Saison 1

12 épisodes

(5 h)



Saison 1


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or not to [B]e

S1 E1 or not to [B]e

▶▶ Report: Pod 042 5012 AD. Lifeforms otherwise known as <Aliens> begin their invasion of Earth. Since mankind escaped to the moon, the ground battle between the <androids> created by humans and the <Machine Lifeforms> created by the Aliens has continued for a long time. This craft is the accompanying support unit entitled <Pod 042>. In the 243rd Descent Operation held March 10, 11945, this unit will support Android <2B> of the <YoRHa Soldiers>. Thereafter, this unit will report regular mission status in tandem with <Pod 153>, the unit supporting YoRHa Aircraft Solider <9S> in this joint operation. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 8 janvier 2023

city e[S]cape

S1 E2 city e[S]cape

▶▶ Pod 153 - Report: New data not registered to the existing archive was discovered during the search on ground. Transferring to shared server. The mission of the machine lifeform was to destroy the androids. However, that machine lifeform no longer possessed the will to fight. The machine lifeform found a small ring of flowers. The machine lifeform felt a mysterious <Something> beginning to be born within it. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 15 janvier 2023

break ti[M]e

S1 E3 break ti[M]e

▶▶ Pod 042 - Report: YoRHa units 2B and 9S rescued a Resistance group from being attacked by machine lifeforms. The Resistance unit leader identified as <Lily> guides them to their base of residence, the Resistance Camp. During their stay at the camp, units 2B and 9S obtain information about unique machine lifeforms from the Resistance member identified as <Jackass>. It is determined that this information exists in the same parameters of the investigation mission assigned to 2B and 9S. Proposal: Begin exploration of the Desert Zone with Jackass. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 22 janvier 2023

a mountain too [H]igh

S1 E4 a mountain too [H]igh

▶▶ Pod 153 - Report: During the investigation in the Desert Zone, several unique entities not found in previously recorded data were confirmed. Entities confirmed were characterized as “machine lifeforms capable of speech” and “machine lifeforms that closely resemble androids”. Details uploaded to the server. In addition, both units 2B and 9S received orders from Command to search for YoRHa Soldiers. It appears that contact has been lost with the missing unit during their ground mission. Origin of black box signal has been detected. Proposal: Begin search for the target at the corresponding point. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 19 février 2023


S1 E5 mave[R]ick

▶▶ Pod 042 - Report: Verifying the trade information between the Resistance and machine lifeforms in the City Ruins. Despite the hostile relationship between androids and machine lifeforms, it appears the machine lifeforms they are trading with hold no hostile responses or combat intentions. This unit will investigate the area together with 2B and 9S, who Lily requested to transport materials to the machine lifeforms. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 26 février 2023

[L]one wolf

S1 E6 [L]one wolf

▶▶ Pod 042 and Pod 153 - Joint Report: Data discovered. Presumed to be part of a record from the past. Transferring to shared server. December 8, 11941. I’ve encountered androids dispatched to Earth on a top-secret mission. These unknown androids call themselves <YoRHa Soldiers>. Command that abandoned us. YoRHa Soldiers with nothing but secrets and full of mysteries. But you can’t protect your family if all you do is doubt. …I hope my choice, our battle, will be a breakthrough in this long war of attrition. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 5 mars 2023

[Q]uestionable actions

S1 E7 [Q]uestionable actions

▶▶ Pod 153 - Report: In the mission so far, this unit has encountered many abnormal machine lifeforms – some of which have even progressed as far as engaging in combat. Each individual’s information has been uploaded to the server as designed. Proposal: In preparation for future encounters, request information analysis and sharing of results in the Bunker. ―――Entity Identification Signal: <Pascal> response confirmed――― A member of a machine lifeform village appears to have gone missing. Proposal: Begin reconnaissance in the Forest Kingdom area. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 12 mars 2023

Le maquereau, tu as [K]iffé ?

S1 E8 Le maquereau, tu as [K]iffé ?

▶▶ Pod 042 - Report: In the Forest Kingdom area, wanted YoRHa unit identified as <A2> was discovered. The fugitive unit in question abandoned her mission and continues to run away to this day. She is designated as a highly dangerous individual. Units 2B and 9S receive orders to track and investigate A2 from Command. Proposal: Contact the Resistance and Pascal to begin collecting information. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 19 mars 2023

Hun[G]ry for Knowledge

S1 E9 Hun[G]ry for Knowledge

Première diffusion : 23 juillet 2023


S1 E10 Over[Z]ealous

Première diffusion : 23 juillet 2023

Head[Y] Battle

S1 E11 Head[Y] Battle

Première diffusion : 23 juillet 2023

Flowers for M[A]chines

S1 E12 Flowers for M[A]chines

Première diffusion : 23 juillet 2023