10 épisodes
(5 h)
S5 E1 • Lifting the Mask
Candice DeLong interviews convicted murderer Cliff Youens who confesses to stabbing his girlfriend to death in 1986.
Première diffusion : 12 juin 2015
S5 E2 • The Perfect Victim
Candice DeLong unravels the years of abuse behind the heinous crime committed by Sarah "Cindy" White who set fire to a house and killed a family of six in 1974.
Première diffusion : 12 juin 2015
S5 E3 • A Fatal Attraction
Première diffusion : 19 juin 2015
S5 E4 • Gone Too Soon
Première diffusion : 19 juin 2015
S5 E5 • A Craigslist Killer
Première diffusion : 26 juin 2015
S5 E6 • Death by Stiletto
A night ends in tragedy when Stefan Andersson is bludgeoned to death by girlfriend Ana Trujillo and her 5 inch stiletto heel. She claimed self-defence but a jury found her guilty of murder. Candace Delong wants to know what turned her into a killer.
Première diffusion : 3 juillet 2015
S5 E7 • The Angel of Death
In two months, 20 patients at a Texas hospital are murdered. Nurse Vickie Jackson, on duty at every attack, is sentenced to life with no parole. She now says that she's innocent and knows who the real killer is.
Première diffusion : 7 juillet 2015
S5 E8 • The Prime Suspect
New Year's Eve in Pampa Texas ends in triple homicide. Twila Busby and her two adult sons are found dead in their home. Her boyfriend Hank Skinner is later found guilty. He says he's innocent. Candace DeLong wants to find out the truth.
Première diffusion : 17 juillet 2015
S5 E9 • Killing One's Own
November 2001 in Fort Worth, Texas. Lloyd and Agnes Courtney were beaten and stabbed to death by their daughter, Deborah Pieringer. Prosecutors say it was for money, but she says she didn't do it.
Première diffusion : 24 juillet 2015
S5 E10 • Teen Terrors
In 2000 for the body of Stephen Schulhoff was found beaten to death with a baseball bat. His daughter Courtney, 16, and her boyfriend are found guilty and sentenced to life with no parole. But who swung the bat?
Première diffusion : 24 juillet 2015