Saison 1

16 épisodes

(17 h 20 min)



Saison 1


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A Divine Match: Plantain Lily

S1 E1 A Divine Match: Plantain Lily

Flower Crew is a group of matchmakers that consists of three beautiful young men. Ma Hoon is the best matchmaker in all of Joseon. Ko Young Soo is the hottest celebrity in Hanyang. And there isn’t any information that Do Joon can’t find. While working on a case, they meet Gae Ttong, a rough girl who will do anything for money. Meanwhile, a young blacksmith named Kim Soo asks Flower Crew for help.

Première diffusion : 16 septembre 2019

Shyness: Hydrangea

S1 E2 Shyness: Hydrangea

Flower Crew decides to take on the task of arranging the wedding between Gae Ttong and Kim Soo. The preparations go along quickly and smoothly until Soo suddenly disappears. Gae Ttong and Hoon set out to look for Soo, but their search seems hopeless.

Première diffusion : 17 septembre 2019

Longing: Zinnia

S1 E3 Longing: Zinnia

Hoon decides to allow Gae Ttong to join Flower Crew as a three-month apprentice. Meanwhile, Flower Crew is going through a dry spell of clients after what happened with Gae Ttong’s wedding. They finally get a request from the first-place winner of the temporary civil service exam, Lee Hyung Gyu, but Hoon gets the feeling that the young scholar is hiding something.

Première diffusion : 23 septembre 2019

Shyness: Peony

S1 E4 Shyness: Peony

Hoon lets Gae Ttong in the house again. They spend some time together and feel subtle emotions toward each other. Gae Ttong promises to leave the Flower Crew if she fails to persuade Scholar Lee within three days. Meanwhile, Soo orders to reinvestigate on the Crown Prince Murder Case.

Première diffusion : 24 septembre 2019

A Secret Love: Windflower

S1 E5 A Secret Love: Windflower

Hoon is blindfolded and taken to the palace where he meets Soo, who is now the king. Soo asks Hoon to take care of Gae Ttong for him until he gains enough power to bring her to the palace. Meanwhile, Flower Crew needs someone to pretend to be a noble lady, as part of a scheme to make Scholar Lee’s marriage with Lady Choi work out. Gae Ttong volunteers herself for the role.

Première diffusion : 30 septembre 2019

A Fluttering Heart: Silk Tree

S1 E6 A Fluttering Heart: Silk Tree

Hoon is flustered from the unexpected kiss with Gae Ttong, but the next morning, she doesn’t seem to remember that it even happened. Meanwhile, Scholar Lee asks Gae Ttong, who helped change his mind about whom he should marry, to deliver his napchae documents to the bride’s home. However, Gae Ttong refuses to do so.

Première diffusion : 1 octobre 2019

A Second Chance: Peppermint Flower

S1 E7 A Second Chance: Peppermint Flower

The Rogue dies a mysterious death in prison and his last words to Hoon are “the Fox Guard”. Hoon and Joon start looking for the culprit who killed the Rogue. Meanwhile, Gae Ttong finally reunites with her brother, Kang. However, Ji Hwa begins to grow suspicious of Gae Ttong and Kang’s relationship.

Première diffusion : 7 octobre 2019

Hopeless Love: Resurrection Lily

S1 E8 Hopeless Love: Resurrection Lily

Soo and Gae Ttong finally reunite. Soo promises that he will marry Gae Ttong once everything is settled. However, Hoon begins to have strange feelings for Gae Ttong and turns down her request of making her into a noble lady. Meanwhile, Hoon’s investigations into the Rogue’s death lead him to discover who is behind the mysteries that have been happening recently.

Première diffusion : 8 octobre 2019

A Secret Love: Marguerite

S1 E9 A Secret Love: Marguerite

Hoon realizes that Gae Ttong is in danger because of his father and decides to take on Soo’s marriage. As the Chief State Councillor searches for Lady Yim, his niece-in-law, to bestow an unwanted honor upon her, Lady Yim hides herself away even more, for the sake of her daughter. Meanwhile, Flower Crew begins the process of turning Gae Ttong into a proper noble lady.

Première diffusion : 14 octobre 2019

A Miserable Love: Marigold

S1 E10 A Miserable Love: Marigold

Gae Ttong and Joon are upset about what Lady Kang says during her visit with Hoon. Nevertheless, Gae Ttong’s training to become a noble lady continues. As Joon helps Lady Yim out of trouble, he realizes that his memories of his mother were wrong this whole time. Meanwhile, the Chief State Councillor is furious that Soo has been playing him for a fool all along.

Première diffusion : 15 octobre 2019

Lies: White Morning-Glory

S1 E11 Lies: White Morning-Glory

Gae Ttong’s sudden declaration of love leaves Hoon feeling flustered. He tries to avoid Gae Ttong, but she refuses to let him ignore her feelings. Meanwhile, Soo feels anxious after overhearing Gae Ttong and Hoon's conversation. He agrees to meet with Lady Kang as per her request and in return, asks Lord Kang to speed up the royal wedding.

Première diffusion : 21 octobre 2019

I'm Worried About Your Love: Aster

S1 E12 I'm Worried About Your Love: Aster

Hoon and Gae Ttong declare their love for one another, but the palace decrees a marriage ban until after the royal wedding. Meanwhile, Hyun begins to search for Gae Ttong as the Chief State Councillor instructs. As Lord Kang searches for information about Flower Crew, he finds out Young Soo’s real identity.

Première diffusion : 22 octobre 2019

Hope: Bellflower

S1 E13 Hope: Bellflower

Hoon declares to Soo that his marriage with Gae Ttong is canceled. Lady Kang, who knows Gae Ttong’s secret, forces Gae Ttong to participate in the queen selection process. Hoon and Joon are anxious, knowing that the women they love are at the palace for the first selection. Meanwhile, Gae Ttong finally discovers Soo’s true identity.

Première diffusion : 28 octobre 2019

The Return: Shiny Mint

S1 E14 The Return: Shiny Mint

Gae Ttong is furious about Soo and Hoon’s deceit about her marriage and declares that she no longer wants to live as a noble lady. However, Moon Seok visits her out of the blue and tells her that many people’s lives depend on her becoming the queen. After spending a beautiful day with Hoon, Gae Ttong prepares to say goodbye.

Première diffusion : 29 octobre 2019

Don't Touch Me: Wolfsbane

S1 E15 Don't Touch Me: Wolfsbane

Première diffusion : 4 novembre 2019

Blossom for Eternity and Never Wither: Rose of Sharon

S1 E16 Blossom for Eternity and Never Wither: Rose of Sharon

Première diffusion : 5 novembre 2019