Saison 5

99 épisodes

(1 h 30 min)



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Dreary Ville

S5 E296 Dreary Ville

Thanks for everything guys! I hope you enjoy this little 400th episode special.

Première diffusion : 30 mars 2015

Automatic Item Sorting

S5 E297 Automatic Item Sorting

In today's episode we return to working on the Nexus storage room project and focus on getting the automatic item sorting system up an running. Then we begin building a wall around Sandy City.

Première diffusion : 5 avril 2015

Code Cataloging

S5 E298 Code Cataloging

In today's episode we look into how we are going to input and reference the item codes for the nexus.

Première diffusion : 8 avril 2015

Castle Gate

S5 E299 Castle Gate

Première diffusion : 16 avril 2015

ERROR: Missing

S5 E300 ERROR: Missing

Première diffusion : 25 avril 2015

The EnderPorter

S5 E301 The EnderPorter

Première diffusion : 29 avril 2015

Hexadecimal Decoder

S5 E302 Hexadecimal Decoder

Première diffusion : 4 mai 2015

Witch Farm & Stuff

S5 E303 Witch Farm & Stuff

Première diffusion : 11 mai 2015

RIP Headset

S5 E304 RIP Headset

Première diffusion : 20 mai 2015

World Tour

S5 E305 World Tour

Première diffusion : 24 mai 2015

Minecart Shenanigans

S5 E306 Minecart Shenanigans

Première diffusion : 1 juin 2015

Sand Worm

S5 E307 Sand Worm

Première diffusion : 7 juin 2015

Awakening The Nexus

S5 E308 Awakening The Nexus

Première diffusion : 21 juin 2015

Bounce Chaining

S5 E309 Bounce Chaining

Première diffusion : 4 juillet 2015

Blacksmith Building

S5 E310 Blacksmith Building

Today we fix a few things and then begin building a blacksmith building for funzies.

Première diffusion : 20 juillet 2015

The End?

S5 E311 The End?

No, not that end. The End! Today we give the new 1.9 snapshot a try and check out some of the new changes it has.

Première diffusion : 30 juillet 2015

Bug Squashing

S5 E312 Bug Squashing

Today we make the final big push to get the Nexus working properly and deal with some of the technical problems that have accumulated over the 100's of hours I have spent building the thing.

Première diffusion : 14 août 2015

Combat Update

S5 E313 Combat Update

Today we make the update to the latest 1.9 snapshot, analyze some of the new combat changes, check out the dragon fight changes and some other 1.9 things.

Première diffusion : 26 août 2015

Chorus Fruit Farming

S5 E314 Chorus Fruit Farming

Today we do some experiments with the new chorus fruit plants and then begin setting up a farm for them.

Première diffusion : 5 septembre 2015

PurPur Overload

S5 E315 PurPur Overload

Today we work at finishing up the chorus fruit farm and setting up an auto-smelting area for the purpur blocks.

Première diffusion : 17 septembre 2015

Graze It!

S5 E316 Graze It!

Today we go check out the old dual blaze mob farm, and redo some of its features to get it working again.

Première diffusion : 24 septembre 2015

PurPur Is Ablaze'n

S5 E317 PurPur Is Ablaze'n

Today we once again head back to the blaze farm to redesign the looks and the way it functions.

Première diffusion : 3 octobre 2015

Learning To Fly

S5 E318 Learning To Fly

Minecraft gets Gliders! Today we have some fun with the new glider and boat update. We look into some details of the flight mechanics and then experiment with some fun ideas.

Première diffusion : 8 octobre 2015

Random Projects

S5 E319 Random Projects

Minecraft gets Gliders! Today we do a few random projects around the world... finishing, fixing, and exploding various things.

Première diffusion : 14 octobre 2015

Soaring & Sinking

S5 E320 Soaring & Sinking

You thought it said "snoring" didn't you? A new update means we can get the glider wings and boats in our LP world. That means it is time to have some fun with them.

Première diffusion : 20 octobre 2015

Witch Farm Designing

S5 E321 Witch Farm Designing

After a quick gear up session, we head over to the Witch Farm area to begin clearing some land. Then we go through the process of designing, constructing, and testing the Witch Farm using an odd method of clearing the platforms.

Première diffusion : 26 octobre 2015

Investigating Things

S5 E322 Investigating Things

Today we check out the changes to the Witch Farm and then have some fun investigating various Minecraft mechanics.

Première diffusion : 5 novembre 2015

Swampy Memory

S5 E323 Swampy Memory

Today we look at some terrain changes I made to the swamp to try give it flavor and interest. Then we begin constructing a Simon memory game in the man cave.

Première diffusion : 17 novembre 2015

Lakeside Cabin

S5 E324 Lakeside Cabin

Today we setup the memory portion of the Simon memory game and then we head out to the lake to build a cozy little cabin.

Première diffusion : 24 novembre 2015

Pig Power!

S5 E325 Pig Power!

Today we look into ways we can put the lazy pig to work, using them for player tracking and remote switches for redstone devices.

Première diffusion : 28 novembre 2015

Hidden Tunnel

S5 E326 Hidden Tunnel

Today we try out my new design for rabbit power, and then we begin working on a hidden elytra tunnel in the man cave.

Première diffusion : 6 décembre 2015

New Piston Trick

S5 E327 New Piston Trick

Today we check out how I did the redstone riddle. Then I show you a cool new piston trick that we use to build a conveyor and elevator in the tunnel.

Première diffusion : 9 décembre 2015

Witherbottom Books

S5 E328 Witherbottom Books

Today we experiment with adding path blocks in a few places. Then we head to the library to build the comment of the day section, followed up by a Combat Update wither fight.

Première diffusion : 16 décembre 2015

Home Entrance

S5 E329 Home Entrance

Today we get geared up again to try take out the wither we left loose in the world. Then we get around to working on the long overdue entrance to the man cave.

Première diffusion : 24 décembre 2015

A New Voice

S5 E330 A New Voice

Today we fix up the item elevators at the nexus along with improving a few other things. Then we spend some time getting the slime-go-round working again.

Première diffusion : 31 décembre 2015

Skeletron Pumpking

S5 E331 Skeletron Pumpking

Today we have some fun with the new skeleton horse mob/trap introduced in 1.9. Then we begin building a rather odd pumpkin farm.

Première diffusion : 9 janvier 2016

Me Want Farmer

S5 E332 Me Want Farmer

Today we finish up the automatic daylight sensor pumpkin farm, and then attempt the improbable task of getting a farmer villager for it.

Première diffusion : 16 janvier 2016

Mineral Town

S5 E333 Mineral Town

Today we head over to the amplified base and begin construction on Mineral Town, a mining colony up in the mountains.

Première diffusion : 25 janvier 2016

Sandy City Portal

S5 E334 Sandy City Portal

Today we check out some changes I made to the man cave and then we build a secret portal in the Sandy City well.

Première diffusion : 3 février 2016

Arrow Adventure

S5 E335 Arrow Adventure

Today we check out the tipped arrows and try to figure out what works and what doesn't with them. Then we try out the dragon fight again to collect a huge supply of dragon's breathe.

Première diffusion : 11 février 2016

Ghast Blaster Tree 1000

S5 E336 Ghast Blaster Tree 1000

Today we look into designing a semi-automatic tree farm that will use a ghast to harvest the wood for us.

Première diffusion : 17 février 2016

Treetho Science

S5 E337 Treetho Science

Today we are back to figuring out the design for the ghaster blaster semi-automatic tree farm.

Première diffusion : 21 février 2016

Crazy Colors

S5 E338 Crazy Colors

Today we work at finishing up the tree farm project. We hook up a leaf crushing system and then give the area some crazy colors.

Première diffusion : 29 février 2016

Frost Walker

S5 E339 Frost Walker

Today we head over to the End to pick up a spare set of Elytra wings, and then have some fun trying out the Frost Walker enchantment.

Première diffusion : 8 mars 2016

So Many Fours!

S5 E340 So Many Fours!

I am great at episode titles. By your request, today we visit our old friend Wilson and make some changes to him/it. Then we have some fun with the speedy ice boats.

Première diffusion : 17 mars 2016

Launcher Item Elevator

S5 E341 Launcher Item Elevator

Today we do some fixing around the world to repair things broken by the 1.9 updates. Then we look into designing a new item elevator... which gives a bit of trouble.

Première diffusion : 24 mars 2016

Old Guardian Stuff

S5 E342 Old Guardian Stuff

Today we finally move the old geezer to a better place so that we can work on improving the Guardian farm and adding some new features to it.

Première diffusion : 5 avril 2016

Prismarine Overload

S5 E343 Prismarine Overload

Today we build a new area for collecting and sorting the drops at the guardian farm.

Première diffusion : 13 avril 2016

Armor Swapper

S5 E344 Armor Swapper

Today we build an armor switching machine in the man cave along with a few other things.

Première diffusion : 20 avril 2016

Good Old Gold

S5 E345 Good Old Gold

Today we focus on fixing up some broken projects. Then we give the old gold farm a new look while I bore you to sleep with one of my stories.

Première diffusion : 28 avril 2016