
Saison 1


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La Sorcière et la Mariée

S1 E1 La Sorcière et la Mariée

The Asticassia School of Technology is run by the Benerit Group, a major player in the world of space industry. Suletta Mercury, a transfer student from the planet Mercury, is looking forward to her new life at the school. But just as she is about to arrive, she notices a lone figure drifting in space. Source: Official Website

Première diffusion : 2 octobre 2022

Le Mobile Suit maudit

S1 E2 Le Mobile Suit maudit

Suletta has won in her combat with Guel. However, there are now suspicions that her mobile suit Aerial uses the GUND Format, a forbidden "witch's technology." Meanwhile, Miorine faces a crisis as her father Delling wants her to leave the school. Source: Official Website

Première diffusion : 9 octobre 2022

La fierté de Guel

S1 E3 La fierté de Guel

Suletta is being forced to duel in a rematch. She and Miorine form a cooperative partnership to save the Aerial from being scrapped, and keep Miorine from being expelled from school. But for her opponent Guel, this is also a battle he absolutely cannot lose. Source: Official Website

Première diffusion : 16 octobre 2022

Mines invisibles

S1 E4 Mines invisibles

Bewildered by Guel's sudden proposal, Suletta panics and flees from the scene. Everyone is astonished by Guel's behavior, but Chuchu, a student from Earth House, stares at him with cold indifference. Source: Official Website

Première diffusion : 23 octobre 2022

Pris dans un regard de glace

S1 E5 Pris dans un regard de glace

Elan is becoming more and more interested in Suletta, so he asks her out on a date, although she doesn't interpret it as such. But it seems that Elan has other intentions regarding the Mercurian. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 30 octobre 2022

Une chanson glauque

S1 E6 Une chanson glauque

Suletta has agreed to a duel with Elan, but she can't hide her bewilderment at Elan's sudden change of attitude. The duel is to take place in space outside the front, and since the Aerial has no thruster unit, she is forced to upgrade her machine. Source: Offical Website

Première diffusion : 6 novembre 2022

Shall we Gundam ?

S1 E7 Shall we Gundam ?

As Suletta passes her days in a state of distraction, unable to get in touch with Elan, a letter arrives from the Benerit Group inviting her to an incubation party. Though Miorine dismissively tells her that she doesn't need to go, Suletta is hoping that she can see Elan again... Source: Offical Website

Première diffusion : 20 novembre 2022

À chacun sa décision

S1 E8 À chacun sa décision

Première diffusion : 27 novembre 2022

Si j'avais pu faire un dernier pas

S1 E9 Si j'avais pu faire un dernier pas

Première diffusion : 4 décembre 2022

Brassage d'émotions

S1 E10 Brassage d'émotions

It has been two months since the duel with Shaddiq. Little by little, the launch of GUND-ARM, Inc. is proceeding on track. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 11 décembre 2022

Les Sorcières de la Terre

S1 E11 Les Sorcières de la Terre

Première diffusion : 25 décembre 2022

Faire un pas plutôt que baisser les bras

S1 E12 Faire un pas plutôt que baisser les bras

Première diffusion : 8 janvier 2023