3 épisodes
(2 h 15 min)
S2 E1 • Episode 1
Meeting the pilots who have to battle with delays, deal with a sick passenger and negotiate landing at one of the world's most challenging airports in the heart of the Alps. Captain Emma Henderson faces technical breakdowns and severe turbulence.
Première diffusion : 2 mai 2019
S2 E2 • Episode 2
We meet the pilots who have to trouble-shoot a cockpit warning light mid-flight and witness rare meteorological displays at 35-thousand feet. We will also meet the cadets who will take to the skies for the first time with paying passengers.
Première diffusion : 9 mai 2019
S2 E3 • Episode 3
We meet the pilots flying out of two of easyJet's regional bases: Manchester and Newcastle and we join Senior First Officer Iris De Kan on her mission to become a Captain. First Officer Ajit and Captain Steve have four short domestic flights.
Première diffusion : 16 mai 2019