Saison 1

10 épisodes

(10 h)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3


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Épisode 1

S1 E1 Épisode 1

Energreen, dirigé par le charismatique Alexander Sondergren, est en pleine expansion sur le marché mondial des énergies renouvelables. Mais quand, près de son parc d’éoliennes, à Copenhague, le corps de l’ouvrier ukrainien Mikhail Husenko est repêché, portant des marques sur le cou, le beau tableau se fissure. Ce n’est pas le premier accident mortel… <br>L’enquête est confiée à Mads, un policier opiniâtre, qui partage sa vie entre son métier et sa famille…

Première diffusion : 1 janvier 2016

Épisode 2

S1 E2 Épisode 2

La dénonciation d’une pratique de front running au sein de la société Energreen promeut Claudia à la tête du service juridique. Même si Peter Sondergard, le trader mis en cause par Claudia, garde les faveurs de Sander, des négociations de rupture de contrat vont devoir s’engager dans un univers impitoyable que Claudia apprend à connaître…

Première diffusion : 3 janvier 2016

Épisode 3

S1 E3 Épisode 3

Energreen cherche des investisseurs pour son prochain parc éolien et son introduction sur les marchés boursiers. Au Sommet mondial des énergies du futur, qui se tient à Abu Dhabi, Sander rencontre l'un des plus puissants hommes d’affaires du monde arabe, partisan des énergies propres…

Première diffusion : 10 janvier 2016

Episode 4

S1 E4 Episode 4

Mads and Alf interrogate Ulrik, the CFO of Energreen. But while Mads and Alf delve deeper into the company's secrets, serious developments are taking place in Mads's private life - Kristina has lied to her husband. At Energreen, the management is hard at work trying to streamline the company before going public. Claudia is sent to Thullander Industries, a subsidiary, to make cutbacks and ends up in a sticky situation. Bimse is in trouble with some debts, and Nicky promises to help him.

Première diffusion : 17 janvier 2016

Episode 5

S1 E5 Episode 5

Mia is approached by a whistleblower and focuses her energy on finding out the truth about Energreen. Sander and Mr Christensen worry that Mia's findings could jeopardise their listing on the stock exchange, and they plan to stop her with Claudia's help. Mads and Alf follow one of Mia's leads to Energreen's research facility in Poland, and Mads is glad to get away from his chaotic home life. Jan wants to help Nicky and Bimse out with the Serbs and introduces them to Erik, their new accountant.

Première diffusion : 24 janvier 2016

Episode 6

S1 E6 Episode 6

Despite Energreen's best attempts, Mia's article is published and puts the company on the spot as they try to find investors before going public. The article isn't Sander's only problem, since Nicky tries to blackmail him with the contents of the stolen iPad. Claudia is troubled with doubt about Sander. Mads and Alf are desperately looking for the whistleblower who was Mia's source.

Première diffusion : 31 janvier 2016

Episode 7

S1 E7 Episode 7

Jens Kristian divulges Energreen's illegal setup to Mads and Alf, but it is not enough to prevent the company's big moment - the long-awaited listing on the stock exchange. Claudia sneaks away from Sander's big day. She is shocked by what her son Bertram has witnessed. Erik needs medical attention, but Nicky and Bimse do not dare take him to hospital. Mads makes a decision about his home life.

Première diffusion : 7 février 2016

Episode 8

S1 E8 Episode 8

The minister of justice pressures the fraud squad to close the case against Energreen. However, what Jens Kristian tells them incriminates Claudia more than Sander. Bimse's emotions put him and Nicky on a collision course.

Première diffusion : 14 février 2016

Episode 9

S1 E9 Episode 9

Alf is guilt-ridden about Mia, but he snaps out of his self-pity when Mads makes an amazing discovery. Not only does Energreen have major accounting discrepancies, its coffers are also empty, and they can use this to their advantage. Claudia has reached the same conclusion, but Sander insists on continuing his dangerous game and asks her to throw a spanner in the works and ruin the fraud squad's plans. Sander's henchman finds out where Nicky and Bimse got all their money and insists on getting it back - the Swede isn't a man you refuse.

Première diffusion : 21 février 2016

Episode 10

S1 E10 Episode 10

The media are shocked by Energreen's announcement, and Mads and Alf are busy searching for evidence to use against them. Claudia is at a crossroads in her life as she realises how serious the consequences could be for her. Nicky and Bimse hide from the Swede. Mads helps Kristina who is back in hospital, just like in 'the old days'.

Première diffusion : 28 février 2016