Saison 2013

8 épisodes

(3 h 20 min)



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Sacred Cow: Defending America on a Budget

S2013 E1 Sacred Cow: Defending America on a Budget

For the first time in decades, the U.S. is tightening its belt on defense spending. While traditional threats like nuclear and great power conflicts do remain, the post-9/11 challenges of terrorism and counterinsurgency have led to a paradigm shift in the way we think about our national security. Emerging threats like cybersecurity and biowarfare also require new thinking. Do 21st century challenges now pose a greater threat to U.S. national security than traditional threats like nuclear war, naval supremacy and ability to fight ground wars? Defense in an age of economic uncertainty.

Power to the People: The New Egypt

S2013 E2 Power to the People: The New Egypt

The U.S. has enjoyed 30 years of relatively stable relations with both Israel and Egypt, thanks in large part to the peace plan outlined by the historic Camp David Accords. The harmony between the two rivals has provided a key element of stability in an otherwise turbulent Middle East. But Egypt's bumpy transition from the autocratic rule of President Hosni Mubarak to its post-Arab Spring reality has put many on edge. What challenges does the new Egypt post for American policymakers and U.S. allies in the region?

Feeding the Dragon: China in Africa

S2013 E3 Feeding the Dragon: China in Africa

African economies are booming like never before, thanks in large part to China. The global giant is investing in infrastructure projects to help it tap into the continent’s resources – oil, minerals, and its huge agricultural potential. Critics charge China with cozying up to dictators and ignoring issues of human rights and transparency. Others fear that the U.S. is being left behind, and its influence in Africa waning. China in Africa.

Imperfect Union: The Eurozone in Crisis

S2013 E4 Imperfect Union: The Eurozone in Crisis

After World War Two, the leaders of Europe established greater economic ties to help prevent future continental conflict. Now, more than half a century later, the EU faces the biggest financial crisis in its history, and the future of the Eurozone itself is under question. What’s preventing the world’s second largest economy -- and America’s largest trading partner -- from pulling itself out of recession?

Red Line: Iran, Israel and the Bomb

S2013 E5 Red Line: Iran, Israel and the Bomb

For nearly a decade, Iran’s quest for nuclear capabilities has topped global security concerns in Washington, Brussels and Tel Aviv. Why is a nuclear armed Iran considered so dangerous to U.S. and Israeli interests, and what’s prevented Iran from reaching a deal year after year?

The Intervention Calculation

S2013 E6 The Intervention Calculation

The U.S., for better or worse, is often seen as the world’s policeman. But the question of when to intervene in other nations' affairs with military force has long stymied American policymakers, from Afghanistan and Iraq to Libya and Syria. Why do we intervene in some conflicts and stand on the sidelines in others?

The Generals and the Democrat: Burma in Transition

S2013 E7 The Generals and the Democrat: Burma in Transition

Controlled by a military junta, the nation of Burma, or Myanmar, has long been isolated as an international pariah state. But a flicker of hope for many Burmese has been Aung San Suu Kyi, who’s spent decades defying military leaders in her quest for democracy. Now, the generals have started to implement a series of democratic and economic reforms, which the U.S. and other Western powers have welcomed overwhelmingly. But are Myanmar's military leaders serious about reform? And is Aung San Suu Kyi the one to lead Burma through what could be a rocky transition from international outcast to Asian “tiger”?

Joint Strike: NATO and the 21st Century

S2013 E8 Joint Strike: NATO and the 21st Century

NATO enjoyed a surge in popularity following the quick success of its air campaign in Libya. The much needed boost in morale comes as NATO moves into its twelfth year in Afghanistan, fighting a war that many see as destined to fail. Can the NATO alliance - forged during the Cold War – ensure global stability in the 21st Century? And should the U.S. continue to foot most of the bill?