22 épisodes
(16 h 30 min)
S2 E1 • Hosanna Roseanna
Harry accepte de défendre un homme accusé de meurtre au premier degré. Celui-ci, un certain Eric Sanders, aurait sauvagement assassiné son épouse.
Première diffusion : 21 septembre 2011
S2 E2 • Le monstre
Les charges contre Harry sont abandonnées, mais Roseanna Remmick, elle, poursuit ses attaques.
Première diffusion : 28 septembre 2011
S2 E3 • La haine
Harry continue avec acharnement de défendre Eric Sanders, accusé d'avoir sauvagement assassiné sa femme.
Première diffusion : 5 octobre 2011
S2 E4 • La Reine noire
Harry accepte l'aide d'Ollie pour défendre une jeune bloggeuse qu'on accuse du suicide d'une camarade de classe, après qu'elle a révélé dans un de ses billets que la jeune fille en question était homosexuelle.
Première diffusion : 12 octobre 2011
S2 E5 • Bad to Worse
L'affaire Sanders se poursuit et semble sur la mauvaise voie. Mais Harry est déterminée à aller jusqu'au bout et à sauver la peau de son client coûte que coûte.
Première diffusion : 19 octobre 2011
S2 E6 • Le match retour
Harry est chargée de défendre un certain Joshua Peyton, ancien procureur de renom, mais aussi l'un de ses adversaires.
Première diffusion : 2 novembre 2011
S2 E7 • Adoption
Yan et Jun supplient Adam de les aider à récupérer leur fille Minn, dont ils ont été séparés.
Première diffusion : 9 novembre 2011
S2 E8 • Démence
Harry doit jouer les arbitres pour apaiser les tensions qui montent entre Cassie et Oliver au sujet d'une nouvelle affaire.
Première diffusion : 16 novembre 2011
S2 E9 • Le braquage
Harry et Adam sont chargés de défendre un couple dont le fils est décédé des suites d'une commotion, lors d'une partie de football au lycée.
Première diffusion : 30 novembre 2011
S2 E10 • Un acte de compassion
Harry prend en charge un nouveau dossier délicat. Avec son équipe, elle doit défendre une jeune mère accusée d'avoir tué son bébé anencéphale.
Première diffusion : 7 décembre 2011
S2 E11 • Gorille de mes rêves
Harry et Tommy louent une parcelle de terrain pour chasser le canard. Une fois arrivés, ils se retrouvent face à un tigre.
Première diffusion : 11 janvier 2012
S2 E12 • Commerce d'organes
Harry, Cassie et Adam sont chargés de défendre les intérêts d'un jeune homme de 21 ans, brillant et rusé, qui pourrait mourir d'une insuffisance rénale.
Première diffusion : 18 janvier 2012
S2 E13 • Après l'amour
Harry walks the halls of her old law firm with her client as she prepares to meet with rival attorney Sam Berman. "Your attorney used to be a valued member of our firm. It was a shame to see her go," Berman says before Harry corrects him. "They fired me." Harry represents Earl Connolly, the grieving husband of a woman who died from smoking, and Berman represents the cigarette company being sued. Berman offers a settlement of one $123,000. "For a dead wife?" Harry asks as she quickly rejects the offer. Berman warns Harry that she doesn't want to go to trial; the client's wife freely smoked cigarettes for 35 years, and the company will keep the lawsuit tied up in litigation for years before the case even sees trial. Harry's not afraid of the battle ahead and leaves with her client ready for the litigation war that awaits them.
Première diffusion : 11 mars 2012
S2 E14 • Le Vice et la vertu
Harry represents a school principal trying to expel a student with an anxiety-based condition which causes her to have uncontrollable outbursts. In addition, Harry reaches out to Roseanna Remmick for help with a former client who is convinced that his sister was murdered by her husband. Elsewhere, a former high school classmate of Adam's, comes to him for help with her plea bargain on drug and prostitution charges. Tommy prepares for a gala where he hopes to win Trial Lawyer of the Year.
Première diffusion : 18 mars 2012
S2 E15 • L'École est finie
After a police investigation, Harry's next door neighbor is accused of being a sex offender. While the investigation does not yield charges, it becomes grounds for her to lose her job as a teacher and she seeks out Harry's help. Meanwhile, Oliver faces off against opposing counsel, Phoebe Blake, after a couple comes to him to represent their rebellious son who dropped out of school to take a well-paying, full-time job. Back at the office, Adam must play mediator when the women who work downstairs in the shoe store revolt against Chunhua's seemingly tyrannical leadership.
Première diffusion : 25 mars 2012
S2 E16 • Mensonges, vérité et justice
"Now look, Judge. Trials are rarely about the truth. The D.A. distorts, the defense distorts. Why shouldn't the client be allowed to put in her version? After all, it is her life on the line." In order to get her innocent client off, Harry must put her on the stand to testify, but the client has said she plans to lie in order to protect the real culprit. If Harry lets her testify, she'll be suborning perjury, and if she doesn't, her client will surely be convicted, so she must do everything in her power to get her client to tell the truth.
Première diffusion : 8 avril 2012
S2 E17 • Le Concours
Oliver defends a high school teenager charged with selling the morning-after pill to under-age girls. Harry enters the firm into a beauty contest to win a bet against her old firm.
Première diffusion : 15 avril 2012
S2 E18 • Points de rupture
Harry represents a rogue juror who ran away from jury duty in the midst of deliberations on a high-profile murder case. With Tommy's help, Harry must justify the juror's flight which led to a costly mistrial for the State. Elsewhere, Phoebe and Adam defend a reality TV show wife after being sued by her dead husband's family when he commits suicide. Back at the office, Oliver and Cassie strive to balance their newfound relationship with the firm's heavy case-load.
Première diffusion : 22 avril 2012
S2 E19 • Le Bizutage
When a hazing ritual goes terribly awry, resulting in 39 members of a school marching band being charged with first degree murder, Harry makes an impassioned plea with the judge to toss out the law and do the right thing. Meanwhile Tommy, Ollie, and Cassie agree to represent a man who claims he was raped by a beautiful woman, and Tommy takes extreme measures to get to the truth.
Première diffusion : 29 avril 2012
S2 E20 • Différence de classes
Harry reunites with Malcolm to help a death row inmate accused of killing a cop; Adam and Phoebe defend a lovable rogue art thief.
Première diffusion : 6 mai 2012
S2 E21 • Rien que la vérité
When Harry's client is acquitted of raping and murdering his ex-girlfriend, the victim's father and brother take the courtroom hostage. Meanwhile, a friend of Cassie's needs help after being in a car accident.
Première diffusion : 13 mai 2012
S2 E22 • Premier amour
Series Finale: Harry's ex-husband is found dead and with no one else to claim his body, Harry finds herself planning his funeral which, to her surprise, stirs up old emotions. Meanwhile, she and Tommy agree to represent a man whom police suspect murdered his ex-wife. Elsewhere, Ollie seeks Cassie's help in representing a student who is suing the Law School that rejected her application due to affirmative action quotas and Adam goes up against Phoebe when he represents a man who was fired because he habitually popped his false teeth in and out of his mouth.
Première diffusion : 27 mai 2012