Saison 1

51 épisodes

(21 h 15 min)



Saison 1


Modifier ma progression
Quand le temps s’arrête, cela ne se passe pas toujours comme on le voudrait

S1 E1 Quand le temps s’arrête, cela ne se passe pas toujours comme on le voudrait

It`s an emergency! Time has stopped in Edo! In the very first episode of the new season, time has frozen for everything and everyone except Gin-san, Kagura, and Shinpachi! Apparently the cause is the Universal Clock, which Gin-san found lying in the street and brought home with him, only to destroy it thinking it was an alarm clock. The Odd Jobs run around in circles while trying to get the clock repaired. Just what does fate have in store for Edo?! Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 8 avril 2015

Certaines poussières résistent même aux plumeaux

S1 E2 Certaines poussières résistent même aux plumeaux

The cause of the time freeze... was just a dead battery?! The Odd Jobs realize that the Universal Clock running out of battery was the reason the world`s time came to a stop. They try to replace the battery, but it`s apparently a special make not available on Earth. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 15 avril 2015

L'amour d'un inspecteur commence par l'observation

S1 E3 L'amour d'un inspecteur commence par l'observation

Since Gin-san was the White Yaksha, a major player in the Joi war, Hijikata orders a stakeout on Odd Jobs in order to find out if he`s still connected to the Joi rebels. This stakeout mission lands at the feet of Inspector Yamazaki Sagaru. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 22 avril 2015

Au lieu d'apprendre le nom des ères, souviens-toi des hommes ! & Cache tes livres pornos, mais pas ton ***** !

S1 E4 Au lieu d'apprendre le nom des ères, souviens-toi des hommes ! & Cache tes livres pornos, mais pas ton ***** !

Gin-san takes history lessons, and teaches you how to hide your porn mags? Tsukuyo tries to teach Seita history, the subject he`s not great at. However, her training (?) methods end up leaving him scarred, which makes desperate Seita ask Gin-san to take over as his tutor... Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 29 avril 2015

Un miroir libère et délivre toute la vérité, beauté et laideur & Personne n'apprécie sa photo de permis

S1 E5 Un miroir libère et délivre toute la vérité, beauté et laideur & Personne n'apprécie sa photo de permis

Peeping at Odd Jobs through a mirror? One morning, Gin-san notices that the Odd Jobs kitchen has been fitted with a brand-new mirror. Stuck on it is a note from Otose, but it was all a ruse for Sacchan to peep at Gin-san from inside the mirror! Just what **** side of Gin-san will she end up witnessing? Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 6 mai 2015

Difficile de prendre part à une réunion d'anciens élèves quand on est en retard

S1 E6 Difficile de prendre part à une réunion d'anciens élèves quand on est en retard

Gin-san`s invited to a Joi Rebels reunion, where he finds Katsura and Sakomoto, fellow survivors of the Joi War era, reminiscing about the past. Sick of seeing them in OPs and EDs all the time, Gin-san tries to leave immediately, but he`s shocked by the revelation that the organizer of the reunion wasn`t Katsura or Sakomoto, but rather the phantom fifth man, Kurokono Tasuke. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 13 mai 2015

Pendant une réunion d’anciens élèves, on se souvient aussi de choses qu’on préférerait oublier

S1 E7 Pendant une réunion d’anciens élèves, on se souvient aussi de choses qu’on préférerait oublier

With the letter from Takasugi proving to be a catalyst, the Joi rebel gang starts to remember Kurokono, and takes a trip down memory line to the Joi War era. After a gruelling battle with the Bakufu army, Gin-san and his comrades were taking a momentary rest at an abandoned temple. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 20 mai 2015

Comparé à celle des dieux, la vie humaine ressemble à une loterie illusoire

S1 E8 Comparé à celle des dieux, la vie humaine ressemble à une loterie illusoire

Hijikata is offered a lottery ticket by the old lady who runs the cigarette store he frequents. Though initially he has no interest, he`s forced to take a ticket someone dropped, with assurances that "it`ll change the way the world looks." Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 27 mai 2015

Les gens aux grosses narines ont aussi une grande imagination & Quand on regarde une nouvelle série sentai, on ne veut pas recon

S1 E9 Les gens aux grosses narines ont aussi une grande imagination & Quand on regarde une nouvelle série sentai, on ne veut pas recon

Gin-san figures that the reason Odd Jobs isn`t get any requests at all lately is because of a lack of publicity. In order to make an advertising poster, he tries to come up with a catchy copy along with Kagura and Shinpachi, but the ideas they come up with all seem somewhat familiar. Just what kind of poster will they create? Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 3 juin 2015

9 + 1 = Jyûbei

S1 E10 9 + 1 = Jyûbei

One day, a fortune teller calls out to Kyubei as she`s walking down a street. After hearing her issues out, the fortune teller suggests to Kyubei that she should become a man in both mind and body once. The ridiculous suggestion angers Kyubei, but the very next moment, Kabuki District gets enveloped in a mysterious light. With everyone around her confused, Kyubei feels something off with her body and is shocked by the person reflected in the glass in front of her. Just what happened to her body?! Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 10 juin 2015

Les calories reviennent quand on les a oubliées

S1 E11 Les calories reviennent quand on les a oubliées

The mysterious light that covered all of the Kabuki District swapped the genders of everyone who was exposed! The culprits were Dekobokkoists, a religious cult on all the interspace wanted lists, who end up taking over the Kabuki District through its surveillance network. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 17 juin 2015

10 - 1 =

S1 E12 10 - 1 =

Thanks to the efforts of the Gintama hunks (?), the gender-swapping situation running roughshod over the Kabuki District is resolved. Or so it appears, but Ginko and everyone else in the Dekobokkoism base don`t get their original bodies back. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 24 juin 2015

Le panier-repas de ma mère est toujours trop froid et un peu écrasé

S1 E13 Le panier-repas de ma mère est toujours trop froid et un peu écrasé

Seita has started going to temple school, but it looks like he`s finding it hard to fit in with the others. Apparently the reason lies in Hinowa`s extravagant stacked lunch boxes, but Hinowa herself doesn`t understand that at all. As such, she makes Tsukuyo make lunch for him, but... Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 1 juillet 2015

Les faucheuses du matin et de la nuit

S1 E14 Les faucheuses du matin et de la nuit

The Kabuki District is thrown into turmoil by a series of serial killings targeting drunkards. They were all cut through the neck, leaving just one tiny bit of flesh attached. And because of that, now there are rumors that it \Nwas the work of a Reaper. When Gin-san takes the deserted streets home drunk, he runs into a Reaper who asks for his help in committing suicide. This Reaper turns out to have a backstory that cannot be made public, and Gin-san and gang end up getting mixed up in this incident. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 8 juillet 2015

Humain ou démon ?

S1 E15 Humain ou démon ?

The Reaper was Ikeda Asaemon, from a family of executioners. She had committed the sin of betraying and killing the former head of the family. And Gin-san was a criminal who was supposed to have been beheaded by the Ikeda family in the past. The family head, Ikeda Yaemon, requests Odd Jobs to keep Asaemon safe. The ship prepared for them seems to sailing smoothly but gets stopped in its tracks by Okita and Hijikata`s appearance. That`s when Okita reveals to them all the facts of this case... Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 15 juillet 2015

Adieu, Faucheuse

S1 E16 Adieu, Faucheuse

Asaemon points her blade at Yaemon of her own free will, but has a hard time due to Yaemon`s overwhelming strength. Gintoki joins the fight but gets wounded by Hitotsubashi retainers backing Yaemon up. With Gintoki and Asaemon on the backfoot, Yaemon tells Asaemon about how Gintoki killed her biological father. This makes her waver, with sword in hand. Just who will Asaemon kill, Gintoki or Yaemon? Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 22 juillet 2015

Le phénix renaît toujours de ses cendres

S1 E17 Le phénix renaît toujours de ses cendres

Has Madao finally found a job?! For some reason, he`s become the friendly scary-story teller at the park and comes to Odd Jobs to collect some more scary stories. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 29 juillet 2015


S1 E18 Amen

Gin-san opens up a confessional booth for Tama, but things go awry very quickly as the confessions lead him to a very painful truth. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 5 août 2015

Dur d'être chef

S1 E19 Dur d'être chef

Gin-san gets arrested for killing a shogun! The Shogun, meanwhile, loses his memories. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 12 août 2015

L'amour est un piège à cafards

S1 E20 L'amour est un piège à cafards

The dirty hero who protects the Earth from the shadows of the kitchen shows up? On the night of the summer festival, when everyone`s in high spirits, Hijikata and Okita are making their rounds when they run into a man brandishing his sword at couples, who ends up being Kondo. He seems to have gone mad after his beloved Otae turned down his invitation to spend the festival together. Unable to bear the sorry sight, Hijikata and Okita give him a Roachief RX mask and run away. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 19 août 2015

Un été Sizzle ! / Été 2015 : Il n'y a rien

S1 E21 Un été Sizzle ! / Été 2015 : Il n'y a rien

The two big events of summer, watermelon splitting and endless homework, come together in this episode! Kagura and Princess Soyo wonder if there`s a way to make watermelons even tastier, and Gin-san tells them how. However, this somehow leads to the princess getting kidnapped! With summer break drawing to a close, Seita visits Odd Jobs with the most troublesome of requests: he wants help finishing his summer homework. Speaking of which, have you finished yours? Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 26 août 2015

Je suis mayonnaise, il est sucrerie

S1 E22 Je suis mayonnaise, il est sucrerie

When they meet with a traffic accident, Gintoki and Hijikata miraculously escape without a scratch, but their souls end up switching bodies. With no means to return to normal, Gintoki has to live as a freedom-loving Hijikata, and Hijikata as a Gintoki who stresses strict discipline. The change in these two leaders transforms the Shinsengumi and Odd Jobs into completely different organizations. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 2 septembre 2015

Je suis indigne d'être chef et il l'est tout autant

S1 E23 Je suis indigne d'être chef et il l'est tout autant

Upon finding out that their egos were switched by Gengai`s Fully Automatic Egg-on-Rice Maker, Gintoki and Hijikata head out to find the cat`s corpse that sucked in half of Gintoki`s soul, only to find it transformed into something completely unexpected. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 9 septembre 2015

J'appartiens à l'Agence, lui au Shinsengumi

S1 E24 J'appartiens à l'Agence, lui au Shinsengumi

Gintoki and Hijikata try everything they can to split Otae and Dozaemon-san up, but there are some other switcheroos happening behind the scenes. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 16 septembre 2015

Ouvre toujours ton sac pour y mettre cinq millions

S1 E25 Ouvre toujours ton sac pour y mettre cinq millions

Mutsu gets sick of Sakamoto after his idea of selling bags with room for 50 million falls flat, and dumps him in the ocean. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 23 septembre 2015

Ouvre toujours ton sac pour y mettre des cailloux

S1 E26 Ouvre toujours ton sac pour y mettre des cailloux

With Sakamoto held captive by the former commander of the Chidori space pirates, Mutsu is forced to relive her past. Meanwhile, Gintoki comes to a startling realization about the woman known as the Razor XO. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 30 septembre 2015

La mode est quelque chose qui devient obsolète dès qu'on la désigne comme telle / Il y a deux sortes d'hommes en ce monde, ceux

S1 E27 La mode est quelque chose qui devient obsolète dès qu'on la désigne comme telle / Il y a deux sortes d'hommes en ce monde, ceux

Shinpachi and the rest of Odd Jobs decide to go for a new look, with predictably disastrous results. In the second half, Shinpachi is tasked with learning the ultimate move his father left behind. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 7 octobre 2015

Les deux singes

S1 E28 Les deux singes

Kondo comes face to face with Ape Boy, a legendary thief, who takes him under his wing. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 14 octobre 2015

L'afro de la vie et la mort

S1 E29 L'afro de la vie et la mort

Katsura infiltrates the Shinsengumi in a bid to take it down from the inside, but he finds he has an unexpected foe to deal with. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 21 octobre 2015

Afro et afloup

S1 E30 Afro et afloup

Katsura spreads baseless rumors about Saito and puts him on trial. Gin-san and the others try to prevent his execution. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 28 octobre 2015

Sous-estime les éléments de début d'intrigue et tu risques gros

S1 E31 Sous-estime les éléments de début d'intrigue et tu risques gros

The extreme heat of summer reminds everyone that Kagura is weak to sunlight. She is taken seriously ill, or so it seems... Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 4 novembre 2015

Les adieux doivent être concis

S1 E32 Les adieux doivent être concis

What was supposed to be a mere feigned illness turned into a state funeral sending Kagura off! How can Kagura get out of this? Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 11 novembre 2015

Un seul éditeur suffit / Le G-Pen est capricieux, le Maru est têtu

S1 E33 Un seul éditeur suffit / Le G-Pen est capricieux, le Maru est têtu

Gintoki helps Shachi, his partner in the mangaka duo Akurogi Musai, confess to a woman he`s infatuated with, and later with meeting a deadline. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 18 novembre 2015

Frappe tant que le fer et le Seigneur du Mal sont chauds / Pluie huileuse

S1 E34 Frappe tant que le fer et le Seigneur du Mal sont chauds / Pluie huileuse

Tetsuko, the swordsmith, asks Odd Jobs to look after her store, and Tama makes an oil-blooded friend. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 25 novembre 2015

Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 1: Shogun de lumière et Shogun de ténèbres

S1 E35 Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 1: Shogun de lumière et Shogun de ténèbres

The shogun`s assassination is set in motion. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 2 décembre 2015

Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 2: Le village des ninjas

S1 E36 Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 2: Le village des ninjas

After Zenzo`s shocking betrayal, Takasugi looks to drive the shogun faction into a corner. Kamui also looks to do the same, but runs into Okita. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 9 décembre 2015

Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 3:L'âme d'un ninja

S1 E37 Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 3:L'âme d'un ninja

The full truth about the Iga ninjas` involvement in the shogun assassination plot comes to light, as well as a surprising aspect of the shogun and Oniwaban`s past. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 16 décembre 2015

Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 4: Les cinq derniers

S1 E38 Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 4: Les cinq derniers

Gintoki, Kagura, Shinpachi, Kondo, and Hijikata are the only five remaining who can protect the shogun from the Yato onslaught. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 23 décembre 2015

Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 5: Ceux qui protègent tout

S1 E39 Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 5: Ceux qui protègent tout

Kagura vs. Kamui. Gintoki vs. Takasugi. The long-awaited battles finally begin! Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 6 janvier 2016

Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 6: Ennemis

S1 E40 Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 6: Ennemis

Gintoki and Takasugi continue their fierce battle, and the truth about their past, and the animosity between them, is finally revealed. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 13 janvier 2016

Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 7: Après une bataille, les corbeaux croassent

S1 E41 Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 7: Après une bataille, les corbeaux croassent

The Tendoshu and Yatagarasu swoop in for the kill after the Shogun and Hitotsubashi factions wear each other out. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 20 janvier 2016

Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 8: Adieu, mes potes

S1 E42 Arc de l'assassinat du Shogun 8: Adieu, mes potes

Shigeshige makes his intentions clear in the face of Nobunobu`s appointment as shogun. Meanwhile, the full aftermath of the battle finally comes to light... Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 27 janvier 2016

Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 1: Le jour où le démon se lamente

S1 E43 Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 1: Le jour où le démon se lamente

Big changes are afoot in Edo in the wake of Shigeshige`s funeral and Nobunobu`s appointment as shogun. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 3 février 2016

Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 2: Les héros arrivent toujours en retard

S1 E44 Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 2: Les héros arrivent toujours en retard

As people struggle to come to terms with the new environment in Edo, Hijikata and Okita get some rather unexpected visitors. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 10 février 2016

Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 3: Objet oublié

S1 E45 Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 3: Objet oublié

Katsura reveals to Kondo that he got himself caught on purpose, and tells him about his ingenious scheme. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 17 février 2016

Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 4: Évasion

S1 E46 Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 4: Évasion

As Kondo and gang run around Kokujo Island waiting for help to arrive, the Shinsengumi and Joi Rebel joint operation is joined by an unexpected third party! Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 24 février 2016

Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 5: Chiens errants

S1 E47 Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 5: Chiens errants

As the joint front makes landfall at Kokujo Island, Gintoki puts his plan into action. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 2 mars 2016

Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 6: Le message non reçu

S1 E48 Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 6: Le message non reçu

Sasaki Isaburo`s past with the Shinsengumi, Matsudaira, and Imai Nobume is finally revealed. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 9 mars 2016

Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 7: Karma

S1 E49 Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 7: Karma

Things come to a head on Kokujo Island, as death itself descends upon the battlefield. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 16 mars 2016

Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 8: Nobume

S1 E50 Arc de l'adieu au Shinsengumi 8: Nobume

With everyone fighting to regroup and escape, Sasaki makes the same mistake one more time. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 23 mars 2016