Saison 1

28 épisodes

(14 h)



Saison 1

Saison 2


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Promenade dans l'Espace

S1 E1 Promenade dans l'Espace

When one of Saturn's rings falls into June's backyard the team goes on a mission through outer space to get the ring back to its planet. On their way, the team encounters comets, meteors and even strange space creatures called Meeps!

Première diffusion : 5 septembre 2005

La Baguette du chef

S1 E2 La Baguette du chef

As Leo uses his baton to conduct a beautiful sunrise, a bald eagle mistakes Leo's baton for a stick and flies away with it! When Leo retieves his baton he conducts the team and all the animals they've met on their journey to a glorious "Morning" reprise.

Première diffusion : 9 octobre 2005

La Grande Course du Ciel

S1 E3 La Grande Course du Ciel

Rocket is going to be in the Great Sky Race! He'll be competing against all kinds of aircraft, including the Big Jet. The kids are sure Rocket will win, but as he prepares, Rocket gets the hiccups. The team has to surprise Rocket's hiccups away.

Première diffusion : 10 octobre 2005

La Petite Baleine

S1 E4 La Petite Baleine

Rocket makes friends with a little humpback whale. When the little whale has to go home with his family, Rocket is sad. The team makes it their mission to reunite Rocket with his new friend.

Première diffusion : 11 octobre 2005

La Chasse au Trésor

S1 E5 La Chasse au Trésor

In order to find a lost pirate treasure, the children must decipher several musical clues, until Big Jet finds out about it, though will they manage to figure them out in time before Big Jet steals the Treasure?

Première diffusion : 12 octobre 2005

Un Anniversaire Extraordinaire

S1 E6 Un Anniversaire Extraordinaire

It's Annie's birthday and all her friends have given her balloons they're her favorite! She's so excited, but a big gust of wind blows them away. Not to worry - her big brother, Leo is determined to get them back.

Première diffusion : 13 octobre 2005

La Légende de la Pyramide Dorée

S1 E7 La Légende de la Pyramide Dorée

Quincy finds a harp that plays a song that can open up anything! The harp has a picture of a golden pyramid on it. The team makes it their mission to find out who lives inside the golden pyramid. It's off to Egypt!

Première diffusion : 14 octobre 2005

Le Dragon Volant

S1 E8 Le Dragon Volant

A Dragon Kite flies into June's backyard with an urgent message - the Great Kite Parade at the Great Wall of China is today, but all the Big kites are missing!

Première diffusion : 17 octobre 2005

Plus Vite, Petit Train!

S1 E9 Plus Vite, Petit Train!

The team helps a train to reclaim a party bag in the Wild West. Rocket has a face-off with Big Jet.

Première diffusion : 21 octobre 2005

À la Ferme

S1 E10 À la Ferme

The children head to a farm where Annie’s friends, the Three Little Pigs, find some mysterious seeds. The children head off to find a rain cloud and the sun in order to make the garden grow, but what will grow out of the mystery seeds?

Première diffusion : 24 octobre 2005

A Little Einsteins Halloween

S1 E11 A Little Einsteins Halloween

It's Halloween and the children are in Europe to celebrate the holiday, as they plan to do some trick-or-treating at some European castles until some ghosts planned to steal their Halloween treats. Will the gang protect their treats from the ghosts?

Première diffusion : 29 octobre 2005

La Mission de Sauvetage d'Annie

S1 E12 La Mission de Sauvetage d'Annie

When musical bubbles whisk Leo, June, and Quincy across the Atlantic Ocean, it's up to Annie to save them! Annie embarks on her first ever solo mission.

Première diffusion : 14 novembre 2005

La Petite Souris et la Lune

S1 E13 La Petite Souris et la Lune

The team is camping when they meet a tiny mouse who has a present for the moon. The team makes it their mission to help the mouse get to the moon.

Première diffusion : 21 novembre 2005

Il faut délivrer le gentil chevalier

S1 E14 Il faut délivrer le gentil chevalier

When the children discover that a good knight has been trapped inside of a castle by a bad knight, they decide to rescue him, though they need to find an enchanted key before they’ll be able to do that. Unfortunately, the castle is guarded by all types of traps and the children will need to use their wits if they wish to foil the bad knight’s plan.

Première diffusion : 5 décembre 2005

La Grande Ballade de Noël

S1 E15 La Grande Ballade de Noël

When Santa Claus brings the children some special wish boxes, they find out that Annie’s gift fell off the sleigh and it didn’t arrive with the other gifts. The children decide to go on a mission that will take them around the world in order to find Annie’s present, though they may be able to use their wish boxes to help make their endeavor easier.

Première diffusion : 12 décembre 2005

Comment nous sommes devenus les Petits Einstein - La véritable Histoire

S1 E16 Comment nous sommes devenus les Petits Einstein - La véritable Histoire

The children think back about how they became Little Einsteins, in how they met rocket and what their first mission was like. How was their very first Mission like?

Première diffusion : 8 janvier 2006

Une Journée en Australie

S1 E17 Une Journée en Australie

The kids travel to Australia to the Sydney Opera House for the Animal Talent Show, The kids find a Joey (A baby Kangaroo) who found out that the Joey forgot about the Animal Talent show. Will the Kids and the Joey get to the Sydney Opera House in time for the Animal Talent Show?

Première diffusion : 26 janvier 2006

À la recherche de Petit Renne

S1 E18 À la recherche de Petit Renne

While flying on Rocket the gang travels toward Lapland a frozen place near the Arctic and finds a Baby Reindeer wandering into a winter forest but there's a problem...Quincy is afraid of the dark, Will Quincy conquer his fear and rescue the Baby Reindeer?

Première diffusion : 20 février 2006

Printemps Nous Voilà!

S1 E19 Printemps Nous Voilà!

The gang travels to the Netherlands so that Quincy can plant his friend Baby Tulip, until Big Jet uses his new machine: A season machine to interfere with the kids Springtime. Will the kids stop Big Jet from ruining Springtime?

Première diffusion : 20 mars 2006

L'histoire du petit totem

S1 E20 L'histoire du petit totem

The kids traveled towards Alaska to the Totem Pole Forest to meet a Little Totem Pole on an amazing adventure, Where it tells the stories of the kids. Will the Little Totem Pole ever be a Big Totem Pole?

Première diffusion : 17 avril 2006

La Machine à rétrécir et à agrandir

S1 E21 La Machine à rétrécir et à agrandir

The gang finds a Big-and-small machine in the Rocket room but when it goes out of control it shrinks Rocket and the kids. Now the Kids and Rocket must travel Inside a Cuckoo clock, Inside an Anthill and through a garden in order to retrieve the missing piece of the Big-and-small machine. Will the Kids ever turn back into their normal sizes?

Première diffusion : 6 mai 2006

Le Petit Caneton

S1 E22 Le Petit Caneton

A baby duckling mistakes June as it's mother after playing Follow-the-leader and then travels with the kids back to it's home in the Great Lakes. Will June and her friends return Ducky back to it's home?

Première diffusion : 14 mai 2006

Les Animaux d'Afrique

S1 E23 Les Animaux d'Afrique

The kids go on a Rocket Safari in Africa. But trying to make a pathway for the wildebeest, Rocket gets stuck while blocking the water. So the team try to get the biggest animals in Africa to free Rocket from the cold water with some help from Bumblebee.

Première diffusion : 19 juin 2006

Tout le monde a un ami

S1 E24 Tout le monde a un ami

The gang heads toward the Big Woods in Arkansas and meet an Ivory-billed Woodpecker named Tapper and finds out that it looking for a friend and the gang decides to take it to the top of the Ozark Mountains. Will Tapper ever find a friend?

Première diffusion : 10 juillet 2006

Fusée n'arrive pas à dormir

S1 E25 Fusée n'arrive pas à dormir

The gang has a sleepover in the Rocket Room until they discover that Rocket can't sleep, so Rocket and the gang decides to travel to outer space to count the planets. Will Rocket ever go to sleep?

Première diffusion : 14 août 2006

La Machine à Anniversaires

S1 E26 La Machine à Anniversaires

The kids are cleaning the Rocket Room when they find instructions on how to make a machine to make today everybody's birthday! The team will go out to find the pieces to make this machine and celebrate their birthdays today!

Première diffusion : 20 octobre 2006

Un Tout Nouveau Costume

S1 E27 Un Tout Nouveau Costume

The team meets a small caterpillar and discover that they need he needs to get to the Tree of Many Colors so that he can get his brand new outfit! He warns the team that he doesn't have a lot of time left to get there! The team is going to try and get him to the Tree of Many Colors so he can get his new outfit, but will they be able to get him there in time?

Première diffusion : 6 novembre 2006

Le Grand Voyage des Papillons

S1 E28 Le Grand Voyage des Papillons

When everybode but Butterfly gets an invitation to the family migration party, the team knows something is wrong. They discover that Butterfly's invitation could've gotten lost! The team will go to several places and explore many different areas but will they still be able to find Butterfly's missing invitation?

Première diffusion : 20 novembre 2006