Saison 3

5 épisodes

(2 h 30 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3

Saison 4


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Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure (1)

S3 E1 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure (1)

In the year 1740 in the British-American province Maryland Governor Appleyard rules as a tyrant. He makes Noll Bridger shoot Samuel Harding who barely escapes alive. Unable to travel to England he is forced to let his daughter Jane go there with there with some dangerous papers that could topple the Governor. Noll Bridger has Jane's confidence and accompanies her when she has arived in England. Dick Turpin robs Lord and Lady Melford, but later Dick Turpin makes love to Lady Melford and gives a necklace.

Première diffusion : 16 mai 1981

Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure (2)

S3 E2 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure (2)

Jane Harding wades into Turpin and Swiftnick, and she shows both urge and ability to steal a horse. Turpin and Swiftnick follow her traces to a boxing hall in Bristol.

Première diffusion : 23 mai 1981

Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure (3)

S3 E3 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure (3)

Noll Bridger is insulted by Turpin's remarks about his attitude to Saul, his boxing slave, at the end of episode 2, and fights a fencers' duel with Turpin. As that is about to find its conclusion, Fytton arrives, and his men throw Turpin and Swiftnick into a prison cell already occupied by Isaac Ragg. However Saul is very grateful to Turpin.

Première diffusion : 30 mai 1981

Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure (4)

S3 E4 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure (4)

A lot of knights of Santa Catherine dressed in hoods like later Ku Klux fanatics in USA overwhelms Turpin, Swiftnick and Jane Harding. A bizarre trial led by their power-mad leader Ignatius Slake judges Turpin to be bound to a wheel of fire which is sent rolling through the landscape.

Première diffusion : 6 juin 1981

Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure (5)

S3 E5 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure (5)

Swiftnick helps Turpin and Jane Harding escape Noll Bridger, and shortly after he assists them sneak into a costume ball at Lord Melford's Estate where a special guest from America has arrived.

Première diffusion : 13 juin 1981