78 épisodes
(13 h)
S5 E1 • Le mystère de la Grande Pyramide
Sur le chantier de la grande pyramide, Oggy court après les cafards pour récupérer son sandwich. Le chat bleu et ses ennemis cancrelats se retrouvent bientôt perdus dans les profondeurs de la pyramide... Réussiront-ils à retrouver la sortie ?
S5 E2 • Le nuage de sauterelles
Joey fools around with Oggy's bird-caller whistle, and attracts a cloud of grasshoppers, who invade the pyramid. The Grasshopper Leader does a deal with Joey, and ousts Pharaoh Bob. Dee Dee and Marky feel left out, and join forces with Oggy to get rid of the invaders.
S5 E3 • Oggy sur le Nil
Oggy invites Olivia for a dream cruise on the Nile. The cockroaches, furious at being denied access on board, decide to ruin the outing. Plagued with sea-sickness, Oggy does his best to stay afloat!
S5 E4 • Oggy Gladiateur
Oggy et Olivia vont à un spectacle de gladiateurs au Colisée. En poursuivant les cafards qui lui ont volé ses popcorns, Oggy est enrôlé comme gladiateur ! Les cafards propulsés, eux aussi dans l'arène, vont regretter d'avoir pris les popcorns d'Oggy...
S5 E5 • Avance ton char, Oggy
When Oggy sees Olivia set off to Rome on Bob's chariot, he's miserable. How can he compete? He doesn't know how to drive those things! Jack gives him chariot driving lessons, which become a nightmare when the roaches get involved.
S5 E6 • Oggy met un terme aux thermes
Oggy a trouvé un boulot aux thermes de Rome. Et aujourd'hui, Jules César est attendu! Mais les cafards viennent profiter eux aussi du bienfait des bains. Oggy crise : si César voit les cafards, c'en est fini des thermes et du nouveau job d'Oggy !
S5 E7 • RodéOggy
Jack intends to take part in a rodeo organized by Buffalo Bill. Joey is after the first prize too. He enrolls and manages to put Jack out of action. Jack abandons, and asks Oggy to replace him. Who's gonna win, dudes? Joey or Oggy?
S5 E8 • Shérif Oggy
Pendant sa sieste, Shérif Jack nomme Oggy shérif par intérim. Oggy accepte la mission pour briller auprès d'Olivia. Pourra-t-il faire régner l'ordre et protéger la banque que les cafards tentent de cambrioler à plusieurs reprises ?
S5 E9 • Avis de recherche
The cockroaches stick Oggy's photo over a poster: "WANTED - BOB". Their idea works: a nasty looking bounty hunter turns up in search of OGGY. This could get nasty! Luckily, the unwitting cat sabotages the bounty hunter's plans, in all innocence.
S5 E10 • Oggy les pouces verts
Bob, head gardener in the Versailles Palace, gives Oggy a list of jobs to make the gardens beautiful! Everything goes well, until Oggy inadvertently flattens the cockroaches, who decide to get even...
S5 E11 • Oggy cocher du Roi
Oggy, employed as the King's coachman, must prepare the royal carriage and drive it to Versailles for the King's outing. On the way, Oggy comes across highwaymen bent on stealing the carriage... the roaches of course!
S5 E12 • Le lever du Roi
Oggy assiste Jack en tant que page du Roi. Le souverain doit être paré de ses atours pour l'arrivée du peintre portraitiste. Petit déjeuner, bain et habillement: avec les cafards dans la place, ces simples tâches vont virer au cauchemar...
S5 E13 • Le tournoi de Marky
Jack participe à un tournoi médiéval et choisit Oggy comme écuyer. Marky, tombé éperdument amoureux de la fille de Bob, la princesse Bobette décide également d'y participer. Pour les cafards tous les coups bas sont permis...
S5 E14 • Vie de château pour les cafards
Lord Bob goes hunting, leaving Oggy and Jack in charge of the castle. The cockroaches boot them out. Will Oggy and Jack succeed in getting back inside, before the roaches wreak utter havoc... and before Bob's return?
S5 E15 • Oggy et le bossu de la Cathédrale
When Oggy's sandwich gets nicked on the Notre Dame cathedral building site, he thinks it's the roaches again... But no! It's Quasimodo, the hunchback. He and Oggy become fast friends, and together, they protect Olivia - the lovely gipsy.
S5 E16 • Un gorille en ville
Jack aventurier américain au début du 20ème siècle, ramène d'une expédition un gorille pour monter un show sur Broadway. Joey veut s'emparer du primate.
S5 E17 • Oggy et le vagabond
New York 1930, where Olivia is selling flowers in the street. Joey steals them to give them to Lady K and arranges to have Oggy arrested for him. In jail Oggy meets Charlot, they escape together and Oggy file to find the flowers of Olivia.
S5 E18 • Dee Dee Capone
Under prohibition, Dee Dee is appointed by Joey and Marky to fetch a tin. Dee Dee decides to compete with Al Capone. Oggy is quick to unmask Dee Dee and put an end to his traffic that starves the city.
S5 E19 • Oggy et le trésor
Oggy is cabin boy on Jack the Pirate's ship. While searching for treasure, they meet (and sink) Bob's ship... and kidnap Olivia. A mad chase ensues over Treasure Island as roaches and cats race to find gold...
S5 E20 • Les maîtres du poulpe
Oggy finds a magic medallion in a shipwreck graveyard, and gives it to Olivia. When she puts it on, an Octopus appears, to obey her every wish! The 3 cockroaches do their utmost to steal the magical pendant from her.
S5 E21 • Un amour de panda
Oggy adopts a baby panda. The cockroaches want to get rid of it, but Marky falls into the baby's charm and makes a retreat at Joey's and Dee Dee's plan.
S5 E22 • Attention fragile
Oggy is entrusted with an honorable task - restoring the Emperor's precious Ming vase. But the cockroaches are obsessed with the idea that the vase would be filled with rice. Can Oggy find a way to protect the vase?
S5 E23 • Baby-sitting chez l'Empereur
The little Emperor of China is a nightmare. His tutor, Bob, is at his wits' end! But the Little Emperor adores Oggy - who is appointed to take care of him. Oggy tries to sneak off, but the cockroaches - overjoyed to be in the Imperial Palace - block his way!
S5 E24 • La chasse au tigre
Oggy, mahout of maharajah Chadabad-Abad leads his master and his servant Jack to the tiger hunt. But the roaches covet the diamond adorning the turban of the maharajah. While the tiger prowls, they do everything to seize the jewel...
S5 E25 • Fakir Oggy
Oggy wants to join Olivia, daughter of the maharajah, on his balcony but is denied by the entrance to the palace. He asks a fakir to teach him how to get a rope up in the air by playing the flute. Initiation is more complicated than expected...
S5 E26 • Les cafards et le cricket
The Maharajah is bored and asks Jack to find an activity to entertain him. Jack struggles to find the right idea... But thanks to the accidental and chaotic intervention of Oggy and cockroaches, he invents a sport that amuses the sovereign: Cricket!
S5 E27 • Le dragon d'Oggy
Oggy collects and hides a baby dragon that Bob wanted to capture. Oggy attaches himself to his dragon and tries to teach him how to fly. Roaches set their sights on it because they dream of a good fire lit in express by the dragon!
S5 E28 • Gare au drakkar
When the Viking leader decides to mount an expedition to find a more climate-friendly land, Oggy volunteers: the explorer will be appointed governor of the colony! But the roaches expect to arrive before Oggy and fly on his beautiful longship...
S5 E29 • Oggy maître de la foudre
Oggy's Viking Village asks Thor, the Lord of Thunder, to protect the village from monsters. Since Thor is very powerful, it is easy for him to get rid of the monsters. However, the great Thor is afraid of cockroaches, and it is up to Oggy to save the day!
S5 E30 • Les mille et une nuits d'Oggy
Oggy est nettoyeur de tapis à Bagdad. Olivia vient choisir un tapis dans l'échoppe et se fait kidnapper par Bob, le vizir. Oggy vole au secours d'Olivia.
S5 E31 • Coup de génie
Oggy works in Jack's carpet shop. The cockroaches are looking for a flying carpet. But instead of a flying carpet, Oggy and the cockroaches found a genie. The genie is whimsical and he intends to take advantage of his new freedom...
S5 E32 • Tournage sur la lune
Paris 1900. Oggy et Jack poursuivent les cafards qui trouvent refuge dans les studios de Georges Méliès. Ils utilisent une fusée en carton-pâte prévu pour un film.
S5 E33 • Du plomb dans l'aile
Quand Charles Lindbergh décolle de New York pour tenter la première traversée de l'Atlantique sans escale, il embarque des passagers clandestins : Oggy et les cafards.
S5 E34 • La machine d'Oggy
S5 E35 • Plein soleil
En 1700, les cafards piquent un autocuiseur que Jack vient d'acheter. A la suite d'une course poursuite, l'engin atterrit sur une charrette
S5 E36 • Tas d'or conquistador
Au Machu Pichu, Oggy est chargé de protéger les offrandes au temple. Les cafards font équipe avec un conquistador fou : il les aide à atteindre les offrandes de l'idole.
S5 E37 • Sacrifice si je veux
Bob, prêtre Inca, cherche une victime pour son sacrifice rituel. Oggy parvient à le détourner de son lama adoré et le laisse emporter les cafards.
S5 E38 • On touche le fond
Oggy joins Cousteau's expedition on the Calypso, but he drops a ring in the water - the one he'd planned on giving Olivia. So the cockroaches plunge overboard to fish it up.
S5 E39 • Mission Apolloggy
Oggy gets lost in a car near Cape Canaveral, Joey bites his road map and leads him into the space rocket, then Marky, standing in the checkpoint, inadvertently takes off the rocket. Who of the four will walk first on the moon?
S5 E40 • La course au Pôle Nord
April 1909. Jack aims to be the first one to reach the North Pole. Oggy is on his team, of course. But they have rivals: Joey wants to be first to walk on the arctic ice-fields! A crazy race ensues…
S5 E41 • Jackoromeo et Bobette
In Venice, Gondolier Jack falls hopelessly in love with Bobette, Bob the Doge’s daughter. But dog and cat couples aren’t tolerated in Renaissance times. Everyone wants to put an end to their romantic idyll, except Oggy, who stands up for Jack.
S5 E42 • Marrade et mascarade
Oggy is a master in the art of making confetti in Venice. The doge orders him to release the confetti for his costume party. By emptying his supply of confetti, Oggy destroys the paradise of cockroaches, who intend to make him pay!
S5 E43 • Marky De Vinci
Venice 1500. Oggy is a failed artist, compared to Marky, who’s a multi-talented genius, in both art and science. Marky invents revolutionary machines which enable Joey and DD [sic] to pilfer Oggy’s spaghetti supply.
S5 E44 • Empereur d'un jour
During the Napoleonic wars, Oggy cleans the French camp. Napoleon asks Oggy to take his place, so that he can go to a gallant rendezvous. The roaches, witnesses of the scene, will do everything to unmask Oggy.
S5 E45 • Mon empire pour une peluche
Oggy pierces the mystery of the famous posture of Napoleon, with his right hand under his jacket: he hides a peluche he venerates like a blanket. A little ashamed, Napoleon orders Oggy to stay quiet about this and take care of his peluche during the battle.
S5 E46 • Oggy et le secret des hiéroglyphes
During the Egyptian campaign, Oggy, Napoleon's aide-de-camp, meets Champollion who enlists him for his archaeological excavations. At the corner of a chase with the roaches, Oggy discovers the Rosetta Stone! But Joey wants to grab it...
S5 E47 • L'aire d'auto yourte
Jack and Oggy are holding an auto-youth area. Olivia is holding the cafeteria. Bob, a camel-trucker, points to Oggy's demands as he watches his cargo and flirts with Olivia. Oggy is jealous but cockroaches are interested in Bob's convoy...
S5 E48 • Le lait de Xanadu
Oggy and Olivia are holding an auto-youth area in Mongolia while the cockroaches cause a shortage of goat's milk. To calm the travelers, Oggy and Olivia follow Marco Polo to Xanadu to find a yak. Cockroaches, fans of milk, become encrusted.
S5 E49 • Le festival des yaks
It is Yak Festival at the auto-youth area. Assisted by Oggy, Olivia participates as the best trainer, with the small yak of his cafeteria. Bob, winner last year, puts his title in play, while the cockroaches also plan to participate!
S5 E50 • Ménage sur orbite
Captain Oggy has the mission of terra-forming a frozen planet. On board his hi-tech ship, Oggy thawed three cockroaches that were trapped in a block of ice... The pests immediately put the grapple on his ship.