Saison 1

13 épisodes

(5 h 25 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3

Saison 4

Saison 5

Saison 6

Saison 7

Saison 8


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L’Histoire du taxi fantôme

S1 E1 L’Histoire du taxi fantôme

Two brothers, while lost in the woods, come across a mysterious cab driver and a very unusual man named Dr. Vink who won't let any of his victims go unless they solve a riddle.

Première diffusion : 15 août 1992

L’Histoire de Zeebo le clown

S1 E2 L’Histoire de Zeebo le clown

A kid named Josh decides to prove that a fun house isn't haunted by stealing the nose of the clown who is supposed to haunt the place. He learns that the story isn't fiction when Zeebo pays him a little visit.

Première diffusion : 22 août 1992

L’Histoire du fantôme solitaire

S1 E3 L’Histoire du fantôme solitaire

A girl who desperately wants to be friends with her snotty cousin and her group of friends agrees to spend the night in the haunted house next door to become part of the group.

Première diffusion : 29 août 1992

L’Histoire de la griffe ensorcelée

S1 E4 L’Histoire de la griffe ensorcelée

In a twist of "The Monkey's Paw," two boys scare an old lady to death the night before Halloween just as the next night they receive a hand granting them wishes with consequences.

Première diffusion : 5 septembre 1992

L’Histoire des chiens affamés

S1 E5 L’Histoire des chiens affamés

Two girls go to an attic where one of them tries on a uniform that belonged to a dead relative where her spirit lives on.

Première diffusion : 12 septembre 1992

L’Histoire des lunettes magiques

S1 E6 L’Histoire des lunettes magiques

Weeds, a prankster, buys his friend Marybeth a pair of super spec glasses as part of an April's Fool Day where once she places on the glasses, strange figures appear and can't be explained.

Première diffusion : 19 septembre 1992

L’Histoire des âmes captives

S1 E7 L’Histoire des âmes captives

A family moves to a small house in the summer where they befriend a young man, where the family starts feeling weaker every day.

Première diffusion : 26 septembre 1992

L’Histoire des voisins noctambules

S1 E8 L’Histoire des voisins noctambules

Some new neighbors move into a neighborhood. They are originally from Eastern Europe, wear black, collect blood, and only are active at night.

Première diffusion : 3 octobre 1992

L’Histoire de l’apprenti sorcier

S1 E9 L’Histoire de l’apprenti sorcier

Dean, a troubled student, awakens an ancient secret hidden in the school.

Première diffusion : 10 octobre 1992

L’Histoire de Jacques et du farfadet

S1 E10 L’Histoire de Jacques et du farfadet

Jake, an inspiring young actor, is in a play where during rehearsals strange things start happening to him where it's only a matter of time before opening night.

Première diffusion : 17 octobre 1992

L’Histoire de la ténébreuse musique

S1 E11 L’Histoire de la ténébreuse musique

Andy Carr moves in the new neighborhood where things don't start out well until he figures out that there's something hidden inside his basement.

Première diffusion : 24 octobre 1992

L’Histoire de la reine du bal

S1 E12 L’Histoire de la reine du bal

Two boys befriend a young woman where they encourage her to join them in search of a legend that comes every year.

Première diffusion : 7 novembre 1992

L’Histoire du flipper diabolique

S1 E13 L’Histoire du flipper diabolique

Ross, a mischievous kid, goes to the mall where his old habits sometimes get the best of him.

Première diffusion : 14 novembre 1992