13 épisodes
(5 h 25 min)
S2 E1 • Episode 1
Ed Head presents best practices for vehicle safety. Dick Metcalf and Sgt. Long discuss lasers on long and hand guns. Massad Ayoob covers hotel safety and Clint Smith talks backup guns.
S2 E2 • Episode 2
Clint Smith goes old school by teaching defense with revolvers. Dick and Sgt. Long point out the importance of choosing guns everyone can use in family defense plans. Mass teaches an escape from the front choke. Clint Smith ends with teaching the press check on a long gun.
S2 E3 • Episode 3
Tom Gresham and Il Ling New talk about women taking self defense training. Bob Morrison and Dick Metcalf talk about Taurus pistols for self defense. Massad Aybob talks about the importance of retention holsters. Clint Smith discusses brace kneeling.
S2 E4 • Episode 4
Tom visits Marty Hayes at the Firearms Academy of Seattle to learn about shooting moving targets. Survival Tools looks at the importance of shooting with both eyes open. Mass and Tom examine the best ways to handle a traffic stop while carrying a pistol. Clint Smith shows one handed reloads.
S2 E5 • Episode 5
Chris Weare of Gunsite teaches close quarters defense tactics. Dick Metcalf talks to Clyde Caceres about dependable lights. Learn some zen as Massad Ayoob demonstrates the relaxation methods to connect with your inner competitive shooter. Clint Smith talks prone shooting in this week's Skill Drill.
S2 E6 • Episode 6
Clint Smith demonstrates that self defense can be a possibility with any type of firearm. Survival Tools talks defensive ammunition. Action Plan talks about escaping the unwanted arm reaching around. Watch your front sight- so says Clint Smith on this week's Skill Drill.
S2 E7 • Episode 7
Ed Head talks about one hour drills to keep your skills fresh. Dick Metcalf and Bob Morrison showcase the Taurus Millennium Pro. Massad Ayoob points out tips to travel safely. Learn how to load an AR from Clint Smith on this week's Skill Drill.
S2 E8 • Episode 8
Predator defense is discussed with Il Ling New at Gunsite. Dick Metcalf and Sgt. Duane Long compare the AR and the Mini-14 for home defense. Mass teaches about the Kubaton on this week's Action Plan. Clint Smith demonstrates revolver reloads.
S2 E9 • Episode 9
Clint Smith is teaching the carbine on this episode. Dick Metcalf talks about collapsible stocks for rifles. Mass teaches home safety, and Clint teaches the tactical reload for a rifle.
S2 E10 • Episode 10
Cory Trapp discusses shooting efficiency. Dick Metcalf talks about the virtues of the hammerless snubbie. Massad Ayoob talks about how to escape the rear choke, and Clint Smith teaches failure to stop drills.
S2 E11 • Episode 11
Ed Head shares his love of the defensive carbine! Dick Metcalf discusses the less often considered consideration of marine defensive tools. Action Plan walks through how to avoid a tragic accident with an officer responding to a threat to your home. Clint demonstrates off-hand rifle shooting.
S2 E12 • Episode 12
Marty Hayes teaches low light shooting and techniques. Dick Metcalf defines second strike capability of a handgun using the Taurus 24/7 as an example. Massad Ayoob and Tom Gresham discuss body language that can tip you off to an impending attack. Clint Smith talks about non dominant hand training.
S2 E13 • Episode 13
Clint Smith teaches shooting from awkward positions in the first half, then is joined by his wife Heidi as they teach team communication. Bullet weight is reviewed in this week's Survival Tools. Massad and Tom cover the dangerous and last resort method of disarming another person. Tap-rack-bang is the Skill to Drill this week with Clint Smith.