
Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3

Saison 4

Saison 5

Saison 6

Saison 7

Saison 8


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Episode 1

S3 E1 Episode 1

Dragons Den is back, a new series and a new dragon. How will the first eager entrepreneurs fair out in the den? And how will Norah manage the tricks and tactics of her four male counterparts? John Joyce is first up with his educational game Savvy Bear, and it looks like he may have set the cat among the pigeons. A dramatic act to follow, Marian Moloney introduces her Irish Mythological Dolls with some prominent selling points. From crafts to home care, Robert Service hopes to secure investment with his Secure Ring door chain, while Martin and David intend to plant a seed in the den with their range of homegrowing products. With the dragons warmed up can Fiona Hoban tap into their minds with her psychology based dieting techniques, in Take A Weight Off. We never know which way the dragons will go, so who will have enough to win them over, and secure their investment?

Première diffusion : 20 février 2011

Episode 2

S3 E2 Episode 2

First up this week is Isabel O'Donovan with her tasty handmade chocolates, tempting the dragons with chocolate is certainly one way to their heart, but will it be enough for Issy? Gavin's 'ideal' voice may not be suitable for Dave Carthy's Voice Control system, but can he switch on the other dragons? And with a cold winter and short supplies of water, Tony O'Briens Stopcock Cosy is certainly in season. Bobby goes for a ride with Robert Rae's suspension bike while Daudi's hoping an investment of 50,000 will help launch his sports utility bag.

Première diffusion : 27 février 2011

Episode 3

S3 E3 Episode 3

Into week three and so far we've seen the dragons part with €140,000. First up and looking to add €25,000 to that figure, are Maureen and Karen with Watz Dat Party Box. A determined duo, looking to shake up the party, but will this be their lucky day? Bernie Everard stirs Sean's pet peeve for door numbers, while Tom Watts makes a suspicious and shady entrance with his Secret Recipe, and maybe revealing one or two secrets too many. Terry Rehill is not only sexing up spare parts but impressing the dragons with his Cavan man frugality. Can his website cater the right part for our investors? Or will Rogers solution to late night bin rides secure him the capital he needs to get Bin Guardian of the ground?

Première diffusion : 6 mars 2011

Episode 4

S3 E4 Episode 4

Facing the dragons this week is Thomas Kinsella, with his Cut & Curl Scissors. He's hoping his solution to a sticky situation will interest the investors enough to hand over €70,000. Dermot Fox's Slapshot allows for a friendly game of hockey until the Kilkenny hurler in Bobby shines through. The dragons tuck into some of Michael and Jialing Kyle's nutritious and convenient snack, Wrapsu. While it may not be a cheap eat, is there room among these two for a keen investor? Paul Roche and his ForSaleByOwner website and service are certainly cost-cutting and therefore relevant in the current economic climate, but selling homes is not easy and selling to our dragons is just as hard. Roddy McQuaid and Jana Stahlberg's Salt Clinic offers a new and helpful remedy, but will their expansion plans for two more clinics interest the dragons? Matthew Dent displays his creative talent and offers the dragons a slice of the business. Little did we know that Gavin had knowledge of fashion textures and textiles, is there room in Julie Cobbe's Style Fish club for his opinions? While shopping and styling may not be on the top of their list, a business opportunity is never far from the dragon's radar.

Première diffusion : 13 mars 2011

Episode 5

S3 E5 Episode 5

Five weeks in, and one would think that the dragons have parted with enough of their hard earned cash. They've seen everything from chocolates to bike suspension, but there's still so much more to see. Darren Rudden and Colin O'Brien pitch their clever close line in the den. A useful prop, and with more products in the pipeline this is an appealing investment for the dragons. Gerry and Bernie Hanley join the unique club of those who face the dragons twice. With previous den experience, they're hoping the dragons will see potential in their latest invention, the Hanoheatmaster. Alison Cummins and Tara Lane present their business Aliara. They are looking for 40,000 and offering a 20% share in their company but Niall is seeking a more complex deal. Garry Bennett is putting local businesses on the map. His website is a community website for towns in Ireland but can he provoke the dragon's community spirit? Another year, another golf product. The dragons don't have much free time, but golf is a hobby they can all relate to. Dean Klatt has put a personal spin on golf clubs with his range of Archer Golf clubs. An unusual product in the den is June Keirns with her JR Pads. This is certainly an area most of the dragons don't have much experience in. Sophie Morris and Graham Clarke want to roll out their Kooky Dough in the UK, and are looking for a dragon to mentor them in the process. A tasty biscuit should sweeten the dragons nicely but will they bite?

Première diffusion : 20 mars 2011

Episode 6

S3 E6 Episode 6

The show this week starts off with a somewhat lighter and more enjoyable performance than the usual pitch. Pakie O'Callaghan and Frank Twomey perform a sketch, Surviving Santa Ponsa, before Packie goes on to face the dragons alone, with a small helping hand from Charlie McCreevy. Peter Costello brings out the poet in Gavin with his business Reasons 4 Rhymes. Meanwhile Martin Commins proposes his website Perfect Is there enough love in the den? And who, if anyone, will say I do? John Burke makes a statement, with two larger than life inventions and his company 'It's About Time Inventions'. His initiative is admired, his products tested, but can he get a dragon to take the hot seat? Dermot Heffernan's Jifitip is a wheelie sensation. An impressive and professional piece of engineering, can it rope our investors in? Darach Crawley and his business BundleBee are hoping the dragons will be swarming him for an investment. Sarah-Jane Hanton is looking for €30,000 investment in her company Although she's come with a well rehearsed pitch, Sarah Jane is feeling the pressure of the den. However, she's finds her feet and with or without her board, she is hoping someone will see her vision.

Première diffusion : 27 mars 2011

Episode 7

S3 E7 Episode 7

The series will be soon drawing to a close, but there's still plenty of time for the dragons to make an investment. Mike Kelleher and his winning personality brighten up the mood, as he presents his product Flood Barrier. Tom Ivess has an extensive background in window and door manufacturing and he's hoping his Ivess Lock, for sliding patio doors, will entice the dragons. In part two Jenifer Matuschka is hoping a stress ball, and some rescue remedies will be her saving grace with her Exam Survival Kit. This is one exam she doesn't want to fail. Next up in the den are married couple Maud Chitiza and Dermot McGuckin with their service Maud's Eco Clean. Helping those in need is just one aspect of their business, can their charitable efforts win over the dragons? Roy Galsworthy and his business Riviera Leisure, an underwater gymnasium, is an expensive but already established concept in America. Is it the next big thing? Or can Brendan Sands and Eileen Forrestal inspire the dragons with their motivational diaries Get Up & Go. The final pitch of the day is Des and Linda Hayes with Mooze Shakes. They are taking a trip down memory lane, with shelves of hard boiled sweets and, what the dragons appear to be enjoying, Mooze Shakes which can be made from your favourite chocolate bar. Will this sweet treat be enough to get a dragon on board?

Première diffusion : 3 avril 2011

Episode 8

S3 E8 Episode 8

We've come to the last day in the den, and what a series we've had. With six eager investors left there is still time for tonight's hopefuls. First in, is Mandy O'Rourke with her business Baby Bay. A twist on the familiar eBay, Baby Bay is for the trading of baby goods and items. With four male dragons Mandy will have to sell a convincing business pitch. Following that is Sheila Byrne with her product Read Assist. Sheila is hoping a dragon will see potential in her idea which is a reading aid, for dyslexic children. Tom O'Toole is looking for €40,000 investment in his idea Uisce Bagga. As the name states it's simply a bag of water, intended to save up to one litre per flush on each of your toilets. Will any of the dragons be dipping into this? Adrian McGreevy presents a firm pitch on his product The Amphibia Bag. A business man, surfer and tri-athlete, can his expertise get this across the line? Vincent Morrissey is hoping to open a new pub aptly named The Green Dragon in China. A new and exciting market, can a dragon go the distance? And finally, last to climb the stairs this series is Diarmaid Twomey with his business Expresso Ads. It's been a long series but Norah and Gavin will fight this ongoing battle out to the end. Next week see's the Dragons On Tour, as they travel around the country revisiting previous den investments, and also some that got away.

Première diffusion : 10 avril 2011