Saison 2

40 épisodes

(20 h)



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Saison 2


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Quincy et les instruments de musique magiques

S2 E1 Quincy et les instruments de musique magiques

Quincy finds four magical instruments and the other Little Einsteins get marooned on the Arabian Sea. Quincy will have to use his instruments to find the other Little Einsteins before the waves get out of control in the Arabian Sea. Will Quincy be able to use his new instruments and save the team in time? Or will they be swallowed up by the violent sea waves?

Première diffusion : 13 janvier 2007

Annie et Léo, Super-Héros

S2 E2 Annie et Léo, Super-Héros

Annie and Leo enter the fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel until a witch causes problems for them and the gang. Will Leo and Annie save Hansel and Gretel from the witch?

Première diffusion : 13 janvier 2007

Le bal du soulier de verre

S2 E3 Le bal du soulier de verre

While dancing in Leo's yard, June discovers that there's a glass slipper ball in Vienna but discovers that June must get to Vienna or she'll be late. Will the slipper fit on June or will she be late for the ball?

Première diffusion : 29 janvier 2007

La chanson de l'amitié

S2 E4 La chanson de l'amitié

While at the beach, Annie and the Little Einsteins meet two best friend Hermit Crabs. They all have a good time until a powerful wave whisks away one of the hermit crabs! The little Einsteins make it their mission to save the Hermit Crab and reunite the best friends! Will the Hermit Crabs be united again?

Première diffusion : 14 février 2007

Mélodie, l'animal musical

S2 E5 Mélodie, l'animal musical

Leo and the gang find a little pet that makes music while at the pet train in France. They decide on the name "Melody". She was ready to go to the pet train until Melody discovers that her ticket is missing, the gang travels to find the lost ticket. Will Melody find her lost ticket?

Première diffusion : 26 février 2007

La Princesse des marionnettes

S2 E6 La Princesse des marionnettes

The gang arrives in Prague for a Puppet show until a cart taking the puppets hits a bump in the road and the puppets accidentally get left behind until June and the others decided to return the puppets back to the Puppet show. Will June and the others return the puppets in time for the show?

Première diffusion : 12 mars 2007

Super Vite!

S2 E7 Super Vite!

The gang talks about their super fast device on Rocket until three little piggies on airplanes go out of control in different speeds. Will the gang save the little piggies?

Première diffusion : 26 mars 2007

Le bébé singe

S2 E8 Le bébé singe

The gang explores baby animals in the Ivory Coast of Africa. Suddenly, they find a baby chimp who only speaks music. The baby chimp misses his parents. So, the Little Einsteins go on a mission to help find baby chimp's parents. Will they find Baby Chimp's parents?

Première diffusion : 9 avril 2007

Le Bébé Violoncelle

S2 E9 Le Bébé Violoncelle

The Little Einsteins travel to Italy to see a mother cello have five new little baby cellos. But, the fifth baby cello is gone from his mother. The kids find him floating down a river. Now Quincy and his friends must help baby cello find his mother. Will the Little Einsteins find baby cello's mother?

Première diffusion : 23 avril 2007

Annie et le petit avion violet

S2 E10 Annie et le petit avion violet

While traveling through San Francisco, California, Annie and her newest toy, Purple Plane, notice a green helicopter stuck way up high in the highest redwood tree! Annie will have to guide Purple Plane over the highest landmarks in California to reach green helicopter. Will purple plane be able to fly quite high enough?

Première diffusion : 4 mai 2007

La course de Carmine

S2 E11 La course de Carmine

The gang hangs out in Monaco where a Grand Prix is where a friend of Quincy's, Carmine a musical car plans to win the race. Will Carmine win the Grand Prix?

Première diffusion : 12 mai 2007

La Grande Course du Ciel

S2 E12 La Grande Course du Ciel

Big Jet damages Rocket's flying button and plans his revenge on losing the last Great Sky Race and plans on winning this race by preventing Rocket from flying. Will Rocket beat Big Jet in the rematch of the century?

Première diffusion : 12 mai 2007

Le Basson Endormi

S2 E13 Le Basson Endormi

Quincy and the Little Einsteins read the story of the Sleeping Bassoon. During the story, the Princess Bassoon is put under a sleeping spell by a grumpy wizard. The only way to wake her up is that someone plays her happy song. Will Quincy be able to wake up the Sleeping Bassoon?

Première diffusion : 25 juin 2007

La soupe de Fusée

S2 E14 La soupe de Fusée

While playing with the Little Einsteins, Rocket suddenly runs low on energy and the gang decides to create Rocket Soup by gathering ingredients from their old friends, Little Mouse, The Good Knight and the Joey. Will Rocket get his soup and get his energy back?

Première diffusion : 30 juillet 2007

Le ballet des fous à pieds bleus

S2 E15 Le ballet des fous à pieds bleus

June is teaching four blue-footed booby birds ballet on a beach near the dock. When the boat leaves for the Galapogos Islands for a ballet, the baby blue-footed booby bird falls off the boat. Will the Little Einsteins get the baby blue-footed booby bird to his show on time?

Première diffusion : 20 août 2007

La petite fusée rouge

S2 E16 La petite fusée rouge

The gang plans to take some Rocket Soup that they made for Rocket's grandma when she catches a cold when all the sudden Big Jet steals the soup until the gang and Rocket must retrieve the soup back from Big Jet. Will Rocket ever get his soup back from Big Jet and take it to his grandma?

Première diffusion : 14 septembre 2007

Le puzzle magique du Sphinx

S2 E17 Le puzzle magique du Sphinx

Pikku einsteinit matkaavat Egyptiin auttamaan sfinksiä kokoamaan taikapalapelin.

Première diffusion : 18 octobre 2007

Il faut aider Bébé Bernache

S2 E18 Il faut aider Bébé Bernache

A baby goose gets lost during its migration through the Russian Arctic. Will the gang find the lost baby goose in time for it's migration?

Première diffusion : 29 octobre 2007

Annie et le pied de haricot

S2 E19 Annie et le pied de haricot

The Little Einsteins embark on a quest to retrieve the Golden Goose from a giant. Will Annie and the others rescue the Golden goose?

Première diffusion : 10 novembre 2007

Le Gentil Prince Jouet

S2 E20 Le Gentil Prince Jouet

June is in Iceland performing a ballet about a toy prince who makes all the toys in his kingdom happy. Will June manage to help the Prince?

Première diffusion : 7 décembre 2007

L'aventure des glaces de Monsieur Manchot

S2 E21 L'aventure des glaces de Monsieur Manchot

Mr. Penguin needs Rocket's help to get his broken ice-cream truck over the Andes mountains. Will Mr. Penguin be able to make it over the mountains?

Première diffusion : 28 janvier 2008

Annie, Get Your Microphone

S2 E22 Annie, Get Your Microphone

Annie wants to compete in a song contest, but Big Jet steals her music and rips it apart. The Little Einsteins attempt to get all of her music back in time for her to perform. Will the others retrieve Annie's song in time for the contest?

Première diffusion : 22 février 2008

La chasse au trésor

S2 E23 La chasse au trésor

Rocket discovers a treasure map that leads to riches in Hawaii, but Big Jet steals the map before the treasure is found. Will Rocket get the treasure first before Big Jet?

Première diffusion : 10 mars 2008

La clé du mystérieux trésor

S2 E24 La clé du mystérieux trésor

The team is playing hide and seek in Japan when they come upon an old Japanese woodblock. The woodblock shows a picture of a prize box hidden at the top of Mt. Fuji, but the box can only be opened with a golden music key.

Première diffusion : 18 avril 2008

Le gouter des animaux

S2 E25 Le gouter des animaux

Rocket brings some snacks to baby animals in Africa, but Big Jet steals the goodies until Rocket transforms in different animal modes. Will Rocket and the gang retrieve the stolen snacks from Big Jet?

Première diffusion : 2 mai 2008

The Great Schubert's Guessing Game

S2 E26 The Great Schubert's Guessing Game

The Great Schubert gives you three music clues and you have to guess Great Schubert's favorite carnival ride. The Little Einsteins all put their tokens together so that Annie can play the game. But before the team can read the clues, a gust of wind blows the three music clue cards far away! Oh no!

Première diffusion : 21 juin 2008

Quincy and the Instrument Dinosaurs

S2 E27 Quincy and the Instrument Dinosaurs

Quincy and the team are searching deep in the jungles for Quincy's favorite kind of dinos--instrument dinosaurs. The team happens on an adorable Baby Piccolo-Dactyl hatching from an egg. But just then, a huge, loud Bass-a-Saurus Rex passes by, and Baby Piccolo-Dactyl gets scared and flies far away. We've got a dino-sized mission!

Première diffusion : 19 juillet 2008

Build It, Rocket!

S2 E28 Build It, Rocket!

Première diffusion : 2 août 2008

Mon amie Mélodie

S2 E29 Mon amie Mélodie

Leo is having a party for his very special music pet, Melody. He has prepared a surprise for her--a ride in a hot air balloon. Melody is so excited that she jumps into the basket and gets blown away by a gust of wind! The team must rescue her.

Première diffusion : 13 septembre 2008

Music Monsters

S2 E30 Music Monsters

When Annie finds a little red monster hiding under her bed, he turns out to be an adorable music monster who plays a song so sweet it can make anyone smile. The Einsteins must help him rescue his friends being held by the Loch Ness Monster.

Première diffusion : 11 octobre 2008

La chanson de la Licorne

S2 E31 La chanson de la Licorne

Première diffusion : 1 novembre 2008

Les Fées Musicales du Grand Nord

S2 E32 Les Fées Musicales du Grand Nord

Far off in the arctic snows of Alaska, lives the Instrument Fairies. When a storm strikes, the Instrument Fairies find themselves trapped inside a dark cave. Only the tiny Violin Fairy is able to escape, and she enlists the help of Quincy!

Première diffusion : 13 décembre 2008

Silly Sock Saves the Circus

S2 E33 Silly Sock Saves the Circus

Leo's Silly Sock is the silliest sock you ever saw.Silly Sock longs to join the Silly Clothes Circus in Paris, France! To reach the circus, the Little Einsteins and Silly Sock must overcome all sorts of wacky obstacles.

Première diffusion : 17 janvier 2009

Go Team!

S2 E34 Go Team!

The Little Einsteins are in Barcelona, Spain, looking for castles. There they meet a friendly king who has a shiny musical treasure. When a huge dragon flies down and takes the king's musical treasure the team sets off to find it.

Première diffusion : 21 mars 2009

The Music Robot from Outer Space

S2 E35 The Music Robot from Outer Space

The Music Robot from Outer Space The team and June are looking through June's telescope when they discover the most incredible thing flying through outer space- a Musical Robot!

Première diffusion : 2 mai 2009

Leçon de choses

S2 E36 Leçon de choses

It's time for Show and Tell and each member of the team is bringing his or her favorite items! But Big Jet swoops in and snatches their show and tell items and flies away! Rocket and the team blast off to Mexico in hot pursuit.

Première diffusion : 22 septembre 2009

Les Pompiers à la Rescousse

S2 E37 Les Pompiers à la Rescousse

The kids are all playing fire fighters with Fire Truck Rocket when suddenly the team spots smoke billowing from a rumbling volcano on the tropical island of Java. Fire Truck Rocket sounds his siren and the team blasts off to the rescue.

Première diffusion : 23 novembre 2009

Rocket the Bug

S2 E38 Rocket the Bug

In the episode entitled "Rocket the Bug," Rocket constructs a special house to protect three baby bugs in the garden, but a big bad wolf soon blows the house and Rocket to New Zealand. So the gang ventures after him, finding their way through a forest of Maori sculptures, a trap at Pancake Rocks and all the way to the top of Mt. Cook to recover the bug house in time to protect the bugs from an approaching storm. In addition to the Maori sculptures, the episode features George Frideric Handel's "Water Music."

Première diffusion : 23 novembre 2009

La grande parade du petit éléphant

S2 E39 La grande parade du petit éléphant

The Little Einsteins are in Jaipur, India, for the Big Elephant Festival and Parade. Rocket and the team must find three missing magic grow peanuts that will make their tiny elephant friend grow so that he can be in the parade.

Première diffusion : 22 décembre 2009

Rocket's Firebird Rescue

S2 E40 Rocket's Firebird Rescue

It's the biggest adventure of the Little Einsteins, The country of Russia misses the Firebird's music until an evil ogre name Katschai steals the music throughout Russia as he captures the Firebird, it's up to the Little Einsteins to save the Firebird from Katschai and rescue Russia from an unmusical fate.

Première diffusion : 19 juin 2010