24 épisodes
(8 h 48 min)
S6 E1 • Jesse James
Jesse James: Probes one of the most intriguing questions of the Old West - was legendary gunman Jesse James shot in the back, or did he escape capture and live to a ripe old age?
Première diffusion : 21 septembre 1981
S6 E2 • Biofeedback
A revealing study of how computers are now healing the sick and building sports champions.
Première diffusion : 28 septembre 1981
S6 E3 • Ghosts in Photography
Ghosts in Photography: Is it possible to photograph the dead?
Première diffusion : 5 octobre 1981
S6 E4 • M.I.A.s
An investigation into a highly controversial and emotional question: Are American servicemen still lingering in prison in Vietnam?
Première diffusion : 12 octobre 1981
S6 E5 • The Elephant Man
From side-show freak to the friend of royalty, review the true, story of the horribly disfigured Joseph Merrick.
Première diffusion : 19 octobre 1981
S6 E6 • The Lincoln Conspiracy
The Lincoln Conspiracy: Cracks "the case of the 19th century"--how the assassination of Abraham Lincoln was meticulously planned and abominably executed.
Première diffusion : 26 octobre 1981
S6 E7 • Jim Jones
The story that shocked the world—how Jim Jones, the cult Svengali from California, convinced over 900 of his followers to follow him--first to a commune in Guyana and then into suicide.
Première diffusion : 31 octobre 1981
S6 E8 • King Solomon's Mines
A look at one of the most exciting searches of all--the hunt for the riches of the Old Testament. Did King Solomon actually have a mine near Mount Sinai?
Première diffusion : 2 novembre 1981
S6 E9 • The Tower of London Murders
How the destiny of England was changed by the disappearance of young prince's from the fabled Tower. Were they murdered on the orders of their uncle Richard III of England?
Première diffusion : 9 novembre 1981
S6 E10 • The Aztec Conquest
Why did the great Montezuma surrender to Cortes without fighting? What part did Aztec legend about a bearded white god play in the ultimate downfall of the Aztec Empire?
Première diffusion : 16 novembre 1981
S6 E11 • Houdini's Secrets
Houdini's Secrets: Probes the still-mysterious secrets of the world's greatest escape artist, including the theory that Houdini came back after death.
Première diffusion : 21 novembre 1981
S6 E12 • Hiroshima Survivors
A revealing study of the wounds suffered by survivors of the first A-bomb blast, which killed more than 80,000 Japanese civilians on August 6, 1945.
Première diffusion : 23 novembre 1981
S6 E13 • The Titanic
Titanic: Investigates the most perplexing question about the 1912 North Atlantic disaster that cost 1,517 lives: Why did the captain ignore the ice warnings and speed on into oblivion?
Première diffusion : 30 novembre 1981
S6 E14 • Future Life
What might the world be like for our children?
Première diffusion : 6 décembre 1981
S6 E15 • Nostradamus
Nostradamus: Examines the life of Nostradamus and his predictions.
Première diffusion : 13 décembre 1981
S6 E16 • Spirit Voices
Do loved ones call back to us from their next lives? Leonard Nimoy examines historical claims of voices from the beyond, as well as scientific research into the possibility of spirit voices.
Première diffusion : 20 décembre 1981
S6 E17 • The Human Aura
A look at the multi-colored rays we transmit, which seem to change with our moods.
Première diffusion : 3 janvier 1982
S6 E18 • The Missing Link
The Missing Link: Delves into one of the most intriguing questions of all - which side is right, science or creationists?
Première diffusion : 17 janvier 1982
S6 E19 • Time & Space Travel
Is it possible to travel through space faster than the speed of light and avoid aging?
Première diffusion : 24 janvier 1982
S6 E20 • Eva Braun
Eva Braun: Explores the possibility that Adolf Hitler's wife may not have died with him down in the bunker that day in 1945.
Première diffusion : 1 février 1982
S6 E21 • The Walls of Jericho
The great Biblical saga is examined for evidence that the walls really did tumble down for Joshua.
Première diffusion : 8 février 1982
S6 E22 • Bishop Pike
Was Bishop James Pike a minister, a martyr, or a madman?
Première diffusion : 15 février 1982
S6 E23 • The Ultimate Disaster
Ultimate Disaster: Delves into the ultimate question—how will life on this planet perish?
Première diffusion : 22 février 1982
S6 E24 • Life Before Birth
Is an unborn baby aware of the world around him?
Première diffusion : 1 mars 1982