7 épisodes
(10 h 30 min)
S7 E1 • Sinister Elixir
Featuring The Ghoul (1933, B/W) After a season of communing with spirits in the dark forests of New England, Penny Dreadful returns to her attic lair. As her hair turns gray and wrinkles form upon her brow, the 700 year-old witch admits that she must drink a dark elixir once per year in order to retain her youth. Unfortunately, Penny discovers that her magic elixir has been stolen, and she must begin a race against time to recreate the concoction. Featuring the public domain film "The Ghoul", starring Boris Karloff.
S7 E2 • Blood Relations
Featuring Crypt of the Living Dead (1973, Color) Without her Sinister Elixir (see Season 7, Episode 1), Penny Dreadful continues to age towards her true 700 years. Having acquired the eye of a ghoul, Penny is now after the second ingredient to recreate her elixir of youth -- the blood of a vampire. She attempts to revive Rhode Island's famous 19th century vampire, Mercy Brown. Things, of course, go terribly wrong and Penny must enlist the help of vampire hunter Dr. Manfred Von Bulow.
S7 E3 • Dust to Dust
Featuring Mummy and the Curse of the Jackals (1969, Color) Penny Dreadful has transformed into a withered hag, having aged dangerously close to the point of death. With Garou's help, she must now summon a living mummy in order to acquire the final ingredient for her elixir of youth.
S7 E4 • Unusual Suspects
Featuring The Bat (1959, B/W) Penny & Garou host the public domain film "The Bat" while attempting to deduce the identity of the thief who stole Penny’s elixir of life. As Penny gets closer to the truth, she realizes that she is dealing with deadly forces. Long-time viewers should keep an eye out for familiar faces from the past.
S7 E5 • The P-G-M Tour
Featuring The Giant Gila Monster (1959, B/W) Penny, Garou, and Von Bulow play a few rounds of Monster Mini Golf in Seekonk, Massachusetts. Penny and Von Bulow compete with each other for the win, but Garou puts them both to shame.
S7 E6 • Possessions
Featuring Cathy's Curse (1977, Color) A brash businessman asks Penny to create a magical “living doll” for his spoiled daughter. Penny agrees to do so, in exchange for an unspecified favor in the future. This episode features a Shilling Shockers "Hex-clusive" - a 1970's mock-trailer film by Bob Kensinger, entitled "The Dolls", shown with special permission from the filmmaker. The episode also includes an interview with DJ Chris from the “Radio of Horror” show, as well as performances by film director Richard Griffin and artist Jennifer Avery.
S7 E7 • Skull Splitting
Featuring The Screaming Skull (1958, B/W) Penny is suffering from a terrible headache. She grows increasingly irritated at the neighbors' cacophonous block party, and at Garou's interactions with a noisy disappearing/reappearing skull. Luna arrives and helps out, but comes face to face with a shocking memory from her past. This episode features a Shilling Shockers "Hex-clusive" - a new, original stop-motion animation by Martha Grant and Tara Perry entitled "The Sartorialist" (shown with permission of the animators).