12 épisodes
(6 h)
Saison 1
Saison 2
Saison 3
Saison 4
Saison 5
Saison 6
Saison 7
Saison 8
Saison 9
Saison 10
Saison 11
Saison 12
Saison 13
Saison 14
Saison 15
S3 E1 • Ecohaven Cse
The Gang must find a Metel Eating Monster before Hacker Gets it.
Première diffusion : 3 mai 2004
S3 E2 • The Borg of the Ring
The team must get a powerfull ring from Hacker, and return it to a safe place.
Première diffusion : 4 mai 2004
S3 E3 • A World Without Zero
Mr. Zero is tricked by The Hacker and his accomplices into believing that he is worthless. He moves away and takes all the zeros with him. This creates chaos and misery all over Gollywood. The team finds out many useful things about the number zero. From behind a tree, Mr. Zero overhears his importance from the team and comes back to stay. To kick off the ""Going Bananas"" ceremony, the bank sends Hacker off in a banana-designed rockets
Première diffusion : 5 mai 2004
S3 E4 • A Piece of the Action
Hacker is trying to earase Motherboards memory by shooting a rocket with rocks at her.
Première diffusion : 6 mai 2004
S3 E5 • The Creech Who Would Be Crowned
The gang must enter a race and stop hacker from winning. When Matt and Jackie make fun of Inez's way of talking, Inez gets mad and joins creech. Hacker treis to cheet to win,and most of the racers get thrown off. Later in the race, Hacker gets Diget, Matt, and Jackie tricked into going to the most dangeroes part of tikyville! Inez and creech go the right way and after warning Matt, Diget and Jackie, Get bumped by Hackers car into Cybor Quicksand 2.0, and are rescued by the others. After finding a Shortcut, the Creech and the others win.
Première diffusion : 7 mai 2004
S3 E6 • The Grapes of Plath
In the underwater Crab Kingdom, Hacker is out to seize the grapes needed for a ceremony in which a prince is to assume command of his domain. The CyberSquad must find the Prince, who doesn't want to take responsibility for Crab Kingdom.
Première diffusion : 16 septembre 2004
S3 E7 • A Perfect Fit
Hacker is Trying to Awaken Gigabyte by sunlight.
Première diffusion : 23 septembre 2004
S3 E8 • Be Reasonable
A chink in the Cybrary traps Ms. Fileshare in one of the three rooms on the twentieth floor. The CyberSquad must gather enough information to rescue Ms. Fileshare from an overflowing fountain.
Première diffusion : 30 septembre 2004
S3 E9 • The Snelfu Snafu (1)
A major computer chip is up for grabs in this two-parter. One mega-chip can make or break Motherboard's governing of the Cyberspace universe. The CyberSquad must outbid the Hacker at an auction for that incripter chip. When it is installed, everyone is in for a rude awakening: Hacker finnaly succeeds in taking over Cyberspace.
Première diffusion : 7 octobre 2004
S3 E10 • The Snelfu Snafu (2)
Dr. Marbles tells the CyberSquad that Motherboard is being held in a tiny file within another computer chip. This is the chip needed to overthrow Hacker. First they have to get some order in the snelfu (currency) they have stolen from Hacker's lair.
Première diffusion : 14 octobre 2004
S3 E11 • Shari Spotter and the Cosmic Crumpets
Frogsnorts' Ceremony of the Cosmic Crumpets looms. It is these eight crumpets that powers eight master sorcerers for one year. Shari Spotter is instructed to mind the crumpets. After the crumpets are burned, Shari vows to bake a new batch, with the help of the CyberSquad. The Hacker is racing against the clock, too. He seeks a degree at Hex University so that he can get into the ceremony and seize the crumpets for his own power. GUIDING PRINCIPLE: Adding fractions.
Première diffusion : 28 octobre 2004
S3 E12 • Starlight Night
The cyber year is almost over, and with it all the stars of Cyberspace are to get recharged. It's Hacker's chance to darken the cyber skies.
Première diffusion : 31 décembre 2004