9 épisodes
(4 h 30 min)
S2 E1 • Lori
Première diffusion : 12 juin 2015
S2 E2 • Sarah
Première diffusion : 19 juin 2015
S2 E3 • Annabel
A proud Latina woman and single mother has trouble making friends because of her revealing and provocative style.
Première diffusion : 26 juin 2015
S2 E4 • Taquoia
A stylist scares clients with her outrageous personal style.
Première diffusion : 9 juillet 2015
S2 E5 • Toshi
A hairstylist and artist showcases her skills on her face and body, but it leads people to disrespect her talents and not take her seriously.
Première diffusion : 16 juillet 2015
S2 E6 • Lisa
A 48-year-old single mother with four kids has a revealing wardrobe that's inappropriate for her age and makes people think she's superficial.
Première diffusion : 23 juillet 2015
S2 E7 • Courtney
A 20-year-old aspiring mortician dresses like a character from "The Addams Family."
Première diffusion : 30 juillet 2015
S2 E8 • Marissa
Marissa is studying for her doctorate in child psychology, but her style is more Jersey Shore than educated professional.
Première diffusion : 6 août 2015
S2 E9 • Jakki
Jakki is a band manager who only wears black, baggy clothes that make her look like a menace to society when she is really the opposite.
Première diffusion : 13 août 2015