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Saison 3

26 épisodes

(10 h 50 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3

Saison 4

Saison 5


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La naissance de Kyara

S3 E1 La naissance de Kyara

Mia would like to spend the summer holidays on a horse farm in the Alps. But with the room booking something went wrong. Mia wants to leave, then she meets the blind Sara. In Centopia, Mia learns that Lyria will soon be back again. Onchao gets a little sister, Kyara. Unfortunately, Gargona also learns of the birth of a new unicorn with a golden horn and immediately forges dark plans with Lord Drakon.

Première diffusion : 23 mai 2017

L’arrivée de l'homme mouche

S3 E2 L’arrivée de l'homme mouche

Mia has stayed with Sara in the stable. When Sara's mother brings the breakfast, she informs the two that she will bring the horse Peppino back to the horse farm. In Centopia, Lord Drakon Gargona announces new collaborators: Dax is to support her with his four beetle friends to catch a unicorn. A poisonous nightcloth is also supposed to help by overcrowding all of Centopia with its thorns.

Première diffusion : 24 mai 2017

Titre inconnu

S3 E3 Titre inconnu

Mia and Sara want to surprise Sarah's mother. They clean the house and prepare a delicious dinner. They want to persuade them that Peppino is allowed to stay on the farm. The bedside continues to spread in Centopia. King Raynor and Queen Mayla come into contact with their poison and fall into a coma-like sleep. Now Mia, Mo and Yuko have to find out how to fight the plant.

Première diffusion : 25 mai 2017

Retour à la montagne Bolobo

S3 E4 Retour à la montagne Bolobo

Sara announces her new girlfriend Mia with all the animals on the farm and shows her how to feed her. But Mia has to sneak away, because her bracelet calls her to Centopia. Mia and her friends have found out that there is only one hope to defeat the poisonous night. You have to collect the pieces scattered over Centopia of the large crystal "Heart of Centopia".

Première diffusion : 26 mai 2017

Sœurs ravagées

S3 E5 Sœurs ravagées

Mia and Sara are to milk the goats. These give only milk, if sung thereby. Mia and Sara sing merrily until the letter bearer appears with a letter. Mia finds out in Centopia that Yuko has a sister who lives in Blumental. The friends hope to find another heart crystal with Kuki's help. They suspect him in the cave of glowing mushrooms, but the entrance is blocked.

Première diffusion : 27 mai 2017

Le jardin d'enfants licorne

S3 E6 Le jardin d'enfants licorne

Mia and Sara want to pick blackberries at the edge of the forest. They meet Fabio, who is working on beehives. Sara does not want to talk to Fabio, which makes Mia very surprised. Onchao has arranged for a friend in Centopia. His little sister Kyara wants to go with the beach and secretly disappears from the safe elf crater. Mia and her friends are immediately on the search.

Première diffusion : 28 mai 2017

Phuddle déménage

S3 E7 Phuddle déménage

Mia and Sara cut out a cellar and found a ghettoblaster and some trophies. Sara tells Mia that she danced hip-hop before her accident. Mia is thrilled. Phuddle has once again failed an experiment. Mo forbids him to continue burying in the Elfen crater. Phuddle walks away frustrated. In the forest he meets Polytheus, who is on his way to Dax and Gargona.

Première diffusion : 29 mai 2017

Le plus gros enchérisseur

S3 E8 Le plus gros enchérisseur

Sara's mother Luciana finds a letter from Sara's school and sets Sara before the decision. Either she goes back to the old school after school or to the boarding school in Milan. In Centopia, Mia and her elf friends have learned that Polytheus has a heart crystal. With a delicious elf menu, they want to buy this crystal from him. But Dax and Gargona intersperse again.

Première diffusion : 30 mai 2017

La nuit devient le jour

S3 E9 La nuit devient le jour

In the mountains a wolf should be on the way. Ranger Balani is looking for him and warns Mia and Sara, who are on Peppino. They heard a howling in the forest. Mia, Yuko and Onchao fly to the dragon caves and discover that the entrances have grown almost completely with nightmares. The dragons can no longer become their dragon eagles and it will soon be night. Now only the sun unicorn can help.

Première diffusion : 31 mai 2017

Le cercle de la vie

S3 E10 Le cercle de la vie

Mia and Fabio want to persuade Sara to start dancing again with hip-hop. Fabio has brought a slackline for balancing exercises. Sara hesitates, but then does. When Mia arrives at Centopia, she is glared at by Mo and Yuko. The small unicorn Kyara is now nervous and restless. Mia finds out that Kyara wants to visit her grandmother Landa.

Première diffusion : 1 juin 2017

Flèche incandescente

S3 E11 Flèche incandescente

Mia and Sara are on the way to collect herbs for the goat Suzanna. On a mountain meadow Mia Sara finally tells of her secret. But Sara thinks it's a joke. In Centopia discover Mia and Mo Yuko's secret. For a long time, she secretly practiced her singing arts. This news spreads to the displeasure of Yuko quickly in Centopia. When the friends get lost in the misty mountains, Yuko revenges himself.

Première diffusion : 2 juin 2017

Trouver Simo

S3 E12 Trouver Simo

Fabio has kept his promise and takes riding lessons, secretly observed by Mia and Sara. As soon as he can ride, Sara will keep her word and go back to school. The oracle, which Mia brings to Centopia this time, gives the hint to visit Simo and Lasita. On the way, Mia, Mo and Yuko enter a storm and have to land on an island. The island is uninhabited, but then something stirs in the bushes.

Première diffusion : 3 juin 2017

Gel et

S3 E13 Gel et

A fox tried to get into the Hühnerstall, but could be expelled in time by Wolfi. Mia and Sara go to work to strengthen the door to the stable. The oracle has sent Mia and the elves into the Black Forest to search for a heart crystal. They have to cross a meadow full of flowers. These look nice, but they leave everyone who is touching them.

Première diffusion : 4 juin 2017

Le monstre aux six yeux

S3 E14 Le monstre aux six yeux

It's hot and Mia can persuade Sara to go eat an ice cream with her down the valley. In the ice-cream parlor, they meet Sara's old teacher Meloni. Sara is annoyed. In Centopia, on the other hand, mysterious things are going on. Food disappear and it is said that a six-eyed monster would drift along the waterfall. Mia, Mo, Yuko and Onchao are on their way to the next thing.

Première diffusion : 5 juin 2017

Dans la lune

S3 E15 Dans la lune

Mia has her birthday and her aunt Annie is coming to visit, but the cable car does not drive. To cheer up Mia, Sara leads the girlfriend to a very special place in the mountains. Also in Centopia is celebrated. The golden summer full moon, reminiscent of the legendary moon unicorn, is celebrated in a whole blumental. Yuko firmly believes in the existence of this unicorn and goes to the search.

Première diffusion : 6 juin 2017

Sous l'arbre aux feuilles-cœur

S3 E16 Sous l'arbre aux feuilles-cœur

Mia's aunt Annie is visiting and is enthusiastic about the special honey of the mountains. Mia and Sara bring them to Fabio's hives, where Aunt Annie wants to reap honey. In Centopia, Mia, Mo, Yuko and Onchao have to help the unicorn of hearts. Dax and his handlers have destroyed the heart-leaf tree of the unicorn down to the roots. Only a new heart-leaf tree can save the meek unicorn.

Première diffusion : 7 juin 2017

Bluebardo en difficulté

S3 E17 Bluebardo en difficulté

Mia and Sara prepare a pasta dough. Mia tries to convince Sara of the existence of Centopia. From the dough she shapes for Sara Runes of the magical book. In Centopia, Mia, Mo and Yuko get a special visit. A small group of Bluebardos from the Northhorn misses one of their comrades. The elf friends are on the search and find out that Polytheus has sold the little penguin to Dax and Gargona.

Première diffusion : 8 juin 2017

Le papillon géant

S3 E18 Le papillon géant

Mr. Meloni comes to visit and presents Sara with a device to take part in his class. Mia also wants Sara to go back to school. Sara is reluctant. In Centopia, Mia, Mo and Yuko are witnessed as a beautiful, giant butterfly slips. The friends accompany him on his first flight attempts, not knowing that they would lure Gargona, Dax and the hoppers on their track.

Première diffusion : 9 juin 2017

La licorne la plus timide

S3 E19 La licorne la plus timide

Mia and Sara are stunned when a broker is outside the door and they learn that Sara's mother wants to sell Luciana Weideland. Luciana needs money for Sara's school. As Centopia is increasingly overrun by the nightmare, Mia, Mo, and Yuko are looking for another heart-shaped piece in the marshes at Blumental. There is supposed to be a shy unicorn, which may help them in the search.

Première diffusion : 10 juin 2017

Retour à L'île Arc-en-ciel

S3 E20 Retour à L'île Arc-en-ciel

Mia and Sara make a trip to the valley to eat ice cream. But before they reach the ice cream parlor, Mia is called to Centopia and left Sara alone. In Centopia, Mia, Mo, Yuko and Onchao are on their way to Rainbow Island, when they discover that the unicorn foal Kyara secretly followed them. Gargona and Dax have also quickly recognized where the friends are on the road and follow them to the island.

Première diffusion : 11 juin 2017

Ziggo déménage

S3 E21 Ziggo déménage

When Mia and Sara seek refuge in a mountain hut during a storm, Mia Sara tells once again about Centopia. And Sara gets as Mia disappears to Centopia. There, the perilous nightclothes are growing ever greater parts of the country. High time for Mia, Mo and Yuko to find the last missing parts of the heart crystal. Thereupon Ziggo, the former house cat Panthea suddenly appears with them.

Première diffusion : 12 juin 2017

Quel est ton désir?

S3 E22 Quel est ton désir?

Sara now believes that Mia now has Centopia and wants to go there with her. When she does not want to give Mia the bracelet, it comes to the dispute. In Centopia the oracle Mia, Yuko and Mo points the way into the crystal caves, home of the crystal unicorn. Magical mirror surfaces reveal hidden truths here. But the friends have no time for this, because Gargona and Dax are close to their heels.

Première diffusion : 13 juin 2017

Cambriolage au chateau sombre

S3 E23 Cambriolage au chateau sombre

Mia saw Sara in a mirror on her last Centopia trip. She is convinced that Centopia calls Sara as an elf. Just how is Sara going to get there? In Centopia, the nightmare has now even blumental overcrowded and all inhabitants have to escape into the Elfenkrater. A last piece of heart-crystal is missing from Mia, Mo and Yuko to defeat the plant. But Gargona and Dax captured the play before them.

Première diffusion : 14 juin 2017

Voir dans l'obscurité

S3 E24 Voir dans l'obscurité

When Sara realizes that only Mia's Bracelet has returned from Centopia, she decides, after a short delay, to travel to the Elfenreich herself with the bracelet. In Centopia there is great excitement when an unknown elf girl appears: It's Sara! But Mia is still trapped in the Dark Castle. With the help of a cunning but dangerous plan she is to be freed.

Première diffusion : 15 juin 2017

Le grand sommeil

S3 E25 Le grand sommeil

Sara finally has to decide whether she wants to return to her old school. Mia and Fabio are talking to her well, and Sara's mother Luciana would want that solution. Also in Centopia pushes the time. The terrible nightmare is driving more and more inhabitants into the elven crater, but Mia, Sara, Mo and Yuko have not succeeded in bringing together the parts of the "heart of Centopia". But only then can they save Centopia.

Première diffusion : 16 juin 2017

Le combat désespéré

S3 E26 Le combat désespéré

Mias and Sara's common summer comes to an end. Sara has decided to go back to her old school. Mia will accompany her on her first day of school. In Centopia, there is an all-encompassing discussion with the Dunkelelfen. Thanks to Gargona and Dax, it looks as if Lord Drakon can regain his old power. The elves are feverishly working to put the "heart of Centopia" together.

Première diffusion : 17 juin 2017