23 épisodes
(1 h 09 min)
Saison 2011
Saison 2012
Saison 2013
Saison 2014
Saison 2015
Saison 2016
Saison 2017
Saison 2018
Saison 2019
Saison 2020
Saison 2021
Saison 2022
Saison 2023
Saison 2024
S2016 E1 • How To Discover Weird New Particles - Emergent Quantum Quasiparticles
This video is about weird condensed matter systems, aka materials that have bizarre emergent particles in them that are unlike most other particles in the universe.
Première diffusion : 1 février 2016
S2016 E2 • Concrete Does Not Dry Out
Concrete doesn’t dry - it sets!
Première diffusion : 10 février 2016
S2016 E3 • How Do We Know What Air is Like on Other Planets?
Première diffusion : 24 février 2016
S2016 E4 • The Limb of the Sun
Also, why do some flames look hollow?
Première diffusion : 11 mars 2016
S2016 E5 • Transporters and Quantum Teleportation
Première diffusion : 15 mars 2016
S2016 E6 • Aliens - Are We Looking in the Wrong Place?
Première diffusion : 24 mars 2016
S2016 E7 • Why You Should Care About Nukes
Première diffusion : 29 mars 2016
S2016 E8 • Why Are Airplane Engines So Big?
The physics behind the perfect size of a jet engine.
Première diffusion : 11 avril 2016
S2016 E9 • Solution to the Grandfather Paradox
What if you went back in time and killed your own grandfather? Would you still be born? Or would you have thus killed yourself?
Première diffusion : 13 mai 2016
S2016 E10 • How Long To Fall Through The Earth?
Première diffusion : 23 mai 2016
S2016 E11 • Where Do Galaxies Come From?
Première diffusion : 28 juin 2016
S2016 E12 • Gravitational Waves Explained Using Stick Figures
This video is about gravitational waves in the weak field limit as discovered by the LIGO collaboration, explained by parallels to electromagnetic radiation, sound waves, water waves, etc. I want to see Cat LIGO ASAP!
Première diffusion : 8 juillet 2016
S2016 E13 • Hitting the Sun is HARD
This video is about the orbital mechanics of why it’s so hard to crash into the sun – the energy it takes to get there is astoundingly high, compared with leaving the solar system.
Première diffusion : 19 juillet 2016
S2016 E14 • How Long Is A Day On The Sun?
This video is about the definition of a day, and how it applies (or not) on the sun. Solar day, sidereal day, universal coordinated time (UTC) day, etc. Length of a day.
Première diffusion : 4 août 2016
S2016 E15 • The Twins Paradox Primer (Rotating TIME!)
This video is about the famous “Twin paradox” of special relativity, and how time can appear to be faster for two different observers at the same time.
Première diffusion : 19 août 2016
S2016 E16 • Complete Solution To The Twins Paradox
One of the most famous paradoxes of all of physics – who's older? Who's younger? and WHY?
Première diffusion : 26 août 2016
S2016 E17 • Why Doesn't Time Flow Backwards?
This video is about why entropy gives rise to the arrow of time, and also how the initial low-entropy condition of the universe is responsible for the fact that we experience time right now, and how ultimately it will lead to the high-entropy heat death of the universe.
Première diffusion : 29 septembre 2016
S2016 E18 • Do Cause and Effect Really Exist?
This video is about why there's no such thing as cause and effect at the level of fundamental particle physics, and how our everyday experience of cause and effect arises due to entropy, the large-scale arrow of time, and the leverage certain events have over others. This can explain not only the existence of causes and effects, but also memories, records and so on.
Première diffusion : 6 octobre 2016
S2016 E19 • Where Does Complexity Come From?
This video is about the difference between complexity and entropy, and how we can see complex things like life, planets, galaxies, humans, intelligence, consciousness, etc arising in our universe when the overall tendency of the second law of thermodynamics is towards increasing entropy and disorder. It turns out that gravitational collapse & other complex structures (such as tendrils that form when coffee and milk mix) arise naturally as part of the path towards increasing entropy.
Première diffusion : 12 octobre 2016
S2016 E20 • How Entropy Powers The Earth (Big Picture Ep. 4)
This video is about how we don't just need energy to power our lives, we need *low entropy* energy!
Première diffusion : 21 octobre 2016
S2016 E21 • What is the Purpose of Life?
This video is about how life arose and what its main function or purpose in the universe seems to be.
Première diffusion : 26 octobre 2016
S2016 E22 • Is The Moon Held Up By A Spring? How Perspective Shapes Reality
Première diffusion : 17 novembre 2016
S2016 E23 • No Cloning
Why you can’t clone Schrödinger’s cat: this video presents the full proof of the “No Cloning” Theorem in Quantum Mechanics – without any fancy math! (stereotypical qubit has been replaced with Schrödinger’s cat). The full proof relies on the linearity of quantum (aka unitary) transformations, and the tensor product of multiple systems, to show that perfect cloning is impossible (though teleportation is allowed)
Première diffusion : 27 décembre 2016