18 épisodes
(1 h 30 min)
S1 E1 • Evie's Explosion of Taste
Evie begs Mal to help her fix the cupcakes she baked for the Heroes and Heroines Festival at Auradon Prep. But instead, their sweet intentions end up in an explosion of taste!
Première diffusion : 18 septembre 2015
S1 E2 • Mal's Digi-Image Problem
Mal gets a bit too carried away while painting a portrait of Audrey and Ben tells her she might have a Digi-image problem!
Première diffusion : 25 septembre 2015
S1 E3 • Audrey's New Do? New Don't!
Audrey is frustrated about all of the attention that the edgy VK style is getting, so she convinces Jane to transform her hair into “something really out there.”
Première diffusion : 2 octobre 2015
S1 E4 • Careful What You Wish For
Everyone seems to be in need of Mal’s help. Pushed to the brink, Mal makes a wish that's more than she bargained for.
Première diffusion : 9 octobre 2015
S1 E5 • Voodoo? You Do
Back home on the Isle of the Lost, Mal realizes that she better get her Auradon friends out of sight before something bad happens.
Première diffusion : 16 octobre 2015
S1 E6 • Lamp Sweet Lamp
The roles are switched on the Isle of the Lost when it’s the AKs that don’t fit in, while the VKs bond over their rotten ways.
Première diffusion : 23 octobre 2015
S1 E7 • Genie Chic
Being inside Jordan’s magic lamp means following her dress code – “genie chic” dress code that is. Freddie realizes she's in Auradon.
Première diffusion : 6 novembre 2015
S1 E8 • Puffed Deliciousness
Though Freddie is still trying to adjust to the new un-rotten ways of Auradon, she instantly grows fond of the puffed deliciousness in the dining hall.
Première diffusion : 13 novembre 2015
S1 E9 • Good is the New Bad
The competition is fierce at Auradon's annual singing competition. When each team tries to outshine the other, they realize that they harmonize better when they sing together.
Première diffusion : 20 novembre 2015
S1 E10 • Spirit Day
Mal and Evie show up for Spirit Day, and realize the cheer sounds a lot like a childhood spell they used to hear.
Première diffusion : 4 décembre 2015
S1 E11 • I'm Your Girl
Evie proves to be quite the chemist fashionista when she helps Lonnie glow at her talent show performance.
Première diffusion : 11 décembre 2015
S1 E12 • Mash It Up
The girls are back in Jordan’s magic lamp as they plan the theme for the upcoming dance at Auradon Prep.
Première diffusion : 13 décembre 2015
S1 E13 • All Hail the New Q.N.L.B.
The VKs are becoming a source of chaos and suspicion when Jane’s mascot uniform is stolen and Audrey isn’t voted Queen of the Neon Lights Ball.
Première diffusion : 5 juillet 2016
S1 E14 • Mad for Tea
Despite solving multiple dress fiascos, Mal and Evie’s good intentions backfire when their help further arises suspicion from the AKs.
Première diffusion : 6 juillet 2016
S1 E15 • Carpet Jacked
Carlos, Jay and the magic carpet fail to show up to give the girls a ride to the party. Since the VKs can't be trusted, it's up to Jane to whip up a ride!
Première diffusion : 7 juillet 2016
S1 E16 • The Night is Young
At the Neon Lights Ball, the party is halted when the DJ cord is mysteriously found cut. Thankfully, Freddie is there to save the day - or was that her plan all along?
Première diffusion : 14 juillet 2016
S1 E17 • Neon Lights Out
More chaos ensues at the Neon Lights Ball when Jay and Carlos reveal that they’ve been carpet-jacked and Ben mysteriously disappears. Who could be behind all of the chaos?!
Première diffusion : 15 juillet 2016
S1 E18 • Hooked On Ben
The culprit who’s been behind the chaos all along is revealed, but that won’t stop Auradon Prep from keeping the party alive!
Première diffusion : 15 juillet 2016