25 épisodes
(18 h 45 min)
Saison 1
Saison 2
Saison 3
Saison 4
Saison 5
Saison 6
Saison 7
Saison 8
Saison 9
Saison 10
Saison 11
Saison 12
Saison 13
Saison 14
Saison 15
S4 E1 • Episode #401
Sketches include: "Open: Ms Swan", "There's Something About Monica", "Keanu Reeves School of Acting", "Al Gore: Sex-U-Up", "Nerve Gas", "976-SWAN", "Sonny's Widow & Cher Show", "Glen AKA Rusty", "Funky Walker: Vivica Fox", "Spy Vs. Spy: Cactus (205)", "Savante with Usher"
Première diffusion : 12 septembre 1998
S4 E2 • Episode #402
Open - Howard Stern Siegfried & Roy: Glitter on the Streets Meatbeaters Marvin Tikvah's Workout Cop on the Beat JC Penny Cookin' with Kenny and James Rocket Revengers The Survivor MADClassic: Gangsta Shop Quartet Trina at the Ob/Gynie Spy Vs. Spy: Guillotine (221)
Première diffusion : 19 septembre 1998
S4 E4 • Episode #404
H90210 Mark & Sammy #1 He Got Gay Nuts Mark & Sammy #2 Donnie & Marie #1 Just Between Us Girls Sir Donnie & Marie #2 Judge Magic Mark & Sammy #3 Pudding Problem Donnie & Marie #3 MADClassic: South Parknuts Spy Vs. Spy: Monkey Business Mark & Sammy - Empty Stage
Première diffusion : 3 octobre 1998
S4 E3 • Episode #403
Steven Seagal's America Virtual Hills UBS Stud Lorraine Runner #1 Dick Van Dyke '98 Omni Bowl Lorraine Runner #2 Stuart Gets Lost MADClassic: Dentist in a Box Lorraine Runner #3 Spy Vs. Spy - Embassy
Première diffusion : 26 septembre 1998
S4 E5 • Episode #405
UBS Open Swan-Notized Sprtiz-a-Mist Talking American: Monica Lily: Dead Body Trina & the Baby Shower Oh, Hercules w/Kevin Sorbo The Negotiator 2 MADClassic: Olsen Twins Spy Vs Spy: Bucket Brigade Horde Now Hiring
Première diffusion : 12 octobre 1998
S4 E6 • Episode #406
KISS Open/Vancome Swan Halloween KISS Action Figures Mad-O-Ween #1 Kenny Duets Mad-O-Ween #2 Mad-O-Ween #3 Stuart Halloween Mad-O-Ween #4 KISS My Parents Mad-O-Ween #5 KISS Vs. Michael Mad-O-Ween Epilogue Li'l Nestor
Première diffusion : 31 octobre 1998
S4 E8 • Episode #408
Open-Nic Cage Vancome Game Show: Tcha, You Know What? Clinton Commemorative Plates Love of My Life James Brown: 1000 Faces Rusty: College Bowl Blades Antonia: Switched at Birth Dad Dance MADClassic: Terms of Imprisonment Spy Vs. Spy: Teatime Love of My Life Reprise
Première diffusion : 14 novembre 1998
S4 E9 • Episode #409
Open-Stuart & Mom One True Impact Thanksgiving Memories --Jaq Kenny & James Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Memories--Lida & Molina Not Another Bite Snapshot Stories Thanksgiving Memories--Ms. Swan Stuart's Thanksgiving Darlene McBride's Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Memories--Sally Kowalski Happy Thanksgiving Misadventure MADClassic: Clops TOO
Première diffusion : 21 novembre 1998
S4 E7 • Episode #407
Open-Coffee Guy Little Hassan Taylor Saving Ryan's Privates Johnson JeoParty Lowered Expectations: Marilyn Manson Intensity Melina & Lida's Beauty Lowered Expectations: Stuart & Mom HMO Old Man Sasso MADClassic: When Babies Attack Lowered Expectations: Bjork Bill & Hilary Aftermath
Première diffusion : 7 novembre 1998
S4 E10 • Episode #410
Open-Shaquille O'Neal Erascists-Middle East Comedy of Riggs & Murtaugh Forgive or Forget Meet Jo' Black Mama Pass It On Rick's Dating Game Comedy of Kenny & Pappy Lowered Expectations: Denise Toby Braga MADtv Classic: Woody Allen Action Flick Close-Pat/Shaq dance
Première diffusion : 5 décembre 1998
S4 E11 • Episode #411
Open-Ellen and Anne Yule Blazers A Very Rusty Christmas #1 Swan-Sharpest Image A Very Rusty Christmas #2 Paul Timberman's Xmas Workshop A Very Rusty Christmas #3 Stuart Christmas Pageant Old Man Sasso-Christmas I Know What You Did Last Christmas A Vancome Carol A Very Magic Kwanzaa Close-Nicole
Première diffusion : 12 décembre 1998
S4 E12 • Episode #412
Open-Jesse Ventura Head of the Family Comedy of Steven Seagal Saturnology Shaunda-Ladies Room Comedy of Keanu Reeves Riggs & Murtaugh-Hospital Dawson's Crib Bris-O-Tine At home with Ellen and Anne MADtv Classic: Swantonia Sally Kowalski-Sports Bar Close-Aries
Première diffusion : 9 janvier 1999
S4 E13 • Episode #413
Open-James Brown Spishak Razor Celine Dion #1 Introducing Bunifa Celine Dion #2 Celine Dion #3 Will's Little Sister Snapshot Stories: Nicole Lowered Expectations: Gena Swan ATM Scam Lowered Expectations: Bunifa Charlie Sheen PSA Pimps Say the Darndest Things MADtv Classic: Slingblade II Close-Aries
Première diffusion : 16 janvier 1999
S4 E14 • Episode #414
Open-Keanu Just Dial Antonia Referee #1 Snowflake Antonia Referee #2 Riverboy Antonia Referee #3 Vancome Vendor Kenny's Half-Time Gap Troll Spy vs. Spy-Air Attack MADtv Classic: Cocoa & LeBlanc Close-Will
Première diffusion : 30 janvier 1999
S4 E15 • Episode #415
Open-Kenny Antonia Perfume Randy Newman-Behind the Music Bunifa and the Burger The Artist formerly known as the Prince of Egypt Bret Hart Sketch Gone Bad Stuart Goes to the Doctor Wash Me Odd Couple III Lowered Expectations: Keanu MADtv Classic: C.L.O.P.s III Close- Debra/Bret Hart
Première diffusion : 6 février 1999
S4 E16 • Episode #416
Sketches include ""Open-Rusty"", ""Magic PSA"", ""Bunifa's Dating Game"", ""Swan at the Movies #1"", ""Tres Companeros"", ""Swan at the Movies #2"", ""Harrison Ford"", ""Old Man Sasso-Valentine's Day"", ""Rocky Runner #1"", ""Cooking for One"", ""MADtv Classic: Antonia and James"", ""Close: Nic Cage/Rocky Runner""
Première diffusion : 13 février 1999
S4 E17 • Episode #417
Sketches include ""Open-Swan Sings Theme"", ""Ally McMeal"", ""Turbohaler"" 1, ""Goodnight Dad"", ""Patch Kevorkian"", ""Turbohaler 2"", ""Threshold"", ""Turbohaler 3"", ""Change of Heart"", ""Blameless in Boulder"", ""Courthouse Steps"", ""Stepmom II"", ""MADtv Classic: Sleaze Lawyer"", ""Close- Michael""
Première diffusion : 20 février 1999
S4 E18 • Episode #418
Open-Aries and Nicole Paul Timberman's Workshop Vancome Video Dishing the Dirt Welfare Arm Wrestling Grudge Match Stuart Photographer Son of Dolemite Spy vs Spy: Mirror over Fireplace Close- Mo Wrestling Counselor Roddy Piper
Première diffusion : 27 février 1999
S4 E19 • Episode #419
Open-Cher Gap Tyson Todos en la Familia UBS-Jaq Stuart plays Tee-Ball Snapshot Stories: Aries & Mike Felicity Singing Telegram Erascists-St. Patrick's Day Li'l Nestor-Ice Skating Arma Get-It-On MADtv Classic: Lean Bulime Close- Alex
Première diffusion : 13 mars 1999
S4 E20 • Episode #420
Open-Swan Magic Honeydipper Dan Yassir Arafat's Party Tricks #1 I know What you Need Heroin PM Yassir Arafat's Party Tricks #2 Rusty does a Commercial Catwoman Cable Happy Folger Wedding Yassir Arafat's Party Tricks #3 Yassir Arafat's Party Tricks #4 MADtv Classic: I love Lucy Spy vs. Spy: Headphones Close-Pat
Première diffusion : 27 mars 1999
S4 E21 • Episode #421
Open-Bunifa Urge-Away My Gay Dad Fired Up Rubberman CLOPS IV-All new CLOPS Coffee Guy: Starstrucks Kenny's Testicle Exam Rocket Revengers-Super German Tammany-the Date MADtv Classic-Klumps Spy vs. Spy: Ants Close-Will
Première diffusion : 10 avril 1999
S4 E22 • Episode #422
Sketches include: "Open: Swan & Springer", "Estrella Viaje", "Erascists: Behind the Music", "Spishak: 1 out of 10", "Melina and Lida on Springer", "Rosie & Howard", "Lorraine buys a Car", "Shaunda: Holding Tank", "Bunifa & Springer", "Close: Andrew"
Première diffusion : 1 mai 1999
S4 E23 • Episode #423
Open-Kenny & James Jeffersons '99 Swan Noir Aussie Hunter-Crocodile Sylvia Aussie Hunter-Shark Snapshot Stories: Debra Rocket Revengers-Atlantica Rolling Thunder Aussie Hunter-Cheetah MADtv Classic: Switcheroo Close-Phil
Première diffusion : 8 mai 1999
S4 E24 • Episode #424
Open-Stuart Who's Idea was This Anyway? Shhh Snapshot Stories: Mo FANatic Donny Osmond Lorraine at the Market #1 Falconman and Birdboy Lorraine at the Market #2 MADtv Classic: R&B Meeting Lorraine at the Market #3 Spy vs. Spy: Training Camp Close- Debra
Première diffusion : 15 mai 1999
S4 E25 • Episode #425
Sketches include ""Hey, It's Ice!"", ""Aussie Hunter #4-Gorilla"", ""The Greatest Competitors of All"", ""Spore Attack '99"", ""Aussie Hunter #5-Elephant"", ""Vancome-MADtv Misadventure"", ""Aussie Hunter #6-Ants"", ""An Actor's Nightmare"", ""Lorraine Buys a Car""
Première diffusion : 22 mai 1999