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Saison 2

11 épisodes

(4 h 35 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3


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The Man from M.A.S.K. / The Flea's Bueno Twin

S2 E1 The Man from M.A.S.K. / The Flea's Bueno Twin

Nightmare on Lucha Street / Revenge of the Masked Toilet

S2 E2 Nightmare on Lucha Street / Revenge of the Masked Toilet

Calling All Monsters / Pig Out

S2 E3 Calling All Monsters / Pig Out

Dancing with Bugs / Chain of Fools

S2 E6 Dancing with Bugs / Chain of Fools

You Look Radishing (also known as Thief of Radishes) / Lucha, Rinse and Repeat

S2 E7 You Look Radishing (also known as Thief of Radishes) / Lucha, Rinse and Repeat

French Twisted / Hungry Like Los Lobos (also known as Los Lobos De Lucha)

S2 E8 French Twisted / Hungry Like Los Lobos (also known as Los Lobos De Lucha)

Meet the Muertos / Mask Maker

S2 E11 Meet the Muertos / Mask Maker

Big Buena Sellout / Laying in Ruins

S2 E12 Big Buena Sellout / Laying in Ruins

La Bruja / El Niño Loco

S2 E15 La Bruja / El Niño Loco

The Brat in the Hat (also known as Los Pantalones) / Election Daze

S2 E17 The Brat in the Hat (also known as Los Pantalones) / Election Daze

Flea's Personal Demons / Virtual Luchadores

S2 E19 Flea's Personal Demons / Virtual Luchadores