Saison 3

29 épisodes

(5 h 48 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3


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I Really Absolutely Must Have Glasses

S3 E1 I Really Absolutely Must Have Glasses

Lola refuses to have her eyes tested at the optician's. She has tested them herself, 'and they are really very clever'. Until, that is, Mini Reader appears at school with the most beautiful pair of glasses Lola has ever seen. Now, Lola can't wait to have her eyes tested because she 'absolutely does need glasses'.

Première diffusion : 17 novembre 2007

Thunder Completely Does Not Scare Me

S3 E2 Thunder Completely Does Not Scare Me

Lola asks, is there is a big hungry giant up in the sky with a rumbly tummy, or is the sky going to fall down? Wooden spoons and biscuit trays holds the answer to helping Charlie stop Lola from being frightened.

Première diffusion : 17 novembre 2007

I Am Completely Hearing and Also Listening

S3 E3 I Am Completely Hearing and Also Listening

Lola thinks that she's good at listening. However, her not listening leads to problems at home and at school. When Arnold Wolf invites everybody to his house for a Batcat party, Lola doesn't listen to the instructions, and Charlie and Lola miss the party. Lola has to become a good listener.

Première diffusion : 11 décembre 2007

But I Don't Really Like This Present

S3 E4 But I Don't Really Like This Present

Lola doesn't like the hat that Lotta gives her. It's itchy and it has 'dangly bits'. Even Soren Lorenson, Lola's imaginary friend, thinks it wouldn't be too bad if she lost the hat by accident. It's only when she really does lose it that Lola realizes her friendship with Lotta is more important.

Première diffusion : 11 décembre 2007

I Can Train Your Dog

S3 E5 I Can Train Your Dog

Marv's Mum says that Sizzles really is a very naughty dog but Lola knows this isn't true. Sizzle just needs some practice! Charlie and Lola take Sizzles back to their flat and set about training him. Things aren't going well, until they discover that Sizzles will do anything for a sausage!

Première diffusion : 12 janvier 2008

Do Not Ever Never Let Go

S3 E6 Do Not Ever Never Let Go

Lola and Lotta both love their tricycles but when Lotta is given her big cousin's bike. Now, Lola wants a big bike too! She gets Charlie's old one and is delighted. But when Lola gets to the park, she discovers that Lotta has taken her stabilisers off. Lola has to learn to ride without stabilisers too, and it's not as easy as it looks!

Première diffusion : 12 janvier 2008

Our Shop Sells Everything

S3 E7 Our Shop Sells Everything

Lola and Lotta have got a pretend shop that sells everything. They're having great fun until they accidentally sell Charlie's swimming goggles to Morten, their only customer. Charlie wants his goggles back immediately, but Morten doesn't want to swap the goggles for anything.

Première diffusion : 9 février 2008

I Am Inventing a Usefullish Invention

S3 E8 I Am Inventing a Usefullish Invention

Charlie and Marv have to come up with an invention for a school project by tomorrow. Lola reckons that she's an extremely good inventor too, and keeps interrupting their efforts with ideas of her own. The boys have got to invent something really fantastic and time is running out. Just as they are beginning to panic, Lola the Inventor stumbles on a brilliant idea!

Première diffusion : 9 février 2008

I Can Dance Like a Dancer

S3 E9 I Can Dance Like a Dancer

Lola is sure that she is a good dancer. But some dancing is a bit too swirly, ballet is too floaty, while tap dancing is too shuffly and not tappy enough. Just when she thinks she will never ever be any good, Lola finds a way of combining all the different dances and coming up with one big special dance all of her own - Lola dancing.

Première diffusion : 29 mars 2008

Help! I Really Mean It!

S3 E10 Help! I Really Mean It!

Granny and Grandpa's cat, Caspar, has come to stay with Charlie and Lola. Lola loves looking after Caspar but keeps calling for Charlie's help. Lola and Lotta think that it's quite fun calling for Charlie and watching him come running. Fun, that is, until Caspar gets stuck up in the sky and Lola and Lotta really need Charlie's help.

Première diffusion : 29 mars 2008

I Would Like to Actually Keep It

S3 E11 I Would Like to Actually Keep It

Lola finds a toy rabbit outside her school and takes it home with her after nobody claims it by hometime. Charlie and Lola put up posters of the rabbit so that it's owner can claim it back but Lola eventually decides she would rather keep it for herself.

Première diffusion : 19 avril 2008

It's Raining, It's Boring

S3 E12 It's Raining, It's Boring

Charlie and Lola are having a day-trip to Marv's, but Lola is sure that it will be spoiled when it starts raining. She wanted to play in the park with Marv's dog, Sizzles, but it now seems that they're stuck inside playing rainy-day games. When Marv finds a box marked with promises of curing boredom with fun games, it looks like their luck may have changed.

Première diffusion : 19 avril 2008

I Am Goody the Good

S3 E13 I Am Goody the Good

Lola decides to be helpful like the hero of her book, Goody the Good.

Première diffusion : 17 mai 2008

It is Very Special and Extremely Ancient

S3 E14 It is Very Special and Extremely Ancient

Lola and her best friend Lotta find out what a fossil is and are determined to find one. Charlie doesn't think they will. Undeterred, Lola searches her lunchbox, the sandpit and the rockery. They find all sorts of things, but no fossils. Maybe their luck will change at the beach?

Première diffusion : 17 mai 2008

I Slightly Want to Go Home

S3 E15 I Slightly Want to Go Home

Lola is going to Lotta's house for her first ever sleepover, and it couldn't be more exciting. But, little by little, Lola realises everything is a bit different from her normal bedtime. Lotta brushes her teeth after bath time, not before! Even a midnight feast can't cheer her up. When it's finally time to put the light out, Lola admits that she wants to go home.

Première diffusion : 21 juin 2008

I Am Extremely Absolutely Boiling

S3 E16 I Am Extremely Absolutely Boiling

It's extremely hot and Charlie and Lola are trying to stay cool. Lola falls out with Arnold but ends up friends again.

Première diffusion : 21 juin 2008

I Am Making a Craze

S3 E17 I Am Making a Craze

Everyone is hooley hooping - Charlie, Marv, Lotta - in fact, the whole school is hooley hooping, and Lola has had enough. She decides to make up a new craze, but soon realises it's not as easy as you might think. Until she hits on 'Cuppy Catch-Ball'.

Première diffusion : 26 juillet 2008

But Where Completely Are We?

S3 E18 But Where Completely Are We?

Charlie and Lola's parents let them go 'camping' in the garden. Charlie is kitted up like a real explorer, and is all excited by the prospect of wild animals, survival and living off the land, but Lola isn't so sure.

Première diffusion : 26 juillet 2008

I Am Going to Save a Panda

S3 E19 I Am Going to Save a Panda

Lola and Lotta are adopting a panda and decide to raise money by getting sponsored to do difficult things. Charlie will balance an apple on his head, Marv will stand on one leg, Lotta is going to skip and Lola hop. Then Lola wakes up ill and Mum says she has to stay in bed. How will she save a panda now?

Première diffusion : 30 août 2008

I've Got Nobody to Play With

S3 E20 I've Got Nobody to Play With

Playing Piggy in the Middle is fun, but you need other people. Charlie is going out and Lotta has a cold. So Lola has no one to play with - until she remembers her imaginary friend Soren Lorenson.

Première diffusion : 30 août 2008

But We Always Do It Like This

S3 E21 But We Always Do It Like This

When Charlie and Lola visit Granny and Grandpa they always build an extremely special sandcastle on the beach, and they always do it together. This time a little girl, and her whole family, is determined to join in and Lola's not too happy about it.

Première diffusion : 7 septembre 2008

I Can't Stop Hiccupping!

S3 E22 I Can't Stop Hiccupping!

Lola and Lotta are practising their song for the school concert when Lola gets a fit of the hiccups. At first it's very funny, but soon she just wants her hiccups to go away. Everyone tries to help Lola get rid of her hiccups, but will they go before the big performance?

Première diffusion : 7 septembre 2008

What Can I Wear for Halloween?

S3 E23 What Can I Wear for Halloween?

Charlie, Lola, Lotta and Marv have been growing a pumpkin all year for the Halloween party. Lola can't decide what to wear, and the boy from downstairs shatters the pumpkin: the party is ruined!

Première diffusion : 25 octobre 2008

But Marv is Absolutely Charlie's Best Friend

S3 E24 But Marv is Absolutely Charlie's Best Friend

Lola is distraught when she sees Charlie and Marv playfighting. To make things worse, someone called Jack is claiming to be Marv's new best friend. Lola and Lotta hatch a plan to get them back together - involving pirates!

Première diffusion : 25 octobre 2008

I Really, Really Need Actual Ice Skates

S3 E25 I Really, Really Need Actual Ice Skates

Having begged Granny and Grandad for a scooter, Lola suddenly decides that what she really wants is a pair of white, sparkly ice skates. Charlie warns her that they will end up like her yoyo, neglected at the bottom of her cupboard. But Lola is convinced that if she gets them she'll be the best ice skater in the whole school.

Première diffusion : 27 décembre 2008

I Wish I Could Do That And Also That Too

S3 E26 I Wish I Could Do That And Also That Too

Lola promises to play beads with her friend from school, but then Marv invites her to his space party on the same day! She did promise, but there's going to be games and cake at Marv's house.

Première diffusion : 27 décembre 2008

I Can Train Your Dog

S3 E27 I Can Train Your Dog

I Can Train Your Dog

S3 E27 I Can Train Your Dog

Première diffusion : 30 novembre 2007

I Can Train Your Dog

S3 E27 I Can Train Your Dog

Première diffusion : 30 novembre 2007