Saison 1

12 épisodes

(5 h)



Saison 1


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Serait-ce une romance qui commence ?

S1 E1 Serait-ce une romance qui commence ?

Momo is a high school girl born to a family of spirit mediums, and Okarun is an occult fanatic. To settle an argument, Momo heads to an abandoned hospital famous for UFO sightings while Okarun heads to a tunnel famous as a spiritual hotspot. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 4 octobre 2024

On dirait bien un extraterrestre !

S1 E2 On dirait bien un extraterrestre !

Okarun is cursed by Turbo Granny, and Momo uses her newly found psychic powers to curb Turbo Granny from running out of control. Dawn breaks, and the two of them temporarily find shelter in Momo's house. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 11 octobre 2024

Le choc des vioques

S1 E3 Le choc des vioques

Okarun transforms from Turbo Granny's curse. He goes berserk unable to control his power, but Momo's grandmother Seiko, saves them in the nick of time. To lift the curse, Momo and Okarun decide to play tag with Turbo Granny. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 18 octobre 2024

Dégommons Mémé-Turbo !

S1 E4 Dégommons Mémé-Turbo !

To settle the score with Turbo Granny, Momo and Okarun show up at the promised tunnel. They start the game of tag to pull the location-bound spirit away, and they managed to capture Turbo Granny using Momo's psychic powers. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 25 octobre 2024

Où sont passées ses baloches ?!

S1 E5 Où sont passées ses baloches ?!

Victorious against Turbo Granny, Momo and Okarun regain peace. They have gotten closer through the traumatic experience, but they find their relationship to be awkward. That is when Okarun discloses something important to Momo. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 1 novembre 2024

Celle-là, c'est un danger

S1 E6 Celle-là, c'est un danger

Momo, Okarun, and Turbo Granny search for the missing golden ball. They search all over the school and find out that a pretty girl named Aira is in possession of a ball. Perhaps the effects of the ball, but Aira can now see "invisible things" now. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 8 novembre 2024

Un monde plus doux

S1 E7 Un monde plus doux

Momo and Okarun manage to pull Acrobatic Silky away from Aira after a fierce battle. However, Aira herself had lost her life as a side-effect of being eaten by a yokai monster. Facing Aira in such a crisis, Acrobatic Silky has a surprising proposal... Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 15 novembre 2024

Un étrange sentiment

S1 E8 Un étrange sentiment

The battle against Acrobatic Silky is over, Aira harbors romantic feelings stemming from how Okarun had saved her. As Momo, Okarun, and Aira's feelings intertwine, Serpoians make another appearance, and the three of them are trapped in void space. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 22 novembre 2024

Fusion ! Serpo + Demon de Dover + Nessy !

S1 E9 Fusion ! Serpo + Demon de Dover + Nessy !

Aira has awakened the powers of Acrobatic Silky within her and proceeds to have a seesaw battle against the Serpoians and the Dover Demon. Momo and Okarun join the fray, intensifying the battle. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 29 novembre 2024

La mutilation de bétail, vous connaissez ?

S1 E10 La mutilation de bétail, vous connaissez ?

Momo, Okarun, and Aira make it through the alien assault by combining their powers. However, the Dover Demon that they thought they had defeated appears before them. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 6 décembre 2024

Son premier amour

S1 E11 Son premier amour

Momo's childhood friend, Jiji, appears and begins living in Momo's house. Jiji has been worrying about apparitions in the house he moved into. Okarun is clearly disturbed hearing that Jiji is Momo's first love and tries to distance himself from Momo. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 13 décembre 2024

En route pour la maison maudite !

S1 E12 En route pour la maison maudite !

Momo and Okarun head to Jiji's house in a hot springs district to investigate the case of Jiji's family. Okarun feels gloomy looking at how close Momo and Jiji are. Arriving at Jiji's house, there are several shadows watching them as they enter... Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 20 décembre 2024