Saison 1

13 épisodes

(13 h)



Saison 1


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Zero to Sixty Pretty Quick

S1 E1 Zero to Sixty Pretty Quick

Da Vinci starts his term as mayor with two homicides waiting to be handled -- an apparent gay-bashing death in Stanley Park, and the shooting death of a mental patient. Da Vinci has his hands full trying to deal with a number of squatters that Jacobs is trying to roust, then learns that Lloyd Manning, a new friend who was preparing to buy the racetrack, has lost an advertising deal because of a leak at City Hall. Meanwhile, Angie and Joe investigate the police-shooting death of a mental patient.

Première diffusion : 25 octobre 2005

Cat in a Tree, Lunatic in the Street

S1 E2 Cat in a Tree, Lunatic in the Street

Première diffusion : 1 novembre 2005

Isn't Very Pretty But You Can Smoke It

S1 E3 Isn't Very Pretty But You Can Smoke It

Leary gets more information on the paedophilia ring, and learns that his key witness was a member of the ring. Jacobs is furious when he catches wind of Da Vinci's plan to institute a red light zone, and he and Klotchko partner up to bring the mayor down. Finn and Kosmo investigate two linked shootings -- that of a schoolteacher, and then that of an Indo gang member close by. Ferris gets herself on the wrong side of the firemen after they unknowingly interfere in a grow-op bust. Da Vinci spends the night at Billie Simms' party, not realising that Zack is trying to contact him regarding the raid on the squatters.

Première diffusion : 6 novembre 2005

One Man, Two Jobs

S1 E4 One Man, Two Jobs

Première diffusion : 15 novembre 2005

Put Down the Hose, Pick Up a Gun

S1 E5 Put Down the Hose, Pick Up a Gun

Première diffusion : 22 novembre 2005

You Have to Bleed a Little

S1 E6 You Have to Bleed a Little

Première diffusion : 29 novembre 2005

Ready to Call in the Horses

S1 E7 Ready to Call in the Horses

Da Vinci plans to pay for extra staff on the police force using the revenue from the slot machines.

Première diffusion : 6 décembre 2005

Gonna Cause a Ruckus

S1 E8 Gonna Cause a Ruckus

Première diffusion : 10 janvier 2006

Gotta Press the Flesh

S1 E9 Gotta Press the Flesh

Première diffusion : 17 janvier 2006

When the Horsemen Come Looking

S1 E10 When the Horsemen Come Looking

Première diffusion : 24 janvier 2006

A Few Good Bites Before They Slap Me Down

S1 E11 A Few Good Bites Before They Slap Me Down

Première diffusion : 31 janvier 2006

Bumped from the Ball

S1 E12 Bumped from the Ball

Première diffusion : 7 février 2006

The Dogs in Sympathy with the Cats

S1 E13 The Dogs in Sympathy with the Cats

The Crown tries to negotiate with suspects as the police and fire unions get closer to a full scale war. Meanwhile, Da Vinci tries to do some quality control within his own departments, but when two of his staff decide to become independents over the red light zone, he realises his majority is becoming a minority Ferris is encouraged to take the fall for the grow-op scandal.

Première diffusion : 28 février 2006