14 épisodes
(7 h)
Saison 1
Saison 2
Saison 3
Saison 4
Saison 5
Saison 6
Saison 7
Saison 8
Saison 9
Saison 10
Saison 11
Saison 12
Saison 13
S2 E1 • Psycho Truck Driver
A burger stop on the roadside turns into a showdown. The hoons are rioting. And driving "al fresco".
Première diffusion : 30 juin 2010
S2 E2 • Mad Biker
The pursuit of a motorbike ends in a head on smash between the patrol car and the fleeing motorbike. As unlikely as this sounds it’s just one of the many things Officer de Bono discovers is not as it should be about this bike rider. A car runs through a random breath test stop, narrowly missing the officer trying to wave it into the side of the road. Officer Dean Pickering flags him down and discovers the driver is a jittering mess who claims to be so scared of the police he didn’t want to stop. Officer Brad Hall pulls over a driver for doing an illegal right hand turn. He then discovers that the driver is suspended and has been drinking. But she thinks she knows more about the law than Officer hall and it takes a lot of negotiating to get her back to a police station. Officer Luke Anderton pulls over a woman for speeding and it’s the first time she’s ever been stopped by police. When they start to joke about Luke “being her first” Luke loses his train of thought and let’s her off!
Première diffusion : 26 juillet 2010
S2 E3 • Racy Rider
Officers pull over a teenager driving his mum's car and a license check on a speeding driver reveals more that officers had expected.
Première diffusion : 22 juin 2011
S2 E4 • Taxi Theft
A taxi passenger does a runner to avoid paying the fare, but instead of running away from the cab, the passenger steals it leaving the driver standing at the roadside. A witness follows the taxi and can direct police to where it’s hidden behind a block of flats. The dog squad and a helicopter come in on the hunt but the man has vanished. What he’s left behind though is a perfect recording taken by the in car camera in the taxi! Officer Dean Pickering catches a young driver disobeying a no entry sign and driving into a bus zone. Dean discovers the car has an extremely loud exhaust and some other problems. When the driver readjusts his attitude Dean gives him the less expensive tickets. A car is pulled over but because the owner is suspended, but the driver claims he’s not the owner of the car, that’s his brother. Officer Ash Bowden has heard this so many times before and the driver doesn’t have a wallet to prove he is who he claims to be. But when the driver’s wife admits everything the driver still won’t back away from his story and he’s arrested and taken to the police station. Officer Evan Brown pulls over a driver for doing 130 on the freeway. While he is dealing with the speeding driver he spots a taxi pulling over on the other side of the freeway with flames coming out the exhaust.
Première diffusion : 27 octobre 2010
S2 E5 • Stole Mum's Car
Officer Anderton pulls over an unlicensed 17-year-old out with his mates in his mother's car. But when the officer calls the boy's mother, she admits to having given him permission to use the car. Meanwhile, two senior constables pull over a car to find a small child in the back sharing a seat belt with another passenger. Then, one of the passengers decides it's the perfect opportunity to try to pick up one of the police officers.
Première diffusion : 6 juillet 2011
S2 E6 • Drunk Grandmother
A breath testing unit experience a weird night on the roads under a full moon. A car with a painting of Heath Ledger on its bonnet catches the eye of the police – again. Is an innocent grandmother who is pulled over for speeding trying to hide something from police?
Première diffusion : 29 juin 2011
S2 E7 • Rainstorm Crash
A rainstorm hits Melbourne and a skylarking driver causes massive gridlock when he crashes into trees alongside the freeway. Snr constable Alan Edwards pulls over a driver doing 131 km/h in a 110 km/h zone but the driver gives false details but the onboard computer tells who she really is and has a suspended licence, Ryan Burns and Aaron Gribble are busy dealing with speeders, Ash Bowden attends a crash in the wet weather with a fireman claiming the car was doing burnouts before the crash, Meredith Grisold and Scott Cowan pull over a driver for using a mobile phone and also issue a defect notice, who the driver blames is someone unusual
Première diffusion : 20 octobre 2010
S2 E8 • Speed Drink Suspend
Officers Henry and Emmanouel are called to a fatal accident at a railway crossing. A drunk driver has hit a few cars on his way back from McDonald's and seems too out of it to be able to answer some easy questions.
Première diffusion : 13 juillet 2011
S2 E9 • Hash 'n' Dash
Officer Terry Moore catches a speeding driver who is carrying marijuana, while a truck driver from Sydney has got lost on the Melbourne freeway and got stuck in a median strip after illegally taking a U-turn with his massive truck and trailer. And two adults smoking in a car with a child inside catches the eye of Senior Constable Ash Bowden.
Première diffusion : 20 juillet 2011
S2 E10 • Car Full of Kids
A very young driver catches the eye of Senior Constable Nathan Ractliffe and it turns out everyone in the car is between 12 and 15, including the driver.
Première diffusion : 27 juillet 2011
S2 E11 • Episode 11
Première diffusion : 3 août 2011
S2 E12 • Episode 12
Première diffusion : 14 août 2011
S2 E13 • Episode 13
Première diffusion : 21 août 2011
S2 E14 • Episode 14
Première diffusion : 28 août 2011