Saison 1

75 épisodes

(7 h 15 min)



Saison 1


Modifier ma progression
Un éternel rival

S1 E1 Un éternel rival

Twelve-year old Hikaru Shindo finds a old Go board with an hidden surprise. Trapped inside is Fujiwara-no-Sai, the ghost of a ancient Go master… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 10 octobre 2001

Un point vital décelé

S1 E2 Un point vital décelé

After defeating Go prodigy Akira Toya with the help of Sai, Hikaru starts to get a better understanding of the game through classes with a local Go tutor… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 17 octobre 2001

Akira montre les crocs

S1 E3 Akira montre les crocs

Going on instinct, Akira finds Hikaru at Children’s Go Tournament and demands to know about more about this Go-playing upstart… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 24 octobre 2001

Kaga du club Shogi

S1 E4 Kaga du club Shogi

Initially rebuffing Akari’s invitation to the Haze Junior High festival, Hikaru decides to attend only to be stood up. As he walks through the festival grounds, he spots a Go demonstration, much to the delight of Sai. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 31 octobre 2001

Un pressentiment d'éveil

S1 E5 Un pressentiment d'éveil

In a game of Go that could go either way, Kaga defeats Hikaru. But instead of making him jump into a freezing cold pool, Kaga recruits Hikaru to join he and Kimihiro to play in an upcoming Go tournament at rival Kaio Middle… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 7 novembre 2001

Une partie magnifique

S1 E6 Une partie magnifique

As if the pressure of getting caught for playing in the Go tournament, Akira Toya is touring the grounds of Kaio Middle, a school with a powerful Go team… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 14 novembre 2001

Je ne jouerai pas contre toi

S1 E7 Je ne jouerai pas contre toi

With the Go Tournament behind them, Hikaru is now an official student at Haze Middle school and is eager to start a Go team with Kimihiro. It’s just too bad that Kaga has quit to rejoin the Shogi Club… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 21 novembre 2001

Le complot ourdi sous la pluie

S1 E8 Le complot ourdi sous la pluie

Akira Toya’s presence on the Kaio Go Club has made him the most hated member of the team. Not only is he a Go master in the making, but he beats everyone who dares to face him… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 28 novembre 2001

Celui qui gène

S1 E9 Celui qui gène

As the newest member of the Kaio Go Club, Akira must clean an old classroom to be used by the Girls’ Go Team. But as soon as he starts to clean and look through old books of Go Strategy, Kojima and Ito, two Kaio teammates, trick him into playing Go without looking at the board. .. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 5 décembre 2001

Le 3e membre

S1 E10 Le 3e membre

Still looking for that elusive third player, Akari tells Hikaru and Kimihiro about Yuki Mitani, a fellow classmate who can play a mean game of go. The only problem is that he wants nothing to do with amateur tournaments… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 12 décembre 2001

L'acte le plus lâche

S1 E11 L'acte le plus lâche

Hikaru discovers Yuki secret to winning at Go…Cheating! When Hikaru returns to the Go Salon, it appears that the Shu, the Go Salon keeper, has brought in a ringer to stop Yuki and his hustling... Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 19 décembre 2001

Tu es le 3e joueur de l'équipe

S1 E12 Tu es le 3e joueur de l'équipe

In a token of thanks for defeating the ringer at the Go Salon, Yuki joins the Go Club and gives his word not to cheat. Over at Kaio Middle, Akira plots his next move in trying to face Hikaru once again... Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 26 décembre 2001

La détermination de chacun

S1 E13 La détermination de chacun

Now that Haze Middle can “officially” enter school tournaments, Hikaru, Yuki and Kimihiro are ready to win it all… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 9 janvier 2002

La 3e partie

S1 E14 La 3e partie

It’s Kaio Middle School versus Haze Middle School. Yuki faces off against Kaio’s captain, the arrogant Kishimoto while Hikaru takes on Akira for the third time… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 16 janvier 2002

Le joueur de Go caché sur Internet

S1 E15 Le joueur de Go caché sur Internet

With summertime around the corner, Hikaru and Akira find themselves traveling new paths on their journeys. Akira gives up the Kaio Go Club and decides to take the Pro Exam while Hikaru introduced to the world of Internet Go… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 23 janvier 2002

Qui est Saï ?

S1 E16 Qui est Saï ?

Between Hikaru’s novice computer skills and Sai’s strength at playing Go, they become the most unbeatable player in the world of Internet Go… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 30 janvier 2002

Une partie ancrée dans le souvenir

S1 E17 Une partie ancrée dans le souvenir

At the World Amateur Championship, the air is abuzz with interest in Sai whom some of the participants have played online at one time or another… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 6 février 2002

Akira contre Saï

S1 E18 Akira contre Saï

Eager to take on Sai, Akira doesn’t even bother to show up for his first pro exam match. But Sai defeats him, leaving Akira to wonder if it’s Hikaru on the other side of the board… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 13 février 2002

Le niveau d'Hikaru

S1 E19 Le niveau d'Hikaru

Summer’s winding down and thanks to all his internet playing with Sai, his game has gotten stronger… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 20 février 2002

La voie pour devenir pro

S1 E20 La voie pour devenir pro

After a chance meeting in a bookstore, Kishimoto, the captain of the Kaio Go Club, takes Hikaru to a Go Salon to see what kind of player he truly is... Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 27 février 2002

Le club de Go du collège Haze

S1 E21 Le club de Go du collège Haze

Hikaru returns to the Go club to announce his intentions on becoming an Insei, which angers Yuki Mitani and disappoints the rest of the Haze Middle Go Club… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 6 mars 2002

L'examen d'entrée des Inseï

S1 E22 L'examen d'entrée des Inseï

Even with his new-found love for the game of Go, Hikaru finds it nearly impossible to sit comfortably, let alone beat his opponent during the test… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 13 mars 2002

La salle Yûgen

S1 E23 La salle Yûgen

Now that he’s an insei, Hikaru’s finding that winning is hard to come by. Starting off with six straight losses, Hikaru’s at the bottom of the B-league with little hope in sight… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 20 mars 2002

L'Oza contre Akira

S1 E24 L'Oza contre Akira

As the Shinshodan Series starts up, the Oza is taken aback by Akira’s seemingly easy rise to the pros. Instead of playing a simple exhibition match against the young prodigy, he’s going to challenge Akira with everything he’s got… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 27 mars 2002

Peur et Panique

S1 E25 Peur et Panique

Waya invites Hikaru to a study session with his teacher, Morishita-sensei. Hikaru learns about the Young Lions Tournament, where only the top 16 Insei in the A-league get to compete against newly crowned pros… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 3 avril 2002

Bienvenue dans le groupe 1

S1 E26 Bienvenue dans le groupe 1

It hasn’t been easy, but Hikaru’s moved up the ranks and out of the B-league. Now he’s taking on a tougher group of opponents, including the mistake-prone Fuku, Waya’s toughest opponent. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 10 avril 2002

Un endroit où je voudrais revenir

S1 E27 Un endroit où je voudrais revenir

Feeling a bit nostalgic, Hikaru comes back to visit to Haze Middle Go Club, where things have gone from bad to worse. Since Yuki quit, the club cannot participate in school tournaments… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 17 avril 2002

La coupe des jeunes lions

S1 E28 La coupe des jeunes lions

It’s time for the Young Lions Tournament, where 16 newly crowned pros take on the Top 16 Insei in the A-League… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 24 avril 2002

Kuwabara Honinbô

S1 E29 Kuwabara Honinbô

As the Young Lions Tournament winds down, Hikaru loses his match to Murakami 2 –Dan. Anxious to know about how the entire match progressed, Akira presses Ogata Sensei, one of the spectators at the tournament, for answers… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 1 mai 2002

Ogata Vs Honinbô

S1 E30 Ogata Vs Honinbô

In the lobby of the Go Association building, Kadowaki, a top College player, is looking to brush up on his game before taking the Pro Exam. Enter Hikaru, who with Sai’s help, teaches this amateur how the game of Go is truly played… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 8 mai 2002

Le début de l’examen Pro

S1 E31 Le début de l’examen Pro

The Prelims for the Pro Exams are about to start! Hikaru starts off on an unlucky streak when he draws Tsubaki, a loud and overbearing biker who uses his time to think about his moves…on the back of his motorcycle… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 15 mai 2002

Le dernier jour de qualification

S1 E32 Le dernier jour de qualification

After losing two games in a row, Hikaru’s self-confidence is shaken… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 22 mai 2002

Formation d’une équipe

S1 E33 Formation d’une équipe

In the hopes of helping Hikaru get over his fear of playing adults, Waya and Isumi take him to a Go Salon to take on opponents of a more mature nature… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 29 mai 2002

Je ne dois pas gagner

S1 E34 Je ne dois pas gagner

At a local festival Akira is asked to play 4 players simultaneously including Kurimoto, a boorish and rude city councilman. To make matter worse, he’s been asked by the festival organizers to let Kurimoto win… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 5 juin 2002

Un seul gagnant

S1 E35 Un seul gagnant

On the recommendation of a fellow Go player, Hikaru, Waya and Isumi try out a new Go Salon that’s different from the rest… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 12 juin 2002

Mon nom est...

S1 E36 Mon nom est...

After a contemptuous and intense battle, Hikaru triumphs over Su-yong, leaving his Korean opponent more determined than ever to take on Hikaru once again… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 19 juin 2002

Début du tournoi

S1 E37 Début du tournoi

It’s time for the Pro Exam and Hikaru’s starting off with six straight wins in a row. Can he keep his winning streak going or will his fellow insei knock him off his undefeated pedestal...? Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 26 juin 2002

Les challengers

S1 E38 Les challengers

As the Pro Exam continues, Hikaru learns from his fellow opponents that the road to turning pro isn’t as easy as it appears to be. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 3 juillet 2002

Un instant fatal

S1 E39 Un instant fatal

Ready to take on an undefeated Isumi, Hikaru knows he’s in for a tough match… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 10 juillet 2002

Le chemin de la victoire

S1 E40 Le chemin de la victoire

With the pressure mounting, Isumi makes a wrong move forcing him to resign and forfeit the match… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 17 juillet 2002

Trois semaines trop tard

S1 E41 Trois semaines trop tard

Determined to get his game back on track, Isumi takes on Ochi with a vengeance. But Ochi is more concerned with his final opponent: Hikaru. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 24 juillet 2002

Le premier admis

S1 E42 Le premier admis

Now that the Pro Exam is winding down, the stronger players are beginning to distinguish themselves from the weaker ones… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 31 juillet 2002

Hikaru contre Waya

S1 E43 Hikaru contre Waya

Now that Ochi has passed the Pro Exam, there are only two spots remaining. With only two games left in the exam, Hikaru faces off against Waya… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 7 août 2002

Le coup de la résurrection

S1 E44 Le coup de la résurrection

As Hikaru takes on Waya to advance towards the pros, Waya notices that his opponent’s game bears a interesting resemblance to Sai… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 14 août 2002

Hikaru Vs Ochi

S1 E45 Hikaru Vs Ochi

Gearing up for the match, Ochi reveals to Hikaru that he has been studying with Akira Toya in the hopes of learning how to beat him in the pro exam… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 21 août 2002

Le dernier jour

S1 E46 Le dernier jour

It’s down to the wire as to who will make it into the world of the pros. Will Hikaru upset Ochi, the newly crowned pro, or will Isumi sneak by with his four losses...? Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 28 août 2002

Vers le monde des pros

S1 E47 Vers le monde des pros

Now that Hikaru’s gone pro, he can’t wait to play all the top pros, including Akira Toya and his father, Toya Meijin… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 4 septembre 2002

Saï Vs Meijin

S1 E48 Saï Vs Meijin

The ever-busy Toya Meijin has finally decided to participate in the Shinshodan Series on one condition: his opponent must be Hikaru Shindo… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 11 septembre 2002

Une partie déraisonnable

S1 E49 Une partie déraisonnable

From newly-turned pros Ochi and Waya to Go-playing veterans Ogata and Kuwabaru Hon’inbo, everyone’s got their eye on this match between Hikaru and Toya Meijin… Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 18 septembre 2002

Saï Fujiwara

S1 E50 Saï Fujiwara

In order to better understand why the spirits of Go have kept his soul on the planet, Sai reflects upon his life during the Heian Period as well as when he met Hikaru and faced Akira Toya. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 25 septembre 2002