Saison 5

22 épisodes

(16 h 08 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3

Saison 4

Saison 5

Saison 6


Modifier ma progression
Dieu dispose

S5 E1 Dieu dispose

Alors que Violet est introuvable, les autres médecins essaient de sauver la vie de Peter. Addison désire avoir un bébé et se rend chez un spécialiste qui se révèle être Jake Reilly, l'homme mystérieux qu'elle avait embrassé. De son côté, Sheldon veut aider Amelia à régler son problème d'alcoolisme...

Première diffusion : 29 septembre 2011

Le bon numéro

S5 E2 Le bon numéro

Jake Reilly passe un entretien d'embauche pour remplacer Naomi au cabinet, et personne ne comprend pourquoi Addison est réticente à l'idée de l'engager. De son coté, Cooper est prêt à tout pour sauver un de ses patients, même à enfreindre la loi...

Première diffusion : 6 octobre 2011

Pulsions et compulsions

S5 E3 Pulsions et compulsions

Une femme, qui n'a pas d'utérus, vient voir Addison et Jake pour qu'ils l'aident à avoir un bébé. Pendant ce temps, Amelia, qui semble avoir repris sa vie en main, traite une patiente atteinte de la maladie de Parkinson, qui trompe son mari...

Première diffusion : 13 octobre 2011

Père et fils

S5 E4 Père et fils

La tension entre Violet et Pete atteint des sommets. Addison et Sheldon s'occupent d'un couple dont la femme a perdu la mémoire à court terme dans un accident et n'arrive pas à se souvenir qu'elle est enceinte. Pendant ce temps, Cooper et Charlotte essaient de digérer une grande nouvelle...

Première diffusion : 20 octobre 2011

La première étape

S5 E5 La première étape

Addison begins in vitro fertilization treatments with Jake's help, unbeknownst to Sam, Amelia is deeply conflicted when her terminally-ill friend, Michelle, asks her assistance in her suicide, and Sam and Violet contend with a patient who refuses his anti-psychotic medication.

Première diffusion : 27 octobre 2011


S5 E6 Turbulences

Charlotte's painful memories of a horrible tragedy are triggered as Amelia continues her downward spiral; Addison takes one step closer to motherhood when she finally chooses a sperm donor; Cooper faces a difficult decision when he realizes his patient's parents have been drugging their son in an effort to control his supposed ADHD; and Pete's trust issues prevent him from repairing his fragile relationship with Violet.

Première diffusion : 3 novembre 2011

Jamais assez

S5 E7 Jamais assez

Amelia’s drug addiction spins further out of control as she plays hooky from work with a new fling, starts writing pill prescriptions for herself, and has a run-in with the cops; Addison and Jake are at odds when they must make the impossible choice between donating their patient’s organs or saving the life of her healthy, unborn baby; Violet begins working at Seaside Wellness again, and Cooper, Charlotte and Mason begin to form a family bond, much to Erica’s chagrin.

Première diffusion : 10 novembre 2011

Toute dernière fois

S5 E8 Toute dernière fois

The Seaside Wellness group stages an intervention for a defensive and volatile Amelia, who has resurfaced after disappearing on a 12-day drug binge with her boyfriend, Ryan. During the intervention, Amelia mercilessly attacks her friends one-by-one, and Addison, in particular, has trouble seeing her sister-in-law in her present condition.

Première diffusion : 17 novembre 2011

Thérapies de groupe

S5 E9 Thérapies de groupe

Amelia makes the hard decision to enter a rehab facility, and finds strength through an 18 year-old girl, as they both go through the painful detox process. Meanwhile, Cooper’s strengthening bond with his son is tested by his allegiance to a patient in need, Pete and Violet’s marriage reaches a tipping point, and Addison collapses from her rigorous fertility treatments.

Première diffusion : 17 novembre 2011

Avec ou sans toi

S5 E10 Avec ou sans toi

Cooper struggles with whether or not to punish Mason after he catches him stealing; Pete and Violet find it hard to split time with Lucas now that they're living apart; Addison makes changes in her home life to prepare for a potential new baby; Violet and Jake work with two women and a man involved in a polyamorous triad; meanwhile Amelia returns to the practice and realizes how badly she hurt Sheldon when she was abusing drugs.

Première diffusion : 5 janvier 2012


S5 E11 Ruptures

Pete, Violet, Sam et Addison s'adaptent à leur nouvelle vie de célibataires de manières différentes. Addison s'interroge sur l'importance de son désir d'enfant et se confie à Jake.

Première diffusion : 12 janvier 2012

Perdu d'avance

S5 E12 Perdu d'avance

Alors que la vie de Violet s'améliore grâce à Scott, l'auxiliaire médical, Joanna (la femme battue qu'elle avait rencontrée quelques mois auparavant à l'aéroport) fait son apparition ; enceinte et sévèrement maltraitée, son état requiert une assistance médicale urgente. Cooper, Charlotte et Amelia conseillent Erica sur la décision la plus difficile de sa vie. Et Addison et Jake rencontrent des mères porteuses potentielles.

Première diffusion : 19 janvier 2012

Connaitre la suite

S5 E13 Connaitre la suite

Sheldon counsels Sam's friend, Rick, an Army veteran suffering from PTSD who harbors a secret sexual trauma; Erica and Mason are involved in a car accident that forces Cooper and Charlotte to further come to grips with their future; Violet and Pete struggle to navigate life after marriage when he finds her kissing Scott; and Addison and Jake attend a medical conference they won't soon forget.

Première diffusion : 2 février 2012

Ceux qui comptent

S5 E14 Ceux qui comptent

Sam finds his estranged sister, Corinne, in jail, heavily medicated and near-catatonic, and brings her to Sheldon for help; Erica begins secret treatments for her cancer and refuses to let Cooper and Charlotte tell Mason; Cooper, Pete and Addison treat the baby of a drug addict; and things between Violet and Scott continue to heat up in the bedroom.

Première diffusion : 9 février 2012

Cœurs brisés

S5 E15 Cœurs brisés

Cooper and Charlotte take Erica to Seattle Grace to meet with Derek, Lexie and Amelia regarding a very risky surgery; Scott tells Violet that he would like to take their relationship to the next level; and Addison finds herself caught in the middle of Sam and Jake's fight about a patient. Meanwhile, Sheldon warns Sam to be cautious as he deals with the return of his sister, Corinne.

Première diffusion : 16 février 2012


S5 E16 Andromède

Sam tries to take care of his sister, Corinne, but her mental condition makes that nearly impossible; Sheldon learns that Amelia has life-changing news; the flirtation between Addison and Jake continues, and Cooper rejects Charlotte's suggestion to seek outside help with Erica's care.

Première diffusion : 23 février 2012

Décisions difficiles

S5 E17 Décisions difficiles

Sheldon warns Sam that he may be in over his head when he insists on releasing Corinne from the hospital and caring for her at home; a badly beaten Scott arrives at the ER and is placed under the care of Pete; Amelia is encouraged to make a decision about her unborn child; and Jake's daughter grills him on his love life when he visits her at college. Meanwhile, Erica's health takes a turn for the worse.

Première diffusion : 15 mars 2012

Grosse journée

S5 E18 Grosse journée

As Erica's condition worsens, Cooper and Charlotte try to prepare Mason, who's in denial, for the worst; Violet and Pete find that they still have feelings for each other; Addison encourages Amelia to embrace her impending motherhood; and Sheldon and Jake treat a pregnant woman who was jailed for killing her other two children.

Première diffusion : 17 avril 2012

Celui qu'Addisson...

S5 E19 Celui qu'Addisson...

Pete and Violet enter marriage counseling to help patch up their relationship; Amelia shuts down emotionally and avoids her peers upon hearing some devastating news; Addison adjusts to the new man in her life, and Charlotte and Cooper struggle with Mason when he refuses to speak to them. Meanwhile, Violet becomes suspicious of the sister of one of her patients.

Première diffusion : 24 avril 2012

Comme un garçon

S5 E20 Comme un garçon

Addison, Pete and the team treat an illegal immigrant facing deportation who self-induces her pregnancy so that her child will be a U.S. citizen; Cooper and Violet work with a young girl who has gender identity disorder - and with her parents -- and Violet wants to continue therapy with Pete before they begin dating again.

Première diffusion : 1 mai 2012

À la dérive

S5 E21 À la dérive

When a patient's partner and father are heatedly divided on his health care, Pete makes a decision that impacts everyone, including himself; meanwhile, Jake offers strength and experience to Amelia when he suspects she's being tempted to substance abuse, Sheldon and Violet treat a family concerned about the father's new sexual appetite, and as baby Henry draws Addison and Sam closer, they struggle to define their relationship.

Première diffusion : 8 mai 2012

Le bébé licorne

S5 E22 Le bébé licorne

When Amelia goes into labor, the Seaside doctors - even those she pushed away -- come to her side as she faces the hardest decision of her life. Meanwhile, after Pete finds himself in life-changing trouble, he and Violet realize what they mean to one another, and Addison is faced with a choice.

Première diffusion : 15 mai 2012