Saison 1

40 épisodes

(4 h 40 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

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Partie de Foot (Off the Baa!)

S1 E1 Partie de Foot (Off the Baa!)

Première diffusion : 5 mars 2007

L'Heure du bain (Bathtime)

S1 E2 L'Heure du bain (Bathtime)

Who likes a freezing bath? Noone! Shaun and pals go commando and do everything they can to have a hot relaxing sheep dip!

Cours de fitness / Un peu d'exercice (Shape up with Shaun)

S1 E3 Cours de fitness / Un peu d'exercice (Shape up with Shaun)

Shirley the Sheep is the biggest sheep on the farm, but Shaun hopes to change that, can you keep up with Shaun?

Timmy / Opération doudou (Timmy in a Tizzy)

S1 E4 Timmy / Opération doudou (Timmy in a Tizzy)

Timmy the little lamb is distraught when the farmer take's his favourite toy, can Shaun and pals get it back?

Mission pommes (Scrumping)

S1 E5 Mission pommes (Scrumping)

Those pesky pigs have taken all the apples, and wont let the sheep have one - they didn't count on Shaun!

Nature morte / Peinture sur l'herbe (Still Life)

S1 E6 Nature morte / Peinture sur l'herbe (Still Life)

The farmer's turned artist, but will Shaun and pals play along?

La chèvre (Mower Mouth)

S1 E7 La chèvre (Mower Mouth)

Goats will eat anything, including the sheep's grass - whilst they look on in horror!

Pizza pour tous / Mission Pizzas ! (Takeaway)

S1 E8 Pizza pour tous / Mission Pizzas ! (Takeaway)

Sheep can't order pizzas, can they? Noone told Shaun and pals, as they strip the scarecrow and head off into town.

Le taureau (Bull)

S1 E9 Le taureau (Bull)

Shaun turns matador when a new addition joins the flock.

La Danse de Shaun / Soirée dansante (Saturday Night Shaun)

S1 E10 La Danse de Shaun / Soirée dansante (Saturday Night Shaun)

It's partytime when Shaun finds the farmer's old records, who knew sheep could boogie down?

Le cerf volant (The Kite)

S1 E11 Le cerf volant (The Kite)

What's more fun than a kite on a windy afternoon? Nothing when Shaun and pals are concerned.

Le film d'horreur (Little Sheep of Horrors)

S1 E12 Le film d'horreur (Little Sheep of Horrors)

Little lambs shouldn't watch scary movies, as Timmy finds out to his cost.

Les abeilles (Buzz off Bees)

S1 E13 Les abeilles (Buzz off Bees)

Something's different around the field, Shaun and the flock decide to investigate.

Jour de tonte (Fleeced)

S1 E14 Jour de tonte (Fleeced)

It's time for a haircut for Shaun and his pals, but is the Farmer really the right man for the job? Not after his first attempt!

L'appareil photo (Shaun Shoots the Sheep)

S1 E15 L'appareil photo (Shaun Shoots the Sheep)

Shaun finds a camera and sets about taking everyone's photos, whether they want it or not. Are there some prima donnas among the flock?

Timmy (l') acrobate (Big Top Timmy)

S1 E16 Timmy (l') acrobate (Big Top Timmy)

Little Lamb Timmy joins the circus tonight, but will he make it in show business?

Va chercher ! (Fetching)

S1 E17 Va chercher ! (Fetching)

With Bitzer head over tails in love with a local lass, can Shaun keep the flock in order?

La taupe (Mountains Out of Molehills)

S1 E18 La taupe (Mountains Out of Molehills)

With the flock in a dancing mood, not even a molehill can spoil their fun... or can it?

Mère poule (Who's the Mummy?)

S1 E19 Mère poule (Who's the Mummy?)

Shaun finds himself out of his depth when newly hatched chicks believe he's their mummy, aw.

Bruits étranges dans la nuit (Things That go Bump)

S1 E20 Bruits étranges dans la nuit (Things That go Bump)

Strange noises are scaring the flock, Shaun goes to investigate...

Abracadabra (Abracadabra)

S1 E21 Abracadabra (Abracadabra)

When the Farmer decides to throw out his magic set, Shaun decides to put on a show - but things get out of hand when the flock start disappearing!

La fête foraine (Sheep on the Loose)

S1 E22 La fête foraine (Sheep on the Loose)

Nearly all the sheep take the bus to the funfair. Shaun and Shirley must convince the Farmer that the flock is out to pasture.

La grande lessive (Washday)

S1 E23 La grande lessive (Washday)

The sheep use the farmer's clotheshorse as a merry-go-round - the garments get dirty and have to be washed before the farmer returns.

Le visiteur de l'espace (The Visitor)

S1 E24 Le visiteur de l'espace (The Visitor)

When a strange space craft crash-lands on the farm, Shaun and co. help its little green occupant get air-borne again.

Shaun le fermier (Shaun the Farmer)

S1 E25 Shaun le fermier (Shaun the Farmer)

The Farmer is sick in bed, so, with Bitzer playing nurse-maid, it's down to Shaun to handle the daily chores around the farm - with disastrous results.

Rage de dents (Tooth Fairy)

S1 E26 Rage de dents (Tooth Fairy)

Bitzer get a terrible tooth pain. Shaun takes the job as dentist but does not succeed. After a successful extraction at the vet Bitzer hope the Tooth Fairy will give him a coin.

Les pieds dans le béton (Bitzer Puts His Foot in It)

S1 E27 Les pieds dans le béton (Bitzer Puts His Foot in It)

The farmer has Bitzer guard some freshly laid concrete - but Shaun and the flock treat it as a Walk of Fame

Le hoquet (Hiccups)

S1 E28 Le hoquet (Hiccups)

Shirley drinks Bitzer's lemonade too fast and gets the hiccups. Shaun tries to help with all the usual tricks, and the usual results.

La piscine (If You Can't Stand the Heat)

S1 E29 La piscine (If You Can't Stand the Heat)

It is a scorching hot day, and the Flock is desperate to cool down in the Sheep Dip. There's only one thing in their way: the sun-bathing Farmer!

Shaun est somnambule(Sheepwalking)

S1 E30 Shaun est somnambule(Sheepwalking)

It is a peaceful night at the farm, until Shaun starts to walk in his sleep. The Flock cannot resist their natural instinct to follow, and chaos soon ensues.

Le sac poubelle (Tidy Up)

S1 E31 Le sac poubelle (Tidy Up)

The sheep's field is in a mess, and the Farmer tells Bitzer to clean it up - but he makes the mistake of getting Shaun and company to help.

La nièce du fermier (The Farmer's Niece)

S1 E32 La nièce du fermier (The Farmer's Niece)

When the Farmer's Niece comes to stay, Shaun and Bitzer soon discover she isn't as cute and adorable as she seems.

Le campeur (Camping Chaos)

S1 E33 Le campeur (Camping Chaos)

An unfriendly camper sets up his tent in the sheep's field. When he goes off exploring, Shaun and the Flock decide to do some exploring of their own.

Le robot-chien (Helping Hound)

S1 E34 Le robot-chien (Helping Hound)

The Farmer decides to get a robotic sheep-dog, but when it turns out to be even stricter than Bitzer, Shaun decides it has to go.

Moutons mécaniciens (Troublesome Tractor)

S1 E35 Moutons mécaniciens (Troublesome Tractor)

The tractor seems to be ready for the scrap heap and the farmer wishes he could afford to buy a new one. So the sheep overhaul it...

Super glue (Stick with Me)

S1 E36 Super glue (Stick with Me)

Bitzer glues the Farmer's broken glasses back together - but when the Flock get their hooves on the tube of glue, things start to get very sticky.

Le détecteur de métaux (Heavy Metal Shaun)

S1 E37 Le détecteur de métaux (Heavy Metal Shaun)

The farmer inspects the lawn with a metal detector. When Shaun and Bitzer try it, they discover a metallic threat behind a hedge.

Ronflements (Snore-Worn Shaun)

S1 E38 Ronflements (Snore-Worn Shaun)

Shirley's snoring is keeping the flock awake, so Shaun decides that the only way to get a peaceful night's sleep is to get her out of the barn.

Petits garnements (Shaun Encounters)

S1 E39 Petits garnements (Shaun Encounters)

Two alien kids land at the farm one night and run riot. Can Shaun and Bitzer stop them before they wake the Farmer?

Le sauvetage de l'arbre (Save the Tree)

S1 E40 Le sauvetage de l'arbre (Save the Tree)

The Farmer wants to turn the tree in Shaun's field into firewood. So the Flock must take desperate measures to stop their beloved tree getting felled.