13 épisodes
(13 h)
S2 E1 • If Fish Could Fly
With the Pearl Bay Bridge closed to traffic thanks to storms, An angry customer who lost his work in the Continental Deluxe caravan (when it went into the sea), sues Kevin. In a hilarious court case, Dan gives evidence as to bizarre weather conditions - but his heightened relationship with Laura makes it no easier. Meredith and Harold have discovered Heather Jelly is their daughter - the woman in town they know least about! Their new son-in-law, Bob is not a man Meredith likes. Unfortunately, Heather has left Bob and his life is disintegrating - he has also been asked to resign from the role of shire president Jack is still hanging around, not happy with Laura and Dan's relationship at all. Karen gets drunk at the pub - a sight that Angus has never seen (and doesn't want to see)
Première diffusion : 28 juin 1999
S2 E2 • Vaya Con Dios to all that
A beautiful tax prosecutor (Frontline's Alison Whyte) takes Bob to court but ends up falling all over him, much to Heather's dismay. Jack is back in the kid's lives and Rupert wants to get his parents back together. However, Laura and Dan are growing closer -until Dan suggests travelling the world. Laura doesn't want to , but Dan does and he goes. At about the same time, Rupert runs away and while the town looks for him, Meredith and Heather begin to bond as mother and daughter
Première diffusion : 7 juillet 1999
S2 E3 • Broken Hearts and Crustaceans
With Diver gone, Laura discovers his old mate Max ""Mullet"" Connors has returned to Pearl Bay with his wife and moved in to the boatshed. Laura is distressed at Dan's leaving and disturbing the court - and a stalking case - regularly. Heather reveals to Bob who her parents are but he has bigger problems - Katrina Fennessy has gained his trust and left with the Community Bank's money. Max and Laura instantly bond.
Première diffusion : 11 juillet 1999
S2 E4 • Sink or Swim
Katrina Fennessy is reaping the benefits of Bob's trust, despite the town being against her. Angus and Karen's relationship changes. Rupert tries to find the cause of his parent's dysfunctional relationship. The town tries to find Katrina and Bob guilty of SOMETHING while Heather tries to find out more about Meredith. On a sadder note, Max's wife Elena passes away
Première diffusion : 18 juillet 1999
S2 E5 • Head For Water
While the town wallows in grief, Bob tries to think up a name for the new pool. Angus has lost his sandbar, Max has lost Elena, Carmen has lost her child and Bucket has lost his dog - Alfonso Domenico Jones, the towns main grief. As they learn to deal with what they're facing, the citizens of Pearl Bay clash on right and wrong.
Première diffusion : 25 juillet 1999
S2 E6 • The House That Jack Built
While Max and Laura grow closer, Sergent Gray and Kevin try to catch some giant ""Coconut Crabs"" that are running amok in Pearl Bay. Max's old friend Paula returns to town but their friendship seems to be too close. Heather and Bob go to a marriage counsellor, after worries about their infrequent sex life become too frequent for Bob. Laura and the kids go to see Jack's new house in Port Deakin and the two adults seem to be friends again. However, Trudi is pregnant and news that Jack and Trudi did not break up as early as it seemed sparks anger in Laura
Première diffusion : 1 août 1999
S2 E7 • Looking Forward to the Past
Max has decided to leave Pearl Bay - grief over Elena is too much. Unfortunately, a car accident and real estate troubles means he has to stay. Laura and Jack are continually arguing over Trudi's baby and the town is awaiting the annual Pork Festival. The Pork Festival is on everyone's mind, but Laura has to make Lemon Butter to carry on Dan's reputation - it seems too much for her. Angus' ex-girlfriend Imogen is one of the main participants of the Festival, much to Karen's dismay Laura is asked to judge the bathing suit contest, a rite she finds disgusting.
Première diffusion : 8 août 1999
S2 E8 • Manna From Heaven
In an episode about beliefs, Kevin's guilty conscience comes knocking when he has visions of the Grim Reaper. Laura and Max's relationship becomes a rumour while Angus and Karen are unsure what to do. Meredith's memory is failing her - she can't remember a thing for an entire day! An ex-friend of hers, a practising Buddhist comes to town and has the town intrigued. Jules and Miranda are doing history assignments. Miranda wants to do one on the history of Pearl Bay but Laura wants her to do the boring Gibson family tree. Jules, however, annoys Heather with discussion of family background, causing Bob to question whether he wants to be involved with Harold and Meredith.
Première diffusion : 15 août 1999
S2 E9 • Playing with Fire
A fire-twirler named Felix, and unliked by Laura, is the object of Miranda's affection. Kevin and Phrani try to increase their love life and Laura and Max have dinner - which results in the discovery of how much they have grown to love each other. Heather and Bob have Harold and Meredith over, but are still keeping the news from the town. The male community all express their thoughts of women, while Sergeant Grey wonders about the destruction of the 150 year old community hall. The suspect is Felix but the real vandals however are Rupert and Trevor. As passions ignite and fade, the town will never be the same again
Première diffusion : 22 août 1999
S2 E10 • Not Such Great Expectations
As Laura sits regularly with her tea on the beach waiting for Max, a young boy steals a bicycle and Craig realises something is wrong with a house Bob owns. The relationships between the characters change this episode - Max and Laura are feeling more to each other, and Laura is realising there is another side to Angus. Max and Carmen are making friends and the town seems in a happier mood than when we left them last. Unfortunately, both Craig and Rupert have done bad on their school report. Laura pushes Rupert but Bob seems to have a different thought for Craig. When Max discovers the skeleton of Jim Jelly in the old house, the town's gossip-meter turns up. All the children in the town are contemplating their future - and nothing is as their parents see it. The citizens have come together and must stay together, now more than ever
Première diffusion : 29 août 1999
S2 E11 • Kitty Litter
Harold's estranged wife comes up in court over custody of a cat her and her neighbour share.The ownership of the cat has to be temporarily moved for the case but as people shift the cat, it ends with allergic Max. VERY pregnant Trudi is living with Jack, which means Laura won't allow the kids over there, causing more arguments between the Gibsons. Ultimately, Laura does not resolve her differences, but a very drunk and tired Max falls asleep on Laura's bed.
Première diffusion : 5 septembre 1999
S2 E12 • Other People's Opinions
Speculation about Phrani occurs, when her old ""friend"" arrives in town and stories fly everywhere. Love between Max and Laura and Angus and Karen (along with Phrani and Kevin) are the main factors of the episode while the town learn that they have to live their own lives and not be worried about other people's opinions
Première diffusion : 12 septembre 1999
S2 E13 • Law and Order
Conflicts are overflowing in the town. The courthouse is being closed, Meredith doesn't know what to do, everyone wants to know about Laura and Max and the list goes on. Without warning, the town knows everything. In a revelating meeting, the town's secrets are all brought out. Heather and Meredith tell all and Trudi reveals her baby isn't Jack's. Meredith begins a seige at the courthouse, where the town's residents inside say a gunwomen is holding them hostage. Laura stays in her office thinking it is real while Karen, Angus, Max and a small group of our favourite's sit in the courtroom enjoying a sing-a-long. When the demands are met, the only problem is to get away with it. Karen decides to leave Pearl Bay and travel, much to Angus' dismay. Phrani and Kevin become closer and Bob and Bucket blow up the bridge. The town waits for the aftermath, not sure what it will mean
Première diffusion : 19 septembre 1999