Saison 2

8 épisodes

(9 h 20 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3

Saison 4

Saison 5

Saison 6

Saison 7

Saison 8

Saison 9

Saison 10

Saison 11

Saison 12

Saison 13

Saison 14

Saison 15

Saison 16

Saison 17

Saison 18

Saison 21

Saison 22

Saison 23

Saison 24

Saison 25

Saison 26

Saison 27

Saison 29

Saison 30


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RHLSTP 10 - Rob Delaney

S2 E1 RHLSTP 10 - Rob Delaney

Twitter sensation and top stand-up Rob Delaney has just landed in the country and has a proper gig to get to, but he's still found an hour to chat about suing Kim Kardashian, crashing his car into a building, Mitt Romney and whether he's ever seen a Big Foot. If you've ever wondered what he'd do if he was a ghost then you're in for a treat. Richard is a bit obsessed with Pukka Pads to be paying proper attention but he has all kinds of emergency questions lined up so there should never be a dull moment! It's back. You know you've missed it!

Première diffusion : 2 octobre 2012

RHLSTP 11 - Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith

S2 E2 RHLSTP 11 - Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith

With the world in shock about the accusations about an ex-BBC employee with long hair and an odd home life who raised money for charity, Richard is keeping his head down, but he is joined by the slightly odd men behind such hits as The League of Gentlemen and Psychoville, Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton. They chat about the unlikely character of Davey from Henry IV part II, what it's like to work with Woody Allen, as well as a RHLSTP exclusive - the name of the duo's next TV project. Find out where the inspiration for Papa Lazarou and the Psychoville Tina Turner tribute act came from, and the ghostly real-life occurrences that Reece has experienced. If you've ever wondered whether this pair would prefer a ham hand or a sun cream armpit then wonder no more. Have they seen a Big Foot? You'll have to listen to find out. Although if you don't have time to listen then the answer is no. This was a lot of fun to be a part of. I think you will like it. Prove me wrong if you dare.

Première diffusion : 9 octobre 2012

RHLSTP 12 - Peter Serafinowicz

S2 E3 RHLSTP 12 - Peter Serafinowicz

Rich and his wife have made the ultimate commitment: they've been through their DVD collections and are getting rid of any duplicates. Some lucky audience member is going to win them all! But before that it's time to talk to the star of The Calcium Kid, Peter Serafinowicz. Fans of Star Wars will be creaming out of their arm pits when they hear his tales of working with George Lucas and having to pay to go the premiere. Astonishing stuff. Rich provides an alternate reading of Darth Maul for the next director's cut. There's talk of zombies and Tony Wilson, Terrance Stamp and Will Arnett and lots of inside gossip about working on US and UK TV. And someone is going to win a copy of East is East. C'mon it doesn't get better than that.

Première diffusion : 16 octobre 2012

RHLSTP 13 - David Mitchell

S2 E4 RHLSTP 13 - David Mitchell

Slightly worse for wear after having lunch with Alice Cooper at the Q Awards, Richard is delighted to welcome a man he thinks might be him from another time stream, David 'Mitch' Mitchell. He's certainly met his match in pedantry and both men accidentally reveal some shocking details about their respective psyches. Never have two men discussed at such length the vagaries of choosing between a ham hand and a sun lotion arm pit. And that is GUARANTEED. The Peep Show stationery cupboard, romantic subterfuge and the Daily Mail readers' internet comments are all up for discussion and we'll find out how an early discussion about Eric Morecambe almost brought the pair to blows. Did Rich really meet some Shreks and a Justin Lee Collins in the street? And what was Tim from The Office like before he became Tim from The Office? Is Richard as bitter and mean as he seems and will he ever get a Googlewhack audience? What's it like to play Aerosmith at table tennis? Will Rich ever forgive his mum for her Brideshead Revisited Alfresco trump? Why don't the audience understand any of Richard's obscure 1980s references? What would you do if God granted you the power of having exactly the same hands as Hermione from Harry Potter? And just how many David Mitchells are there anyway? It's a marathon of a podcast, but there's no cheating and we both stay in it for the whole thing. It'd be nice if there was a happy ending. But there's a slightly unhappy ending. See if you can make it to the ending.

Première diffusion : 23 octobre 2012

RHLSTP 14 - Dave Gorman

S2 E5 RHLSTP 14 - Dave Gorman

The a Shrek joke may have run its course but that won't stop Richard running it into the ground. After all he is in Slytherin even if his hands will always be in Gryffindor. He's joined by the red-nosed presenter and wee-smeller, Dave Gorman and they chat about terrorist attacks, blindfolded boys choosing leaders, psychics and the history of the Mormon church. And they try to get to the bottom of confusing reviews of Dave Gorman, Frankie Boyle, Mick Jagger and Ringo Starr. Essays are welcomed.

Première diffusion : 6 novembre 2012

RHLSTP 15 - Adam Buxton

S2 E6 RHLSTP 15 - Adam Buxton

It's the longest RHLSTP yet with Rich upstaged by his new butler, Siri and worrying about all the libel he has committed to the Internet in the past. But all the unpleasantness is quickly forgotten as the hair-loving, mane-biting star of The Persuasionists, Adam Buxton arrives. He has stories of his disastrous audition for Hitchhiker's Guide, being a bully in a china shop and how to quell a Dutch oven. The two small men swap stories about their funny and embarrassing dads, the humane imprisonment of children and discuss how much information you can get into a half hour TV show. Some new and contrived emergency questions and discover how putting a Tim from The Office in something does not always guarantee success. It's really lovely stuff, but it's loooong! Imagine if you needed a wee.

Première diffusion : 20 novembre 2012

RHLSTP 16 - Russell Howard

S2 E7 RHLSTP 16 - Russell Howard

It's the podcast so funny that it can make you go into labour. Even if you're not pregnant. Maybe one day it will eject a future monarch into the world. Rich is concerned about having his identity stolen the very week that he has bought an embarrassing item on the Internet. But clean-dicked Russell Howard has popped by to discuss the stuff that got cut from Banter, how he learned the facts of life, Badgerline and how he almost lost a thumb (and he didn't even have a ham hand!) There's a special surprise guest and some audience interaction and some quite specific heckle put downs. It's a cornucopia of West Country based comedians with the initials RH and find out the real reason Rich was sacked from Good News and what he nearly stole from Nick Grimshaw. Thanks for listening. The podcast will be back in May 2013.

Première diffusion : 4 décembre 2012