Saison 3

26 épisodes

(1 h 18 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3

Saison 4


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Safe Bomb

S3 E1 Safe Bomb

Black Spy sneaks into White Spy's safe to find out his plans, but the plans turn out to be for a bomb that turns out to be the safe itself and Black Spy is blown up. You did it again, White Spy!

Première diffusion : 28 mai 2012

Shooting Island

S3 E2 Shooting Island

Black Spy is flying his helicopter and fires at White Spy, who seems to be on a desert island, but the island turns out to be another helicopter, even bigger than Black Spy's. White Spy blows up his rival with a big cannon. KA-BOOM!

Première diffusion : 4 juin 2012

Bowling Alley

S3 E3 Bowling Alley

Black Spy glues a bowling ball bomb to White Spy's hand, but when White Spy throws the ball and comes out from the ball release right next to Black Spy, both spies are blown up resulting in their first draw/tie. Better luck next time, spies!

Première diffusion : 11 juin 2012

White Spy's Hit Movie

S3 E4 White Spy's Hit Movie

Black Spy is envious of White Spy's hit movie. Meanwhile, after the movie ends, White Spy puts his hands in cement to make a handprint. Unfortunately, he gets stuck. Suddenly, Black Spy comes around the corner with a steamroller and made White Spy flat as a pancake.

Première diffusion : 18 juin 2012

Robot vs. Ape

S3 E5 Robot vs. Ape

Black Spy uses a giant gorilla to destroy White Spy's hometown and kidnap White Spy. White Spy sends in a giant robot to confront it and Black Spy surrenders. So, White Spy makes his robot offer a truce, but lucky for Black Spy, the resulting handshake between the two giants crushes White Spy.

Première diffusion : 25 juin 2012

Bomb Snowman

S3 E6 Bomb Snowman

Black Spy tries to sneak a bomb onto the top of White Spy's snowman while he gets a carrot for it, but Black Spy discovers that the snowman itself is made of bombs and is blown up. White Spy exits the house, snacks on a carrot, and chuckles in victory.

Première diffusion : 23 juillet 2012

Pole Vaulting

S3 E7 Pole Vaulting

White Spy sneaks a bomb into the ground of Black Spy's pole vault, but when Black Spy is exploded into the air, he impales White Spy with the sharp end of his pole.

Première diffusion : 30 juillet 2012

Treadmill Jog

S3 E8 Treadmill Jog

White Spy's treadmill jog is interrupted when Black Spy ties a dog at the end of the back forcing White Spy to accelerate so fast that he slams into barbells when Black Spy unplugs the treadmill.

Première diffusion : 6 août 2012


S3 E9 Avengers

After White Spy and Black Spy had a night of seeing the Avengers, White Spy's attempt to smash Black Spy with his hammer is disrupted by a surge of electricity caused by Black Spy's shield hitting a power switch and White Spy is electrocuted. Shocking, isn't it?

Première diffusion : 13 septembre 2012

Lightsaber Duel: Part 1

S3 E10 Lightsaber Duel: Part 1

When White Spy tries to steal Black Spy's secret plans, he and Black Spy engage in a lightsaber duel. White Spy uses the force to grab Black Spy's weapon, but with the push of a button, Black Spy's weapon impales White Spy from another direction.

Première diffusion : 20 septembre 2012

Black Spy and the DeLorean Time Machine

S3 E11 Black Spy and the DeLorean Time Machine

Black Spy alters time with the DeLorean time machine, from the Back to the Future trilogy, to turn himself into a dinosaur and eat White Spy alive after he wins a race. Scary!

Première diffusion : 27 septembre 2012

Paper Airplane Chase

S3 E12 Paper Airplane Chase

Black Spy breaks into White Spy's HQ to take White Spy's secret plans, but White Spy folds them into a paper airplane and tosses them out of the window, and Black Spy chases after them until a gun pokes out from beneath the airplane and shoots him. Welcome back, White Spy!

Première diffusion : 4 octobre 2012

Cow Disguise

S3 E13 Cow Disguise

Black Spy breaks into White Spy's weapons testing facility with a giant tank. He completely destroys the building and thinks he has won. However, on the other side of the destroyed building, a cow opens up its udder to reveal a machine gun! Black Spy screams in terror and he and his tank are shot to smithereens. White Spy pops out of the cow disguise and gives the sign for victory.

Première diffusion : 11 octobre 2012

Birthday Cake

S3 E14 Birthday Cake

Today is White Spy's birthday and he gets a birthday present from Black Spy, but considering that Black Spy is his rival, White Spy doesn't know if it's a trap or a cake. So, he uses an X-ray screen to look in the box and sees that it's, indeed, a cake. White Spy lights the candles and waves to Black Spy, who is outside his window. Suddenly, Black Spy launches a heat seeking missle (which is attracted by the candle flames) and blows up White Spy.

Première diffusion : 18 octobre 2012


S3 E15 Halloween

When Black Spy trick-or-treats at White Spy's house, White Spy tries to sneak a stick of dynamite into Black Spy's bag, but Black Spy's bag contains a bear trap and the stick gets stuck to White Spy's hand, blowing him to smithereens. Happy Halloween, spies!

Première diffusion : 25 octobre 2012

Spies in Space

S3 E16 Spies in Space

White Spy is in outer space, but he's not alone, because Black Spy has hitched a ride and disconnects White Spy's air line, thinking White Spy will run out of air. But instead, the ship itself runs out of air, spins out of control, and smashes into an asteroid, with Black Spy on board. White Spy connects the air supply to his suit and chuckles in victory.

Première diffusion : 1 novembre 2012

Mad Men

S3 E17 Mad Men

White Spy shoots at Black Spy and he falls out of a window in the style of the Mad Men opening title sequence (notice that they used the MAD logo and the MAD segments from the previous and present seasons as well). White Spy continues to shoot at Black Spy thinking it will kill him, but Black Spy falls on White Spy instead and gives the victory sign. Looks like White Spy "fell" for this one!

Première diffusion : 8 novembre 2012

Pilgrim vs. Indian: Part 1

S3 E18 Pilgrim vs. Indian: Part 1

Black Spy (as a pilgrim) guards his precious Spy Flower (spoof of the May Flower) ever so carefully. Then, White Spy (as an indian) appears and tosses an axe at Black Spy and misses. Or does it? The axe cuts a rope holding up Plymouth Rock and Black Spy is crushed by the rock. White Spy gives the victory chuckle and chows down on a turkey leg. Happy Thanksgiving, spies!

Première diffusion : 15 novembre 2012


S3 E19 Spider-Spies

White Spy and Black Spy come back from seeing Spider-Man. Then, both spies had an idea, they invent their weapons based on the movie. Black Spy uses a spray canister to shoot a spider web at White Spy. However, White Spy counters Black Spy with a boot from his canister and crushes him with it.

Première diffusion : 29 novembre 2012


S3 E20 Fireplace

White Spy takes a stick of dynamite from Black Spy's stocking and replaces it with a lump of coal and hides in his chimney. When Black Spy appears, he looks in his stocking and finds the coal in it. So, he lights a fire and throws the coal in it, causing the flames to grow bigger and bigger and it ignites the dynamite, blowing up White Spy. Merry Christmas again, spies!

Première diffusion : 6 décembre 2012

Retina Scanner

S3 E21 Retina Scanner

White Spy secretly watches Black Spy scanning his eyes and entering the safe door. So, he goes next and uses special Black Spy contact lens to scan them and open the safe door, but the plan backfires as a blast comes out of the scanner and White Spy is blown to shreds. Black Spy gives the victory chuckle.

Première diffusion : 21 janvier 2013

Picnic Trap

S3 E22 Picnic Trap

White Spy sets up a picnic for Black Spy, placing a beehive inside a cake. Black Spy has been spying on him, however, and pushes the cake full of bees aside. As Black Spy steps on the blanket, it gives way underneath him, for a pit was dug underneath it. White Spy then comes along and pushes the cake full of bees into the pit. The angry bees attack Black Spy and White Spy chuckles in victory.

Première diffusion : 28 janvier 2013

Black Spy's Mailbox

S3 E23 Black Spy's Mailbox

White Spy's attempt to steal Black Spy's top secret plans from out of his mailbox literally gets "out of hand" when the mailbox handle chops White Spy's arm off, causing him to faint. Black Spy pops out from the sewer hole afterwards and chuckles in victory.

Première diffusion : 4 février 2013


S3 E24 Elevator

White Spy delivers a bomb to Black Spy's HQ via elevator, but unknown to White Spy, Black Spy modifies the buttons so that White Spy cannot go down and White Spy is stuck on the same floor with his own weapon and is blown to bits. Black Spy then parachutes down to safety from the floor and gives the victory sign. Surprise, surprise!

Première diffusion : 18 février 2013


S3 E25 Moon

Black Spy's plan to claim the moon literally blows up right in his face when White Spy uses his rocket disguised as a missile to blow up Black Spy (and the part of the moon he is standing on). The moon then becomes a crescent moon that White Spy gives the victory chuckle on.

Première diffusion : 25 février 2013

James Bond

S3 E26 James Bond

Black Spy (as James Bond) shoots the iris. The iris turns out to be binoculars that White Spy was looking through thinking that he could see his future and he faints. Black Spy takes the money from White Spy and gives the victory sign.

Première diffusion : 4 mars 2013