenglish.com

Première diffusion : 25 juillet 2000