8 épisodes
(6 h)
Saison 1
Saison 2
Saison 3
Saison 4
Saison 5
Saison 6
Saison 7
Saison 8
Saison 9
Saison 10
Saison 11
S1 E1 • Episode 1
8 célibataires débarquent sur une île paradisiaque pour ce qui semble être des vacances de rêves. Malheureusement pour eux leurs ex en ont décidé autrement...
Première diffusion : 22 avril 2014
S1 E2 • Episode 2
Ross nous en apprend plus sur son passé avec Chloe.
Première diffusion : 29 avril 2014
S1 E3 • Episode 3
The fourth ex arrives on the beach and it's another of Ross'. Ross feels Vikki's wrath and the pair end up not speaking. Ross also falls out with Chloe, when she finds out he's told everyone what had happened between them. Both Talitha and Ali and Marco and Frankie's relationships are at breaking point already and things are tested further when Ash goes on a date with Chloe and Marco goes on a date with Emma.
Première diffusion : 6 mai 2014
S1 E4 • Episode 4
Frankie and Marco still haven't resolved their issues. Whilst Talitha isn't happy with Ash and spends most of her time bitching to Liam about it. None of the girls are happy with the way Chloe has treated them, in comparison to the boys and so Farah confronts her. Vikki is happy when her ex fling from Australia, Dan, is the next ex who appears. However she has to tell him about what happened with Ross in order to have a clear conscience.
Première diffusion : 13 mai 2014
S1 E5 • Episode 5
Talitha and Ash's relationship is rocked when the sixth ex arrives. Emily and Liam go on a date that doesn't end well.
Première diffusion : 20 mai 2014
S1 E6 • Episode 6
Jack makes a move on Emily. Ross wants to give things another go with Chloe. Joss reveals a secret that ruins Ash's plans.
Première diffusion : 27 mai 2014
S1 E7 • Episode 7
Ash splits with Talitha, and he wastes no time in hooking up with Chloe. Meanwhile, Shelby and Ross get closer, and Vicky has the ex-arrival that she has been dreading.
Première diffusion : 3 juin 2014
S1 E8 • Episode 8
Ricci's actions cause a divide to form in the group. Ash loses his temper with Liam, and Ricci and Vicky attempt some form of closure.
Première diffusion : 10 juin 2014