2 épisodes
(2 h)
S2012 E1 • Children of the Gulag
Under Stalin, hundreds of thousands of children were born in or sent to, the gulags. Children as young as three could be considered dangerous counter-revolutionaries and taken to the wilds of Siberia. Condemned for 'coming from the worst stock', these children were separated from their families, abused, neglected and starved. Over time, more and more babies were born into the hell of the work camps. They grew up never knowing their families or homeland, believing that every child in the world lived the same way.
S2012 E2 • Prisoners of the Afghan Pamir
This documentary captures the life of the last Kyrgyz nomads of the Afghan Pamir. Imprisoned between three borders, they have experienced famine, exile, war and persecution. The only place where they have found security and peace is the hidden depths of Central Asia. Despite the hardships and extremely inhospitable terrain, these people have managed to survive and maintain their traditional way of life against all odds.