26 épisodes
(5 h 12 min)
S2 E1 • Chi and the Goldfish
"Chi's Sweet Adventures," the Anime loved everywhere around the world, is back! It's yet another happy day for Chi, as she's petted by her loved ones. Just then, a present arrives from Yohei's cousin Julie. It's a pretty goldfish! Extremely curious, Chi tries to get closer to the goldfish... Chi meets the newest addition to the family!
Première diffusion : 7 avril 2018
S2 E2 • Chi meets a pigeon
Chi and Come-Come are taking a stroll, and find a pigeon. They decide to go chase it. But unsuspecting as they may seem, pigeons are actually pretty nimble and hard to catch. Blackie becomes impatient and gives the two a special lesson on how to catch pigeons. The two kittens try again to catch the pigeon with their newly acquired skills!
Première diffusion : 14 avril 2018
S2 E3 • Chi gets into mischief
Chi, Come-Come, and the siblings Ann and Telly gather at the park. They stroll around looking for something fun to do and find Blackie and Old Lady Calico taking a nap. It's the perfect opportunity for a bit of mischief! The four kittens succeed in surprising the adults and set out on a journey outside the park looking for more fun.
Première diffusion : 21 avril 2018
S2 E4 • Chi stalks
The Yamada family is enthralled by Flutter, the fluttering goldfish. Chi wants to touch Flutter and does everything she can think up of, but Dad and Yohei keep getting in her way. Finally, Chi's alone with Flutter. It's her chance to get near! Flutter is in trouble now...
Première diffusion : 28 avril 2018
S2 E5 • Chi meets Julie
Yohei's cousin, Julie, has come to play at the Yamada household. Julie grew up on a farm and is full of energy. She has fun chasing after Chi. Chi and Yohei are overwhelmed by how Julie can grab a huge live crab with her bare hands, but things begin to get fun as she brings out a foxtail to play with Chi.
Première diffusion : 5 mai 2018
S2 E6 • Chi plays with Julie
Julie, Yohei, and Chi have come to play at the park. Julie, who loves animals, tries to become friends with Blackie, but Blackie backs away. Julie doesn't mind and becomes friends with all the cats in the park, and Julie, Yohei, and Chi all play together. Blackie becomes restless as he watches them all have fun...
Première diffusion : 12 mai 2018
S2 E7 • Chi gets in the way
Dad brings home a radio-controlled car from work. Yohei and Chi have fun playing with it, but Chi accidentally breaks the car from playing a bit too rough. Yohei and Chi get in a fight and go to sleep without being able to make up. Yohei and Chi get in a fight in bed too, as they get in each other's way...
Première diffusion : 19 mai 2018
S2 E8 • Chi and the secret thicket
Chi comes to the park, and it's overgrown with grass! There's a tunnel in the thicket, and it's like a maze inside. She hears Come-Come, Ann, and Telly somewhere. After somehow gathering up by calling out to each other, they wildly chase after a sparkly light.
Première diffusion : 26 mai 2018
S2 E9 • Trip to the Fluffyland LEVEL 1
Chi and the kittens find a mysterious hole at the base of a big tree where sparkly fish come flying out. They jump inside to end up in a world they've never seen before. There are islands made of pancakes and fish swimming in the sky. It's fluffy and bouncy all around. Welcome to Fluffyland!
Première diffusion : 9 juin 2018
S2 E10 • Trip to the Fluffyland LEVEL 2
Chi and the kittens arrive at Fluffyland. There, they find a strange creature that suddenly pounces on them. The four work together to pull through, but end up getting lost. The four can't figure out what to do and get in a fight... This is the second half of their adventure in the wondrous world of Fluffyland.
Première diffusion : 16 juin 2018
S2 E11 • Chi Cleans
Première diffusion : 23 juin 2018
S2 E12 • Chi Misunderstands Daddy
Première diffusion : 30 juin 2018
S2 E13 • Come-Come`s Decision
Première diffusion : 8 juillet 2018
S2 E14 • Come-Come Reunites
Première diffusion : 15 juillet 2018
S2 E15 • Come-Come Sets Out
Come-Come jumps onto a train and arrives in the city at night. He hides in a cardboard box but is carried to a port town while he's asleep. With nowhere to go to and no energy left, Come-Come nearly faints from exhaustion. Just then, a dashing traveling cat appears in front of him. The third part of Come-Come's adventure, the beginning of a new journey.
Première diffusion : 22 juillet 2018
S2 E16 • Come-Come Climbs A Mountain
Come-Come is invited to go on a journey and takes on the challenge of climbing a mountain with the travelling cat, Diplo. Come-Come doesn't understand what Diplo is up to and is confused at first, but as he arrives at the top all worn out... A fresh new breeze in the fourth episode of Come-Come's journey.
Première diffusion : 29 juillet 2018
S2 E17 • Chi And The Blackout
The Yamada family is thrown into the dark with a sudden blackout. Yohei is scared, but Chi loves the dark. Her eyes shine as her adventure in the dark room begins. She chases after the flashlight full speed ahead. It's a dark and wonderful night for Chi.
Première diffusion : 5 août 2018
S2 E18 • Trip To The Fluffyland Level 3
Chi, Ann, and Telly arrive at Fluffyland in search of Come-Come. As they rest at the fountain of milk, Chi's favorite duck toy becomes humongous and chases after them! The turtle at the sandpit also enlarges, and the kittens are in trouble. Just then, who should appear but... The third episode in their travels at Fluffyland!
Première diffusion : 12 août 2018
S2 E19 • Come-Come Feels Down
Come-Come and Diplo continue on their journey as the wind takes them. After meeting fellow travelling cats, Come-Come remembers what he had left behind; White-White and his home. Come-Come is overcome with sadness and runs off, not listening to a word Diplo says. New dangers await in the fifth episode of Come-Come's travels.
Première diffusion : 19 août 2018
S2 E20 • Chi, Flutter, And The Thieving Cats
Chi loves Flutter, the goldfish. She tries to somehow touch her again, but is warded off. Just then, two thieving cats sneak into the Yamada household! Chi doesn't notice, and Flutter is in danger. She tries to make Chi notice, but...
Première diffusion : 26 août 2018
S2 E21 • Chi Aims For A Pigeon Again
Chi tries to catch some pigeons at the park, but keeps failing. Old Lady Calico sees Chi and decides to give her a few lessons on hunting. They come so close to catching some using mimicry, but to no avail. Blackie can't watch anymore and jumps out from behind the shrubs...
Première diffusion : 2 septembre 2018
S2 E22 • Come-Come Meets Mami
Mami, a university student, saves Come-Come and Diplo where they had fainted by the pond. She feeds them and gives them a warm bed, and Come-Come gradually opens up his heart to her. Meanwhile, Diplo yearns to meet his past owners. The 6th episode of Come-Come's travels are full of happiness and confusion for him.
Première diffusion : 9 septembre 2018
S2 E23 • Come-Come's Answer
Première diffusion : 16 septembre 2018
S2 E24 • Adventures in Fluffyland, The Final Level
Première diffusion : 23 septembre 2018
S2 E25 • Chi Has Fun
Première diffusion : 30 septembre 2018
S2 E26 • Episode 26